The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2185 Eight Vajra Tianzhu Blood

In the two collisions, the young man did not have the slightest advantage, but was crushed by Long Fei and knelt on the ground.

it's an insult o

he has to wash o

Wash with blood!


The young man moved his finger and released a drop of Blood Essence, "Tianzu Blood Essence!"

A drop of pure Blood Essence floats in front of him

turn o

As soon as Blood Essence fell, it entered between his eyebrows, and a mark appeared on the eyebrows. The mark was a kind of beast, a beast that Long Fei had never seen before.

in this moment o

A golden phantom flashed between his eyebrows, and the beast roared.

turn o

The strength of the young man's whole body is even more explosive.

The look also looks ferocious.

He also has ancient heritage o

All disciples of the Heavenly Clan's bloodline will have ancient inheritance.

Celestial Clan holds almost all ancient inheritances o

Long Fei felt the sudden change in the power of the young man, and his expression sank.

Although he was in a state of berserk, his mind was still clear. The young man's actions just now were the Blood Essence he used to stimulate**o

Stimulate the power of ancient heritage with Blood Essenceo

Unleash the power of ancient inheritance more powerfully

A drop of Blood Essenceo

It was as if the young man had changed into another person. At first, Long Fei's breath could be slightly crushed, but after this, the breath on his body turned into a one-sided trend, and he couldn't resist it at all.

The young man smiled coldly: "Let me tell you, what is the power of ancient inheritance?"

The voice falls o

the figure disappears

Long Fei's eyes were startled, "Too fast!"

Can't keep up!

His current state of runaway can't keep up at all.

lightning flash o


Long Fei's phantom shook violently, and a phantom arm flew out directly. The moment he left Long Fei's body, the phantom arm quickly disappeared into the void.

Although it was only a phantom, Long Fei felt severe pain.

It's like own arm is torn

one move……

Long Fei feels that he is not an opponent

The figure of the young man appeared, and coldly said with a smile: "I am arrogant with me? You are also worthy of it? What qualifications do you have to yell at me, the trash of the lower plane?"


The huge force madly crushed the Long Fei phantom.

The pain of the broken arm made him phantom twitch and tremble o

In this case, Long Fei's strength is not an opponent.

"Blood Essence stimulates**?"

"You have!"

"Daddy has it too!"

Long Fei's phantom was shocked, and suddenly... he realized a very serious problem. He is just a phantom now, and he doesn't even have a physical body.

Where did Blood Essence come from?

The young man was also laughing and said, "Yes, it is indeed Blood Essence that stimulates **, and can make the power of ancient inheritance stronger. You do have a power of ancient inheritance in you, but...what about your Blood Essence? You don't even have a body now, where did you come from Blood Essence?"



Laugh wildly!

Blood Essence comes from the flesh, Blood Essence does not even come from the flesh?

On the other side is the broken Seven Luminaries Blood Prison. In the blood prison, Long Fei's body has been crushed.

There is o in blood,

But that blood is useless at all

What he needs is Blood Essenceo

Long Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was secretly surprised, "Blood Essence, Blood Essence..."

Even Blood Essence is useless

His body is gone, where did the Blood Essence drip?

The dragon-shaped imprint is on his body. The body is the source of power, and he does not even have a physical body. How can he stimulate the power in the dragon-shaped imprint?


"Trash, are you stupid?" The young man laughed wildly, "You're left with a broken phantom. Once your phantom dies, even if you have the power to reach the sky, you won't be able to recover it."

"waste o"


"The power in you doesn't belong to you in the first place. It belongs to our Heavenly Clan. Now give it back to me." The young man moved again.

The figure disappears again

Still can't see clearly, the speed is too fast, can't keep up with o


At this moment, in the eight directions of the battle for hegemony, eight beams of light suddenly rose into the sky, linking up in an instant, forming an Eight Trigrams shape.

At the same time o

Li Yuanba's voice roared, "Boss, we have Blood Essence!"

It doesn't matter whether Long Fei agrees or not.

A drop of Blood Essence floated from each of the eight Vajra, and then floated into the void, rushing into Long Fei's body one by one.


"Blood Essence!"


"Blood Essence!"


"God Armor Blood Essence!"


A streak of pure blood Essence power o

The Eight Vajra, the eight pillars in the ancient world, their power is different from the ancient inheritance, but it is the same power as the ancient inheritance.

extremely powerful o

At the moment when Eight Vajra's Blood Essence entered Long Fei's body, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

System beep!

Long Fei's heart froze

"The system is still there?"

He thought that the system was just hidden in his body, and when the body was destroyed, the system also broke and disappeared.


The system is actually in his shadow o

That is to say, the system is not as simple as a smart chip, nor can it be explained by ordinary technology.

It's even more mysterious

It was even more beyond Long Fei's expectations.

However, these are not things to consider now o


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for injecting 'Eight Vajra Bloodlines' into his body!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei', the eight Vajra blood vessels in his body stimulate the soul and stimulate 'soul blood'!"


"System prompt: Do you want to release soul blood?"

"Soul blood?"

"Blood of the soul? Blood of the soul?" Long Fei asked himself a few words, but the system did not respond, because... the system would not give you any explanation.

For soul blood, the system has no description at all.

but o

According to Long Fei's inference, it is like Blood Essence in the flesh.

It should be used to stimulate the power in the body, the power inherited from ancient times.


Long Fei wondered if it would have the same sequelae under its stimulation.

"I can't handle that much anymore!" Long Fei roared angrily.

The young man looked at the eight pillars of light and sneered: "You eight wastes are not dead yet? With your current Cultivation Base, you can't release the power of Tianzhu at all, even if you give your Tianzhu blood to Long Fei, it will be of no use at all. o”

"Waste is destined to be waste o"

"It can't be changed!"


he doesn't care at all

No matter how powerful the Eight Heavenly Pillars are or how high Talent is, it is useless for this kind of low-level plane, because cultivation can't get the fur of the power of the Heavenly Pillars, and this kind of power is useless in the world of Hongmeng.

The Eight Heavenly Pillars, the guardians of Long Fei

It can't be said that they are guardians yet

In the eyes of men, they are just eight wastes.


The man's face suddenly darkened

Turning his eyes, he stared at Long Fei's phantom.

Long Fei grinned gloomily and said, "Just play bigger!"

"Ten drops of soul blood!"

"Power, open!"

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