The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2905 Demonic Wolf And Frost Dragon

night valley.

Long Fei's breathing was a little short.

Use the Azure Dragon suit to travel, luxury to this point.


Long Fei had no choice but to do so, otherwise he would not be able to make it to Night Valley at all.

The three Yemei sisters nodded quickly and said, "Okay!"

"Let's do it right now!"

Long Fei said, "Thank you for your hard work."

The big sister said, "The Night King doesn't need to be polite to us. We are your Queen of the Night. We will do our best to do anything about you. We will rush to the poles immediately."

"it is good!"

"Be sure to pay attention to safety." Long Fei reminded.

"Don't worry, with the battle clothes you gave us, it's enough to save our lives." The little girl giggled.

Long Fei said, "Also, go and inform the Queen of the Ghost Cave."

The big sister said, "Okay, I will arrange for someone to go there immediately."

Long Fei said, "Once the ancient giant monsters come, the two forces of the wormhole and the icefield will definitely participate in it. When the time comes, you guys..."

A Night Valley elder said, "Night King, you don't have to worry, we will never participate in this invasion without your order, not to mention the two forces of wormholes and ice fields are not a climate."


"You are the Night King, your words are orders, let alone not invade the Eastern Imperial City, even if we are to be enemies with Wormholes and Icefields, it is still a matter of your words."

"that's right!"

"Wormhole, what kind of thing is an icefield, they have long been unhappy."

"It's the big bug and the ice demon."


Now Long Fei holds a very high status in the hearts of Yegu people.

They also made Long Fei their Night King.

Long Fei said, "Thank you all."

To know that this time is to save the Eastern Imperial City, it is really difficult for the Yegu people to give up their previous hatred, Long Fei sincerely thanks.


"What exactly are the ancient giant monsters in the polar regions?" Long Fei couldn't help asking, he really wanted to know what level the ancient giant monsters were, and then...

Don't you kill the boss when you come?


The boss of the Heavenly Clan disciple is about to be slaughtered, and the ancient giant monster must not be spared.

If wormholes, Demonic Beasts on the icefields come, kill them too!

This is a great opportunity to experience the wild ride.

An old man said slightly, "We have never seen it before. It is also a legend left over a hundred years ago. It is said that there are two ancient giant monsters under the polar regions."

"It is said to be an ancient demon wolf, and another is a frost dragon."


"What is it? No one knows. After all, it has never appeared before. This year, there are cracks in the polar region. There are rumors that they will break through the polar region."

Long Fei secretly said, "Wolf, dragon?"

A picture appeared in my mind, a white wolf, a western dragon.


Long Fei shook his head and murmured, "How come there is a picture in my mind?"

Without thinking too much, Long Fei said again, "You three must be careful when you go to the polar regions. If you can't wake them up, forget about it. I'm thinking of other ways."

The big sister said, "Hmm."

"and many more!"

Long Fei thought about what happened when he was in Zhenwu Continent. Any Demonic Beasts who smelled his Blood Essence would be very excited. With a thought, he condensed a few drops of Blood Essence, and said, "Take my blood, if you can't wake them up, take them out." Sprinkle my blood."

The ancient monster cannot be missed.

Although it was on Zhenwu Continent, I don't know if own Blood Essence would be useful in Hongmeng Realm. It was just a try.

Hope it can be useful.

Long Fei secretly groaned in his heart.

The layout is complete.

Long Fei did not make any stop, and rushed to the East Imperial City again.

He had to get to the Eastern Imperial City before dawn.

The Practitioners in the Eastern Imperial City are about to lose their ego, and each of their Dantians are full of Gu Dan, and they may be harvested at any time.

Once harvested, everything that Long Fei did was in vain.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Whirring whirring……"

"Support the Azure Dragon suit a little more."

This is his last Azure Dragon suit.

Long Fei flew out of the Night Valley.

Outside the night valley, Jian Lao waited quietly, watched Long Fei slowly exhale, and said, "You still want to save people like this, hey!"

Long Fei said, "It's a matter of human beings. Some things always have to be done by someone. Tens of millions of Practitioners can't wait for death."

Jian Lao glanced at Long Fei and muttered, "Save, did you save it?"

Long Fei laughed and said, "Aren't you still old?"

"I'm too lazy to play tricks with you."

"Come up!"

Jian Lao gave a slight sound, and with a thought, Qi Chi Qingfeng directly turned into a Flying Sword.

Jian Lao grabbed Long Fei's arm.

Flying Sword moved.


A sword cry, then flew directly into the void, shuttled in the clouds, the speed was comparable to the shuttle, unusually fast.

Long Fei said enviously, "Elder Jian, you weren't from the Immortal Sword Sect before, were you?"

Jian Lao was stunned for a moment, "Do you know?"

Long Fei said, "This is the Flying Sword. I'm afraid only the Sword Sect can fly like this."

Jian Lao was silent for a while.

Immortal Sword Sect?

Old Jian's eyes were filled with a hint of bitterness, and he muttered to himself, "Xianjian Sect... has long been destroyed, hey... it's all my fault."

If he hadn't obtained an ancient inheritance power, his Sect would not have been destroyed.

His family can't be wiped out either.

This is the case with the Immortal Sword Sect in the entire Hongmeng Realm.

It can be said.

Overnight, the Celestial Clan made the Immortal Sword Sect completely disappear from the Hongmeng Realm, and no one has cultivated Immortal Sword since then.

There is no Sect of the Sword Sect anymore!

The former hegemon is gone.


early morning.

Biting cold.

After a night of searching, Long Fei was still not found.

"Still not found!"

"Look again!"

"Even if you dig three feet in the ground, find him for me."

The emperor said in a low voice.

He came to the East Imperial City for the ancient inheritance of Tianwu, the leader of Zijin Shenwei.

he knows.

Even if Tian Wu dies, the ancient inheritance will not disappear, either stay in his body or be taken away!

Impossible to disappear.

Huo Hongdao, "Sir, what if you can't find it? Do you want to harvest first? Now it's the best time to harvest."

The emperor's eyes narrowed slightly.

"What about that waste Su Wantu?"

"Isn't the director of the East Emperor solved in one night?"

Huo Hongdao, "I haven't come back yet."

The emperor snorted coldly, "Trash is trash, or what is the number one powerhouse in the Eastern Imperial City, shit!"

"It's useless at all."

"never mind!"

The Emperor looked at the gradually brightening sky, and said, "First harvest, then find someone, even if I kill all the people in the East Imperial City, I will find him."

Huo Hong's eyes narrowed, revealing an evil look, and said, "Young master, it's better to let those puppets kill first, kill all the people in the East Imperial City, and then naturally you can find the person you are looking for."

The emperor's eyes flashed a gleam of brilliance, and he laughed, "Good idea!"

Huo Hong's eyes were filled with joy.

The Son of Heaven said, "Go, let the East Imperial City be in chaos, hehe..."

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