The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2934 Explosive Upgrade To Tenth Level


The huge well cover was directly blown off.

Old Jian's eyebrows tightened, and his expression became a little worried.

Immediately looking at Gujing, his heart sank, "I forgot to tell that kid, I can't absorb too much elf spring, otherwise my body will definitely not be able to bear it."

Earth Spirit Spring.

The dragon veins under the Eastern Imperial City are located.

Why is the true spiritual energy around the Eastern Imperial City thinner than other places?

Just because the underground dragon veins absorbed all the energy of true spirit.

Prisons were originally built here, and the detainees were also detained because of the goblin dragon veins here.

billions of years.

The dragon veins absorb hundreds of millions of years of true spiritual energy and slowly form a liquid, that is, goblin spring water. These spring waters have been quenched for hundreds of millions of years and turned into white emulsion.

Is the essence of general.

Ordinary people can't bear a drop.

Long Fei practiced swords for three months, and his physical body was already very strong in the process, but even so, he couldn't absorb too much.

Just like supplements, if you eat too much, you will directly kill yourself.

There was a loud noise just now, and Lao Jian's heart sank immediately. He felt a little regret in his heart, but it was too late to regret it now.


"Dead or alive?"

Little White Wolf and Binghuo also rushed up immediately, looking at the bottomless and pitch-black ancient well, both of them were extremely worried.

"Old man, I know you are very powerful, but if something happens to my boss, no matter how good you are, I will fight with you."

"Me too!"

The two don't care so much, whoever wants to hurt Long Fei, they will fight with whomever they want.

Jian Lao's eyebrows clenched secretly, he was the most worried, even more worried than Xiaobai and Binghuo, because he saw a glimmer of hope in Long Fei.

Not against SkyClan's hope.

It is to see the hope that Long Fei can become the ultimate powerhouse.

because of his perseverance.


There is also the kind of spirit that he does not admit defeat, is not afraid of death, and does not admit cowardice.

Remind him of his youth.

Moreover, Long Fei is a good seedling.

Even if there is no outstanding talent and super bloodline, but Jian Lao still likes it. Talent and bloodline can be changed.

Only one person's perseverance will not change.

The Earth Spirit Spring is the power to change talent.

Jian Lao wanted to change Long Fei's Talent, but... maybe he was too hasty.




The three of them shouted loudly, and the sound echoed in the empty well, but no echo from Long Fei was heard.

"What really happened?"

"Am I in a hurry?" Old Jian's heart sank. He just wanted Long Fei to have enough strength to enter the Xianyuan Sect, but now... is it self-defeating?

Just when they were worried.


Another explosion.

A shock wave of power burst out from the depths of the well.


When they reached the wellhead, there was a loud humming sound.


Another voice came out.

There was another humming sound at the wellhead.

Such a loud humming sound was repeated ten times in succession before it stopped.

Calm returned to the well.

Long Fei opened his eyes, and the moment he opened them, a sharp light flashed from his eyes, he pressed his hands slightly, and gently spit out a mouthful of turbid air in his body, excited, "Level 10!"


"This speed... is comparable to killing a hundred super bosses, right?"

The ten hums just now were the sound of ten upgrades.

A first-level!

From the first-level of the spirit person to the second-level of the gangster!

This one-second first-level feeling is like playing a private server game, which is too fast for the heart to bear.


When immersed in the goblin spring, what he got was far from experience. In the depths of his mind, the fountain of life also absorbed powerful power and also sent out evolution.

Long Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, his limbs and bones, and huge transformations occurred all over his body.

Especially strength.

In three months, the strength of Long Fei's arms has reached a terrifying level.

To practice sword, practice strength first.

He now understands.

Long Fei looked up at the wellhead and responded, "I'm fine!"

"Elder Jian, can I come out now?"

All this was arranged by Mr. Jian.

If he can't hold on, he won't be able to get this mysterious spring water that changes attributes.

Long Fei was very grateful.

Old Jian's heart was relieved, as if he put down a big stone, and said, "Come out, and by the way, bring some goblin spring water out for your two brothers to use."


Long Fei looked at the dry soil around him, scratched his head and said, "Elder Jian, no more."


Jian Lao's chin was about to fall, and his entire head almost stuck into the well, saying, "It's gone? You,,, all, are all absorbed by you alone?"

Long Fei said, "It should be, right? I don't know."

Jian Lao was completely stunned, and his heart was even more turbulent, "Good boy, good boy, the Earth Spirit Spring is a god-level perfect tonic soup."

"One person absorbed the weight of 10,000 people."

"Good guy, this body..."

"It seems that he has more potential than I imagined. Even a normal god-level Demonic Beasts can't hold that powerful force with such a body."

"It's incredible!"

"It's incredible!"

Jian Lao did not show it, but his heart was very excited.

Long Fei picked up the heavy sword, jumped into the air, and flew out of the well. Looking at the old swordsman, he respectfully said, "Thank you!"

Jian Lao waved his hand and said, "Don't thank me, all this is your own good fortune."

Looking at the epee in Long Fei's hand, he said slightly, "Take this as a gift from me to you. Its name is epee Wufeng. I hope you can practice a sword without a blade to be sharp."


Jian Lao picked up the dry cigarette and smoked it. Looking at the dilapidated courtyard, he muttered, "Hey...the family has all been practiced, and it looks like they are going to move."


Jian Lao suddenly paused, looked back at Little White Wolf and Binghuo, and said, "What are you two still doing?"

Little White Wolf was stunned and grinned. Although he was reluctant, he followed up and said to Long Fei, "Boss, this old man made us follow him, don't worry, you will always be our boss, and our hearts will always be with you. Where, even if he gets my people, he can't get my heart."

Jian Lao stared, "What did you say?"

A bong knocked down.


A boss's bag bulged on his head, with a bitter look on his face.

Long Fei looked at their disappearing backs and said again, "Thank you!"

Because Jian Lao is helping him train Little White Wolf and Binghuo.

I believe that he can bring a powerful improvement to Little White Wolf and Binghuo.


"It's been three months, and I don't know what happened to them."

"If you can, go to Xianyuanzong a month in advance and look around." Long Fei thought to himself, and strode out of the yard.

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