The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2194 Come To Kill

God damn it

Go straight to Tenth Stage!

And it was under the eyelids of the Celestial Clan powerhouses.

How crazy is this?

Tiangong vibration o

Similarly, the entire Hongmeng world was slightly shaken.

Countless powerhouses wait and see in the void

"It's crazy o"

"Who is this?"

"Could someone with such power be someone from an ancient family?"

"Even people from ancient families would not dare to challenge the Celestial Clan."

"I have to admire his courage, of course...he's going to be a dead man in no time"



Tianzu is too strong o

Standing in the great world of Hongmeng for hundreds of millions of years, and controlling all the inheritance forces in the ancient world o

can say o

Tianzu is Supremeo in Hongmeng World

unshakable presence

In the great world of Hongmeng, Tianzu represents Tiano

Against God?

It didn't end well!

Long Fei's brave, fearless, arrogant and crazy actions did not attract much admiration, instead, they were ridiculed and ridiculed.

Of course o

Long Fei doesn't care at all

In his words, so many people despise me, how old are you?


Before the Heaven Guards could fall, Long Fei stepped on the Fifth Stage again. Looking up at the Tenth Stage gate, Long Fei let out a roar, "Ah..."

"The Celestial Clan is amazing, isn't it?"

"Daddy killed you idiots today!"


The speed is not reduced, rushing out o

also at this time




One after another golden light fell, directly blocking Long Fei's path. They were like the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals in the movie world, all of them mighty and extraordinary.

The power in the body is even more unshakable.


Very strong!

I don't know how many times stronger than the young man at the beginning

A Tianwei leader pointed at the spear and shouted, "Kill!"

Sixteen Tianwei beheaded and rushed up.

golden light coercion o

The spears attacked, and the power released by the sixteen spears formed a net of power, and you had nowhere to hide.

Long Fei never thought of hiding.

There is no word for 'hide' in his dictionary!

The figure moves o

The power of the mad god combined with the power of soul blood exploded, "Give me death!"

A scarlet light wave burst out from the body, forming a full moon slash.

Without waiting for the spears of the heavenly guards to fall, their bodies were directly cut into two pieces, and they were instantly killed!

Long Fei didn't even look at them.

Another punch!


The Sixth Stage


extremely crazy o

The sixteen Heavenly Guards were instantly killed, without even taking a second glance.

What power is this?

Not to mention those powerhouses who are watching in the void, even those who are aloof and invincible, the Heavenly Clan powerhouses are shocked and their eyebrows are locked.


Many people were shocked and speechless.

tianguard warrior o

The patrolling soldiers of the Tiangong, although they do not have the blood of the Tianzu, but they are all extremely strong in the great world of Hongmeng.

Possesses immense power

The golden light defense on them is an existence that cannot be broken.

Putting it anywhere is dominance level o


Such a powerful Tianwei warrior was instantly killed by Long Fei.

and o

This is a force to kill 16 Heavenly Guard warriors in seconds.

How fierce is this?

How sharp is this?

Long Fei's power is suffocating!

too fierce o

"What kind of power was that just now?"

"It's definitely not just the power of soul blood, but there are other powers. What kind of power is it? Is it the power of ancient inheritance?"

"Sixteen Heavenly Guards were instantly killed, this power..."

"Are you sure it's the baby from the Dragon Mansion?"


There is some panic on the platform

Long Fei's power is too strong o

Of course o

The Celestial Clan powerhouses who did not fall in the sky just looked slightly startled, and did not panic like the ones below.

They are also thinking

A white-bearded ancestor asked lightly, "Junior brother, have you ever seen this power?"

An old man in the distance shook his head and said, "I have experienced three thousand calamities in the ancient world, and I have never encountered such a power."

"That's weird o"

"It stands to reason that the ancient world is the center of the Hongmeng world, and it is also the place where the Hongmeng world is born. The origin of all power comes from o"

"How can a power that has never appeared in the ancient world appear in a lower plane?"

At this time, the apprentice brother said, "Senior apprentice, why don't I go up and try?"

this time o

A Celestial Clan disciple stepped forward and knelt down and said, "Two ancestors, the disciple is willing to go to o"

The white-bearded ancestor glanced at the young disciple and said lightly, "Okay!"

immediately o

With a flick of his index finger, a ray of light enveloped him, and said, "This is a protective power that can keep you from dying, go!"

The young disciple was pleasantly surprised, and immediately thanked him: "Thank you, ancestor."

turn o

He flew directly down the God Punishment Platform and roared, "The trash of the lower planes, take your life..."

Also at this moment

Long Fei roared again, resisting all the crushing, force shocks, and forcibly broke through the Seventh Stage.



Hit it!

Without waiting for the young disciple to fall, he was directly torn apart by the strength of Long Fei's body, and the blood spread.

Another spike!

And it was killed in seconds with the protective power released by an ancestor.

This time more people are shocked


"Absolutely crazy!"

There was even more shock on the platform

"Do you want to ask Emperor Xuan?"

"Is the power of a phantom so powerful?"

"Who is it?"

"There is no way that there is such a strong person in the Dragon House"


The white-bearded ancestor was still very calm, without any panic, just squinted his eyes slightly.

"Senior brother, do you see any clues?"

Others don't know, but he knows very well

The power just now is not a protective power, but another kind of power. The moment you touch it, you can immediately feel the attributes of the power.

The white-bearded ancestor pondered for a moment and said lightly: "I have never encountered it before, but... this kind of power aura is a bit like the power of the soul world, but it is not all o"


"What is certain is that this power is extremely powerful."

he has never seen

This is a new force

Of course o

How could he possibly have seen the power of the mad god bred by the Soul Soul Sacred Orb and the system?


at this time o

The Eighth Stage was broken by Long Fei

just o

His phantom began to shrink, and his strength was obviously unable to support it.

Not only the power of soul blood, the power of mad god is also weakening

Looking at the last two layers of heaven, Long Fei clenched his fists tightly, and the strength of his whole body began to burn wildly, "Rush again!!!"

Never die, never stop!

also at this time

There was even more panic on the platform

"He's still rushing!"

"Still rushing..."

The white-bearded ancestor was slightly angry, and shouted, "Why panic? We are the Celestial Clan, how can we be shocked by a mortal from a small inferior plane?"

"Go all down, stop him o"


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