The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2925 Have Something To Say

"Huhu, hu, hu..." Huo Hong gasped heavily, soaked all over, as if he was picked up from the water.

Look at Long Fei on one side, and then look at the two 'monsters' behind him!

Huo Hong's heart was trembling.

Long Fei said, "If I don't kill you, you won't tell me about killing the emperor, right?"

talking room.

Long Fei put one hand on Huo Hong's shoulder and looked at him with a smile.

Huo Hong's body sank immediately, and he said quickly, "Don't dare, I will never say it."

Long Fei smiled and said, "That's right, we are brothers. Otherwise, how could the Son of Heaven die. Half of the credit is due to you. If you say it, the Heavenly Clan will probably not let you go."


"To be exact, if the Celestial Clan knew that you were still alive, I'm afraid they would send people to hunt you down everywhere."

Huo Hong's eyes narrowed.

He is not stupid. Although he knows that Long Fei has a threatening temperament, what Long Fei said is not false. The Son of Heaven is dead, but he is alive. If the Heavenly Clan knew about him, they would definitely hunt him down in an all-round way.

Huo Hong had no choice, and said, "Brother Da Fei, I will follow you in the future. I will do whatever you want me to do."

"From today on, you are mine." Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you die, and I won't kick you away!"

"That's not my Long Fei's style of doing things."

"My brother of Long Fei, if I live, I will live, if I die... I want to keep my brother alive!"

Although Huo Hong didn't have much contact with Long Fei, he also knew what Long Fei was like, "Thank you, Brother Da Fei."

"Don't Dafei brother, Dafei brother's name, what is your name of the emperor?" Long Fei was a little uncomfortable with the name "Dafei brother" because it reminded him of a character in a previous life movie.

Huo Hongdao said, "It's called Young Master."

Long Fei said, "Then you will call me Young Master in the future."

"Yes, son!" Huo Hong bowed slightly.

Long Fei asked, "You really don't have the antidote for the Gu Dan in Su Su's body?"

Huo Hong's face tightened.

Long Fei said, "Don't be nervous, if you don't have it, you won't have it. You are my brother now, and I won't attack my own brother."

Huo Hong shook his head and said, "When I was refining this Gu pill, the emperor said that the Gu pill was for the dead, and there was no need to refine the antidote, so I just..."

Long Fei nodded and said, "Then do you know the way to detoxify?"

Huo Hong shook his head again and said, "No."

Long Fei's heart sank secretly, "This is difficult to do, ordinary antidote simply won't work."


"Binghuo, let's go back to the city first."

"Old Huo, don't enter the city first, you can't show up in the East Imperial City, I will send Xiaobai to protect you." Long Fei commanded, and then glanced at Xiaobailang.

Xiaobai nodded and said, "Understood."

Knowing the face but not the heart.

Huo Hong is currently surrendering, but Long Fei doesn't know what kind of person he is, and Xiaobai is by his side to prevent him.

Long Fei is not afraid once the emperor's murder is exposed, but the East Imperial City will probably disappear from this world.


The ice and fire took off and rushed into the sky.

In less than half a minute, Long Fei had already landed outside the Eastern Imperial City.

The Blood Moon Queen came up.

Graceful, mature, plump, sexy, hot, people can't stop watching.

As soon as she appeared, almost all the male eyes were attracted to her.

After a few days, the Blood Moon Queen looks even more moving.

May be the reason for being moisturised.

"Fei, as long as you give an order, the East Imperial City is yours." The Queen of the Blood Moon said softly.

All men's eyes were focused on her, but only Long Fei was in her eyes, because Long Fei brought her unprecedented happiness.

This man can be remembered for a lifetime.

The four major forces of Night Valley, Ghost Cave, Wormhole, and Icefield surrounded Donghuang City.

As long as Long Fei gave an order, it would be like a broken bamboo, and the East Imperial City would definitely not be able to resist.


Long Fei didn't do this, turned to look at them, pointed to the broken city wall behind him, and said, "Does this look like a gate?"


"Like our Arc de Triomphe."

"As long as we take down the Eastern Imperial City, we will be the masters of this Realm."


Long Fei said, "East Imperial City has been reinforced every year since its establishment, and it has been increasing in height every year. It is them and us who are encircling them."


"Will there be a door, a door of peace, friendship, coexistence, would it be better here?"

The words fell.

Many people were slightly taken aback.

In terms of wormholes, a big bug snorted directly, "Little bastard, what are you talking about? Are you saying that we are going to surrender to humans? Are you thinking..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Binghuo's throat moved, "Bang!"

A fire grenade erupted.


The big bug is gone, and the whole person directly turns into a pile of flames, which burns, and not even the scum is left.

The system also remembered the prompt sound instantly.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Wormhole Taichi' to gain 3,800,000 experience points, 30,000 True Spirit points, and 0 Hongmeng Points!"

Long Fei gave a slight sigh and said, "If you have something to say, talk about it. I am a very reasonable person, and you can raise your objections."

All the people in Insect Valley shrank slightly.

The same goes for those in the Icefields.

In their hearts, they scolded Long Fei's ancestors for a while. Is this something to say?

This f*ck will kill you as soon as it comes up, can this speak well?

The Queen of the Blood Moon stated, "We need human refining elixir and weapons, human beings need our concentrates and Spiritual herbs, and we can coexist with human beings."

The Elder of Night Vale also said, "We believe in the Night King!"

Long Fei looked at the big bugs and the icefields and said, "How about you? Do you have any questions to ask?"

Just when he finished.

The huge pupils of the ice and fire moved, and the flames in the throat rolled again. If anyone dares to bullshit again, the end will be like a big bug.

"We obey too!"

"Icefield Obedience!"

dare not struggle.

They can't struggle either, let alone the power of Night Valley and Ghost Cave, they can't bear even the ice and fire.

Emperor-level war beasts.

It is really an existence that destroys the world and destroys the earth.

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Okay, on behalf of the common people of Donghuang City, I thank you."


Long Fei walked into the Eastern Imperial City.

The Queen of the Blood Moon followed behind him, and the elders of several major tribes in Night Valley followed behind him, and the ice and fire opened their way and circled in the sky.

All the people in the Eastern Imperial City looked at Long Fei.

One by one they came out of the house.

Dean Donghuang also said slightly, "It seems that he has solved everything."

Yuan Tianwang was secretly shocked in his heart, and said, "Good boy, it is really shocking wave after wave."

Long Fei walked up to Dean Donghuang and said, "Lord Dean, I am negotiating with you on behalf of the four major forces outside the city. I suggest that the broken city wall be converted into a city gate, so that people from outside the city can freely enter and exit the city. You can also enter the East Imperial City freely, do you agree?"

Dean Donghuang smiled lightly and said, "Agree!"

Yuan Tianwang said, "Coexistence has always been the wish of the old dean."


"I made my wish, and I should go too." Dean Donghuang's expression suddenly changed, and he continued to hold on. Now that the crisis in Donghuang City was over, he couldn't hold it anymore, his face turned pale, and he stared at Long Fei. Like a kind old grandfather, he said, "Long Fei, come here, I have something to tell you!"

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