The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2186 Violent, Immortal!

Eight Vajra bloodline for the lead o

Stimulate the 'soul blood' in Long Fei's body

The power of this 'blood' is much higher than the average Blood Essenceo

and o

Long Fei is a lunatic

You must Blood Essence stimulate the power of ancient inheritance?

Daddy ten drops of soul blood!

His physical body has been destroyed, and his phantom has fallen into a rampant state, and it will not be long before he will die.

Before he dies, he will do everything!


Long Fei stimulated ten drops of soul blood without hesitation.

With a movement of soul blood, it surrounds the whole body of Zailongfei's phantom.

The young man's face sank, "Impossible, absolutely impossible... You can't even bear the stimulation of Blood Essence, it's impossible to stimulate the blood of the soul."

face change o

Others don't know, but as a Celestial Clan, he knows very well what soul blood means.

Only those who cultivate the ancient heritage to the limit can stimulate the soul blood, but Long Fei doesn't even know what the ancient heritage power in his body is, and has never cultivated anything at all. How did he stimulate the soul blood?

Besides o

Men also know how strong the power of soul blood is.

His lips were dry, his face became ugly, "Impossible, you can't cultivate soul blood, absolutely impossible o"


A drop of Blood Essence fell, not on his right arm, but on his neck like a mark, like a comma o


Another drop of Blood Essence fell,

The same is true, like a comma branded on Long Fei's neck o




All the ten drops of soul blood fell, and they circled around Long Fei's neck. At the same time, the ten drops of soul blood were linked together, like a necklace branded on his neck.

This picture...

Long Fei feels familiar


"Naruto in Naruto seems to have this comma-like mark o"





Long Fei's body roared with incomparable power, and the ten soul blood began to frantically stimulate the super power in his body.


These forces impact the body, which is indescribably comfortable.

Really hold it in the hand

Infinitely huge!

The young man's face changed even more. He had seen the imprint of soul blood. It was the same way that Long Fei released it. Now it seems that the Blood Essence released by Long Fei is really soul blood.

There was a fear in his mind, "Mad, you are a fucking lunatic o"

The powerhouse he saw released only a drop of soul blood, but Long Fei... released a string directly.

Ten drops of soul blood are branded on the neck o

The power of soul blood began to burst out madly o

The hegemonic plane is trembling o

The whole 100,000 planes are shaking o

Make a sound of "shen yin" o

This low-level plane simply can't bear the power of soul blood on Long Fei.


A loud bang exploded

Hongtu's body sank, "The law, the law, the law's power has broken o"

He is the main god of 100,000 planes

He controls all the laws and powers of the 100,000 planes. In the moment just now, Long Fei's power shattered a law in the 100,000 planes.

he can't control o

then o



A series of sounds burst out o

One after another, the power of the law collapsed, and it was crushed by the power released by Long Fei.

law collapse o

The 100,000 planes began to appear in chaos o

Hong Tu's face became paler and paler.

If all the power of the law collapses, then he, the Lord God, will become an empty shelf.

Before the battle for hegemony is over, his position as the main god has disappeared o

Even if he wins and the laws completely collapse, he can't control o

Hong Tu looked at the young man and said, "Sir..."

The young man's eyes sank, and he glared at Hong Tu.

Hong Tu didn't dare to make any more sound.

The young man stared at Long Fei, and at this moment... Dozens of drops of Blood Essence floated above his hands, rushing into the marks between his eyebrows one after another.




The power in his body also began to increase frantically.

"What if you released soul blood? You don't even know what the ancient inheritance power is in your own body, how can you control it?"

"And... once your weak phantom is released, you can't bear the after-effects at all."

"No matter what happens today, you can't escape death." The young man has a thick gas shield on his body, and he has only one thing to do now.


As long as it is delayed until the outbreak of Long Fei's sequelae, Long Fei will die himself.

and o

At that time, he will still be able to absorb the ancient inheritance power in Long Fei's body!

He is still the Ying Family!

Long Fei gave a gloomy laugh and said, "Even if you cannot escape death, you will die first!"

move o

Soul blood power burst o

the figure disappears

All of a sudden... the young man is stunned

He is just like Long Fei just now, he can't see Long Fei's speed at all, and he can't sense Long Fei's existence. This is because Long Fei's speed is too fast.

So close that he can't imagine o

Even if he unleashes dozens of drops of Blood Essence, he can't keep up.

The power of soul blood is much stronger than the power of Blood Essence o


A loud bang exploded

Defence on young man cracked o

His whole person was like a dead dog. He was directly crushed and kneeled on the ground. The ground sank, and the radius of tens of thousands of kilometers followed. There were dense cracks all around.

hegemony battlefield giant shock o

Many people in the main temple army were directly killed by the shock.

Primordial Soul Sacred Bead is still absorbing o

kneel down again

The young man had blood hanging from the corners of his mouth, his hair was scattered in a bun, and his robe was even more tattered, making him extremely embarrassed.


Don't wait for him to finish o

Long Fei slapped it down fiercely.


The young man was directly overturned and fell into the air, the pressure on Long Fei sank again, and once again crushed the young man to his knees on the ground.

Long Fei roared and said, "Now, who the fuck is trash?"


blood spray o

The man was abused by Long Fei

I don't have the energy to resist at all.

"The Celestial Clan is amazing?"

"Very arrogant?"

"Let's show Daddy Niubi again?" Long Fei was madly tyrannical, venting frantically.


No matter how he crushed it, the blood tank on the top of the young man's head never changed much, and it never decreased.

The blood volume will not decrease, which means that the o cannot be killed


Long Fei obviously finished his abuse, but he can't.

What went wrong?



The young man laughed wildly again and said, "Do you feel powerless?"

"Do you think why you are so powerful that you can't kill me?"


"Waste thing, you are still far away!"

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