The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2904 I Don't Allow Such An Awesome Person To Exist

late at night.

"just you?"

"Su Wantu, are you also worthy of fighting me?"



Tian Gongzi gave a contemptuous sneer, and stepped on the dying Su Wantu under his feet.

Just not long ago.

There was a big battle here, but it couldn't actually be called a big battle, because the battle lasted less than three minutes, and in those three minutes, Su Wantu, the number one powerhouse in the Eastern Imperial City, was severely ravaged.

It can be said that there is no backhand!

It is also the emperor Realm, but the strength of Tian Gongzi is much stronger than that of Su Wantu.

Su Wantu said solemnly, "Master Tian, ​​please let my daughter go."

"Let go of your daughter?" Tian Gongzi's mouth twitched, and coldly smiled, "Hahaha...don't worry, I won't let her die, she will never die."

"None of the women I fancy can escape. If there is, it will be dead."

With a trembling voice, Su Wantu said, "Let her go, she is still a child, I beg you."

"I can give you everything I have, please let her go."

Thinking of Su Su's pain and struggle in his mind, Su Wantu's heart was unspeakably uncomfortable.

He blamed himself for his decision to own.

He himself didn't expect it to become like this, and he didn't expect that Tian Gongzi would be such a person who never breaks his hands.


He now also thinks that the reason why Donghuangcheng has become like this must be the devil behind the emperor. was too late to know everything.

Son of Heaven possessed and stared at Su Wantu and said, "I can let her go and swallow this Medicine Pill."

Take out a purple Medicine Pill.

This Medicine Pill is not a normal Medicine Pill at first glance.

Su Wantu frowned.

The emperor sneered and said, "Swallow it, as long as you swallow it, I will consider letting your daughter go."

Su Wantu hesitated for half a second, picked up the Medicine Pill on the ground, and said, "Okay, I hope you will keep your word."

Put it in the mouth and swallow it into the body with a 'gu dong'.



The emperor immediately got up and looked at Su Wantu who was standing up slowly, and slapped him in the face, "Crack!"


Su Wantu was directly lying on the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

The emperor snorted and said, "What is your identity? Bargaining with me? Do you have the qualifications? Let me spare your daughter? Humph! Daddy hasn't settled with you for tonight's affairs."

Su Wantu's eyes sank, and he said angrily, "Young Master Tian, ​​you can't keep your word."

"Ha ha!"

"Don't keep your word? It depends on who you are, do I have to keep your word? If it weren't for the fact that you are the Emperor Realm, it would be useful to me, do you think you can still stand in front of me now? Talk to me?" The Emperor said contemptuously, if it weren't for the fact that the people from the Eastern Emperor Academy didn't use the Spirit Gathering Pill, which made him a little uneasy, he wouldn't need to save Su Wantu's life at all.

He just found out.

None of the disciples of the Eastern Emperor Academy took the Spirit Judging Pill.

Not only that.

There are also people in Donghuang College secretly researching the antidote of Ju Lingdan.

Su Wantu's heart was full of anger, and he broke out again. For his daughter, he had prepared everything, including death!

in this instant.

He wanted to die with the Son of Heaven.


Just as his power surged, his body sank suddenly, and his head seemed to be split open, "Ah...ah..."

I couldn't help screaming in pain.

The emperor sneered and said, "Are you happy?"

"You still want to die with me?"

"Old man, don't pee and take care of yourself, do you think I will really marry your daughter? Do you think your Su family is worthy? Who am I? I am a disciple of the Heavenly Clan, and a daughter from a mere family is also worthy Marry me? Humph!"

"If I didn't see your daughter's beauty, I wouldn't even look at it. Of course, your daughter is really good, I will play for a few more days, hahaha..." The emperor coldly smiled, "Human, hum, With so many weaknesses, such a race is really not suitable for mixing in the Hongmeng Realm, it's weak."

Su Wantu roared in his heart.

struggling to resist.


His mind, his sea of ​​consciousness, like a virus invading frantically, gradually lost himself.

at last……

His eyes slowly became calm.

He closed his eyes slightly, then opened them abruptly, turning purple.

The emperor smiled slightly and said, "Elder Huo, the new Medicine Pill developed this time is really good."

in the dark.

Huo Hong came out, and then the old man came out again.

Huo Hongdao, "This is because the young master's materials are good, otherwise, he will not be able to refine someone who can control the Emperor Realm."


"Now that there is one more emperor slave, it's easy to take down the East Imperial City." The emperor laughed, "After I fuse the cultivation of the Gu Dans in the Practitioner of the East Imperial City, my Cultivation Base will be able to quickly break through, maybe To be able to step into the Emperor Realm!"

"The son is mighty!"

"The son is mighty!"

"The son is mighty!"

Huo Hong said quickly.

The emperor looked at the sky and murmured, "Heavenly Clan Shrine, I will definitely set foot on the Shrine!"



The emperor looked at Su Wantu and said, "Go and kill the East Emperor Dean for me, and find out who is developing the antidote for the Juling Pill."

"I don't allow such an awesome person to exist!"

Su Wantu nodded heavily and said, "Yes, Master!"


It was as if some kind of instruction had been injected into Su Wantu's mind, without any extra consideration, he jumped into the darkness in an instant, and rushed towards the location of the Eastern Imperial Academy.


The emperor looked at Huo Hong and said, "There are ten beauties in the East Imperial City. In addition to the one outside the Su family, there is also a blue demon girl, have you found her?"

Huo Hongdao "The location has been determined."

Tianzi smiled evilly and said, "Very good, bring her to me tomorrow."

Huo Hongdao, "Obey!"


"Young Master, the matter you said about the Zijin Shenwei commanding General Tianwu has become clear."

The emperor's eyes were shocked, and he immediately became excited, saying, "Have you found its body?"

Huo Hongdao, "No, but I found a person who integrates the ancient inheritance in the body of General Tianwu."


The emperor's eyes flashed brightly, his whole body was full of enthusiasm, and he was extremely ecstatic, and said, "Are you sure it is the power of the ancient inheritance?"

Huo Hongdao, "According to the hint you gave, it should be confirmed that a Practitioner of the Yuan Realm killed a strong Venerable Realm with that power."

The emperor's eyes were brighter and he said, "That's not wrong. Where is that person now, get him to me immediately."

Huo Hongdao, "I'm still investigating!"

The emperor's eyes sank and said, "I must catch him. With this ancient power of inheritance, I can quickly step into the shrine!"

" time is coming!"

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