The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2195 Who Else? Last First Stage Day

Long Fei had Jojo's Blood Essenceo in his body

There have also been eight Vajra's Blood Essenceo

Now they're all gone


Long Fei is going to take their Blood Essence to the top of the world, crush everything with their Blood Essence, and trample those Heavenly Clan dogs under their feet.

people live forever o

If you don't go crazy once, how can you call it life?

This is Long Fei's last madness!

Kill the Tenth Stage!

"It's still two days away!"

"Qiao Qiao, Yuanba, Tianling, Aoya... I will show you the sunrise in another world." Long Fei's heart tightened, and he kept hitting the Ninth Stage.

On the Ninth Stage, the power surged from all directions o

crazy crush o

Long Fei felt incomparably great pain, but he did not frown.

Still continuing to exert force, impact!

"Tenth Stage, daddy must break through!"

"I will definitely let you see the sunrise in another world, definitely!"

Long Fei roared in his heart

roaring madly

Shock, shock, shock again o

The powerhouses in the void are all dumbfounded.

"The Eighth Stage, the first person ever"

"Who is he?"

"Which plane is he from?"

"It can't be a lower plane, right? It's definitely a strong person in an ancient family, but... what's the problem? You want to rush to the platform of God?"

"The two groups of people were instantly killed. If this kind of power is really ancient power, I am afraid that the Celestial Clan will be in trouble."


"Hehe... You don't even know how strong the Celestial Clan is. Didn't you find that the Celestial Clan powerhouses on the God-Execution Platform didn't even move at all?"

"If they make a move, that person will die immediately. I'm afraid they want to know what power is so rampant."


There is a lot of discussion in the void

another place o

In The Underworld

Long Zhanting looked up at the void, the corners of his eyes moist.

He clenched his fists tightly, his nails sank into his flesh, and blood dripped from his fingers, drop by drop, as if he couldn't feel the pain.

No pain can compare to his heartache o


Long Zhanting gritted his teeth and said it tightly.

Seeing his son like this, his heart was torn apart, and what was even more painful was that he couldn't do anything o

The pain of a father watching his son suffer and doing nothing is unparalleled o


the other side of the void

So is a stunningly beautiful woman

just o

She burst into tears and burst into tears


Dragon House o

Many strong people looked up at the sky, their expressions were a little shocked, and some people were indifferent, looking at everything that happened under the god-slaying platform, most people felt it was a pity.

The current dragon master, Long Wutian, was angry and full of anger, "Stupid, extremely stupid!"

"Dragon Palace spends such a huge price to pin its hopes on you, but you don't know how to cherish it. You dare to fight against the Celestial Clan without even the power of ancient inheritance is fully activated. It is extremely stupid!"

“So disappointing o”

There is endless anger in the voice

make him extremely disappointed

no regrets

No matter how much Longfu spends to cultivate Long Fei, then... Long Fei is just a chess piece in Long Wutian's eyes, a chess piece that makes Longfu rise.

When I got the ancient inheritance back then, it was because everyone could not cultivate that I thought of sealing the inheritance on the newly born Long Fei.

Let him grow up with the ancient heritage o

So slowly turn on o


The ancient inheritance on him has not been fully inspired until now, and no one knows what it is.

Under this circumstance, Long Fei acted impatiently and directly fought with the Tianzu.

there will only be one result o


Long Wutian was furious, if Long Fei was present, he would give Long Fei a slap in the face.

immediately o

Long Wutian's face was shocked, and he said gloomily: "Don't count on him, he is already a dead person, and spent so much to cultivate and give him ancient inheritance, but in the end..."


"Someone has to bear the consequences for this matter o"

"Come on!"

"Pass my order to summon Long Zhanting back. If he hadn't insisted on letting his son enter the lower plane, this kind of thing would not have happened."

"Their husband and wife have inescapable responsibilities o"

Several old men hesitated, but finally stopped o

"Lord Dragon, what if he doesn't come back?"

Long Wutian's eyes sank and said: "If he dares not to come back, then he will be sentenced to deceive his master and destroy his ancestors, and he will never be allowed to step into the gate of Longfu."

Bullying the teacher and destroying the ancestors?

This sin is not an ordinary big o

The whole Great Hall is slightly o

Many people's faces darkened

The old man said: "Yes, I will do it immediately!"

"In addition, send someone to Mu's house and ask them to hand over Mu Wan'er, this is what their husband and wife did, and they must bear it" Long Wutian said fiercely.




Ninth Stage Day, Rupture!

Long Fei took a step forward.

Ninth Stage days

One step away from Tenth Stage

Long Fei said slowly in his heart: "First Stage is still a day away, Qiao Qiao, Eight Vajra is about to arrive o"

Also at the moment when Long Fei broke through the Ninth Stage

The surrounding void moved, and the buzzing sound exploded, and dozens of Celestial Clan Elders and disciples fell in unison.

Eyes kill o

They are full of fierce and incomparable power.

These people all have the blood of the Celestial Clan o

He has that undead defense on his body, just like the one on young men.

"Waste thing, stop..."

Don't wait for him to finish o

Long Fei's illusory eyes glared, his body moved, and he suddenly landed in front of the Celestial Clan disciple, grabbed his throat, lifted it into the air, and slammed it heavily on the ground.


cracked ground

The Heavenly Clan bloodline on that Heavenly Clan disciple was directly smashed to pieces.

The long blood trough on the top of the head also bottomed out instantly.


Extremely domineering!

Long Fei murmured to himself: "Today, I will take you all to kill and kill all these Celestial Clan dogs!"

immediately o

Long Fei roared, "Come on!"

"Who the fuck says 'trash' again! Try it!"

Although it is only a phantom, the fierce and domineering burst of Long Fei crushes everything, even these Celestial Clan powerhouses are crushed by the same.

The white-bearded ancestor shouted: "Kill!"

Dozens of Celestial Clan powerhouses rushed together

All the power of Long Fei is used to attack, without any defense o

Crazy slaughter, every time a shot is made, a strong person from the Celestial Clan falls.

at the same time……

The power in him is also depleting madly

One person fights sixty or seventy Celestial Clan powerhouses alone, and it is a one-sided trend.

Although Long Fei was also seriously injured o

But the more he killed, the more mad he saw blood.




...the strongest upgrade system:

One after another, the powerhouses of the Celestial Clan fell, o

Sixty or seventy Celestial Clan experts fell to the ground dead and injured in just a few minutes, and no one could stand up.

Long Fei raised his head and roared, "Who else?"

Also at this moment

With a dash of the body, it slammed away towards the last First Stage...

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