The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2935 Trouble

three days later.

Long Fei, Su Su, Lan Mei, and Tan Dapao set foot on the road to Xianyuan City.

As for Jian Lao, Xiao Bai, and Bing Huo, the three Long Fei didn't know where they went.


Long Fei believes that they will definitely be stronger when they meet next time.

The three Yemei sisters are frantically cultivating the assassination technique, latent camouflage technique that Long Fei gave them, and the Illusion Art created by their identical appearance.

Long Fei is bound to make them the strongest killer.

Even if you encounter a strong Celestial Clan in the future, you can get rid of it quietly.

The Queen of the Blood Moon doesn't need Long Fei's explanation. She is a woman with a clear goal. She understands who Long Fei's enemy is and what she wants to do.


On the shuttle leading to Xianyuan City.

If you want to go to Xianyuanzong, you must first go to Xianyuancheng.


Unfamiliar flying shuttles cannot enter Xianyuanzong, Long Fei and the others can only land in Xianyuancheng first, and then go to Xianyuanzong to sign up for the trials.

Tan Dapao said excitedly, "Boss, I heard that Xianyuan City is three times bigger than Donghuang City. How big a city it is."

Lan Mei said, "In the past, there was no Immortal Fate City. Those who did not select Immortal Fate Sect disciples slowly gathered, and time still became the current Xian Fate City."

"The proportion of Practitioners in Eastern Imperial City is only about one-tenth, but in Xianyuan City it is half."

"It can be said that all the people are armed."

Su Su said, "I have always heard from my father that Xianyuan City is extremely huge and has everything. Sister Lan Mei, we will spend three days and three nights strolling around it, hehe..."

"All kinds of beautiful clothes and all kinds of beautiful jewelry have to be bought."

Lan Mei was also interested when she heard shopping and said, "I heard that there is a special maintenance service. After a maintenance, the skin is as tender as water. I don't know if it is true or not."


"Then you must try."

"I heard that there are also beauty-enhancing pills specially made for women, one of which is one year younger." Su Su said.

Long Fei said, "You two are still young, you don't need to get these things."

Su Su said with a look of contempt, "You know what, women just need to be well-maintained."

Lan Mei also said, "That is, we are young now and have good skin, but what will happen in the future? What if you become a yellow-faced woman and you don't want us?"

Long Fei had a string of black lines hanging on his forehead.

You can make a bowl of noodles if you get the black thread down.

When it comes to shopping, the two women can be said to be in the dark.

Tan Dapao looked at Long Fei with a bewildered expression, and said in a low voice, "Boss, have you brought enough money?"

Long Fei said slightly, "What do you do with enough money?"

Tan Dapao said, "Don't you think how the two sisters-in-law are trying to spend all your money? This woman... is too scary, I thought women in the Hongmeng world would pursue a higher level, who would have thought the same, scary, too Terrible."

He began to sympathize with Long Fei a little.

Long Fei smiled bitterly.

Not to mention the Hongmeng Realm, the heavens and the myriad realms, women in every plane are the same.


In his previous life, Long Fei was a poor man with no girlfriend at all, let alone shopping with his girlfriend.

It might be nice if you could try it.


This idea will be regretted when he arrives at Xianyuan City.

after one day.

The flying shuttle did not know how many thousands of miles it had flown.

Long Fei even thought that the Immortal Fate Sect was on another plane, too far away.

This also shows how huge the Hongmeng Realm is.

"I don't know where the Old Dean said Xiaoyao City is." Long Fei thought of the last request of Dean Donghuang and asked him to go to Xiaoyao City.

But after changing several maps, he did not see the location of Free City.

"I don't know if there is anything important."

"Let's leave it alone, it's a C-level mission anyway. I'll go later when I have time." Long Fei said secretly.



"Sister Lan Mei, hurry up, hurry up."

Su Su pulled Lan Mei and hurried down the shuttle, as if the city would be gone when she got down to Xianyuan City.

Tan Dapao looked at Long Fei who was dazed and said, "Boss, what are you thinking?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "I didn't think of anything."

"Let's go, let's go down!"

The huge square is even bigger than the airport in the previous life. It stretches as far as the eye can see. There are shuttles landing and taking off constantly. The whole scene is extremely powerful.

Just not far from the Long Fei Shuttle, a local tyrant gold shuttle fell, and the golden light shone in the sun, which was extremely dazzling.

A man in a golden robe stepped off the shuttle, followed by a group of small minions.

"Long Fei big brother, hurry up."

"that is!"

"Don't delay our time shopping."

The two girls couldn't wait.

"Young Master, look, beauty!"

Suddenly, a minion rushed up and said excitedly, pointing to Lan Mei and Su Su not far away.

The young man's eyes gleamed, he quickly stepped forward, walked to Lan Mei's side, put on a two-hundred-five appearance, and said, "Where are you two beauties?"

Lan Mei stepped back slightly and pulled Su Su away, ignoring it.

The man stepped forward again and said, "Two beauties, my name is Wu Tianlong, Wu Jiasan Young Master, how about you? Make friends?"

The two wanted to go further.


A group of minions beside Wu Tianlong immediately blocked their way.

Su Su has the character of a little sister, and she said directly, "You go to the side of Miss Ben."

"It's annoying to see you!"

"If you don't go, believe it or not, Miss Ben broke your third leg?"

Wu Tianlong smiled evilly and said, "Are you going to break my third leg? It has to be done on the bed. The beating is constant. I don't know if you can break it."

Su Su's face was angry, "You..."

Lan Mei shouted, "You'd better walk away for me, or I'll call someone."

Wu Tianlong laughed, "Hahaha..."

The surrounding minions also laughed, "Hahaha..."

"Call someone?"


"Scream loudly."

"You can call someone, I ate the shit I pulled this morning."

"Don't even look at whose territory this is."

At this time, a minion said, "Young Master, this is a shuttle from Donghuangcheng."

Wu Tianlong was very unfamiliar with the Eastern Imperial City, and said, "Where is the Eastern Imperial City? Never heard of it."

"It's that garbage gathering place, where criminals are imprisoned. The people of Donghuangcheng are all descendants of criminals, and they are all trash."

Wu Tianlong laughed more and more, and said, "It turned out to be a wasteland."

talking room.

Wu Tianlong stepped forward to attack Lan Mei, and said with a wicked smile, "Don't worry, the two beauties, I have Wu Tianlong covering me in Xianyuan City, and I promise to make you eat delicious and spicy food every day..."

Before he could touch Lan Mei, Long Fei coldly said, "If your finger touches her, I will break your finger!"

Wu Tianlong raised his eyes slightly and stared at Long Fei.

Also at this time.

Su Su and Lan Mei quickly walked to Long Fei's side, one on the side, holding Long Fei's arm.

This move made Wu Tianlong extremely unhappy, and he scolded directly, "Damn, how dare a waste of Soul Gang Realm dare to jump in front of daddy?"

"Call him until he doesn't even know his mother!!"

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