The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2924 Long Fei's Purpose

Rich oil, a burst of a dozen things.

Even the top boss can't be so violent.

Long Fei felt very happy.


As the emperor said, there is no antidote for him.

If there is an antidote, it will definitely explode, and most of these things are useless to Long Fei.

With a thought, Long Fei directly activated the garbage collection system.

"All recovered!"


"The system prompts to recycle the nine-ring gold bracelet, the experience value is 3084221"


"The system prompts to recycle the Immortal Sword, the experience value is 4532220"


The recycling prompt sounded continuously, and each piece was worth millions of experience points.

Much more experience than killing the emperor.

Long Fei was also sullen in his heart, "In the future, we should find more bosses to kill, especially the disciples of the Celestial Clan. There will be a dozen or so things in one explosion. I'm not afraid that the daddy will be difficult to upgrade. With this recycling system, it will become easier."

The beauty of the recycling system is that anything can be converted into experience points.

No blame to kill? no one killed?


Can't upgrade? nonexistent!

There is a recycling system, as long as there are a lot of treasures, the same upgrade!

Seeing the flying shuttle turn into powder, Long Fei's brows tensed secretly, "There is no antidote, nor the blood of the Celestial Clan, so Su Su can't save it, and Lan Mei can't save it?"

Both fists clenched tightly.

Binghuo said, "Boss, where are you going now?"

Long Fei exhaled softly and said, "Go to Xiaobai's side."

Ice and fire wings moved.

Like a blue lightning bolt, it swooped down instantly.

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't come here."

"Even if I die, I won't die on a Demonic Beasts."

Huo Hong, who fell, did not die, but was rescued by Xiaobai. Of course, this was also what Long Fei meant.

Xiaobai didn't even look at Huo Hong, and said contemptuously, "Che, kill you? Don't dirty my giant spear."

Huo Hongdao, "Then what do you want to do?"

Xiaobai ignored it.

At this time, the ice and fire hit, and the huge body was even more terrifying. Huo Hong was so frightened that his face was pale, and he curled up and shivered.

Although Binghuo is not a strip-shaped dragon, the impact of the Western dragon is just as strong.

Dragons are Sacred powerful beings for any human being.

Huo Hong's mind was crushed to the extreme, he couldn't even breathe now, his eyes were scattered, and he was even more frightened when he saw Long Fei who jumped from the dragon's head.

Even the people of the Celestial Clan dare to kill, what else does this person dare not.

Huo Hong said with great difficulty, "Boy, I don't have an antidote, and I can't make an antidote. If you want to kill it, kill it, the old man won't even frown!"


Long Fei said softly, "You really don't even frown? Then why are you afraid of doing this now?"

"Isn't it like dying?"

Huo Hong's expression froze. Just now, he was kicked off by the emperor from the flying shuttle. The feeling of dying quickly after falling was too uncomfortable.

It was also the first time he knew what Death felt like.

To die is terrible.

However, he knew that he would not survive, Huo Hongdao said, "If you want to kill, kill!"

"Are you really afraid of death?" Long Fei grinned slightly, glanced at Binghuo, and said, "Come on, show him some color."

The ice and fire rolled in the throat.

A burst of red.

It's like lava is surging.

Huo Hong's pupils were trembling, and he was about to urinate.

The whole person is scared to death.

Looking at the huge and ferocious dragon head, Huo Hong's lips turned purple and kept shivering.


A growl.

Huo Hong was directly scared to pee.

Before he could react, the ice and fire moved, and a force rolled him up, flapping his wings, "Hula-la..."

A gust of wind swept him straight into the air.

Huo Hong spun frantically in mid-air, ice and fire soared, and flapped his wings again in mid-air.

Huo Hong was like a piece of paper, constantly flying up and down, the whole person passed out immediately, but he woke up from the fright, fainted again, and woke up again.

The internal organs and six viscera are like the rivers and the seas.

Worse than death.


Ice and Fire's wings slammed out, and there was no further fanning.

Huo Hong also fell directly from the sky, "Ah..."

"don't want!"

"help me!"

"Save me, please, I don't want to die, save me, please."

Huo Hong shouted in fright.

There is only one life, and when you die, there is nothing left!

Everyone is afraid of death, even gods.

Huo Hong has been diligent and diligent for so many years. He never thought that he was inferior to a dog in the eyes of the emperor. He was desperate and desperate.

Hence the thought of death.

But during this period of spinning in the air, it was like walking before the gate of hell, and the soul lock hook was about to hook him and drag him into the underworld.

That feeling was so uncomfortable.


His heart broke.

Long Fei's mouth twitched and said, "Save you? Why should I save you? What capital do you have for me to save you?"

Huo Hongdao said, "Long Fei... No... Brother Fei, Brother Da Fei, I am useful, I am very useful, the emperor broke through the Emperor Realm at the age of twenty, do you think he relies on his Talent bloodline? Shit, all he relies on is the Gu Dan that I harvested, I can use this method to make you break through quickly."

"My Gu Dan technique can help you."

"And... because I still know a lot of evil pill techniques, I also know a lot of secrets."

"Following the Son of Heaven for so many years, I still know many secrets about the Heavenly Clan, as well as the people imprisoned by the Heavenly Clan, the secret realm and Realm that even the Heavenly Clan disciples dare not enter."

"I am very useful."

"Please, save me."

talking crazy.

Huo Hong really didn't want to die, so he was so frightened that his stomach rolled and vomited.

Long Fei dragged his chin with two fingers, showing a thoughtful look, "Is that all? Can the value of these change your life?"

Huo Hong immediately cried and said, "Brother Da Fei, what else do you want to know? I'll tell you everything you want to know."


"I also know the secret realm of cultivation by disciples of the Celestial Clan in the Hongmeng Realm!!"

The words fell.

Long Fei's eyes flashed a bright light, this is what he wanted.

Huo Hong's Gu Dan technique has a certain value. The secret realm he mentioned is also valuable in places that Heavenly Clan disciples dare not enter, but what Long Fei wants to know most is not these.

It was in a place where the disciples of the Celestial Clan in the Hongmeng Realm were densely populated.

The Celestial Clan is so huge, it is impossible for all the disciples to enter the shrine, and one like the Son of Heaven cannot enter.

There must be many Celestial Clan disciples in the Hongmeng Realm.

One by one, the rich and oily disciples of the Heavenly Clan.

What Long Fei wants is theirs, life! !

"Ten Thousand Realms Chasing and Killing?"

"Curse of the Celestial Clan?"

"F*ck sells the batch, daddy doesn't get some interest back, how can daddy call Long Fei?" Long Fei grinned and smiled grimly, "Chasing daddy?"

"Emperor Xuan!"

"Daddy first behead all your children and grandchildren!"

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