The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2947 One Sword, Cut!

The sudden attack caught everyone by surprise.


The Divine Armament Appreciation Conference itself is extremely mysterious, and very few people know about it.

So there is no protection against demons.

Appeared in an instant, even the vicissitudes of life did not have time to react.

Long Fei's brows clenched tightly, and he clenched the guarding dragon sword even more.

This is his sword.

How can I give it to others?

The vicissitudes of life old man said heavily, "Master Red Devil Venerable, this is the selection of Tianji Pavilion. You don't want to put me Tianji Pavilion to put in one's eyes, right?"

"Tianji Pavilion?"

"What is it?"

The red-haired devil stared at the vicissitudes of life, his hands phantom under his robe.

Long Fei immediately said, "Senior, be careful!"

The red-haired devil's pupils shrank, and his figure flashed, turning into a vortex of red blood mist, followed by a series of giant palms shot out of the vortex.



"Bang, bang, bang..."

Blood burst.

The blood mist became even more scarlet, and finally the whirlpool stopped abruptly. Hundreds of bloody palm prints appeared on the vicissitudes of the old man, and the upper and lower bones of the whole body were confused.

Paled face.

There were a few crackling sounds in the body, and the whole person fell to the ground.


too fast.

The Cultivation Base of the vicissitudes of life is at least above the emperor realm, but...killed in an instant, I am afraid that the red Devil Venerable master can't describe it.

The Red Devil Venerable stomped on the head of the vicissitudes of life with one foot, and said coldly, "Tianji Pavilion? What kind of bullshit?"

Also at this time.

The four disciples of Tianji Pavilion also rushed up in an instant.



The four moved in unison, summoned their weapons, and at the same time roared the red Devil Venerable master.

The Cultivation Bases of the four are also Royal Realms. If they move together, the Emperor Realm might have to dodge, but the Red Devil Venerable Lord didn't even look at them.



Four times in a row, four scarlet soul-locking hooks shot out from the dark, hooked directly on the necks of the four people, and pulled them sharply.




The four heads flew up and blood spurted.

Those master refiners were shaking all over with fright, and their lips were trembling, and a few of them were directly urinating.

The main red Devil Venerable walked in front of Long Fei and directly lifted Long Fei with the mask on his face.

"I thought it was an old man, but I didn't expect it to be a teenager."


"You are young and promising. If you can pass the assessment of the Tianji Pavilion and pull out the guardian dragon sword, you must have something special." The main red Devil Venerable smiled and said, "Boy, give you a choice, hand over the guardian dragon sword. , and worship me as a teacher, and I can spare your life."

The words are not over yet.

Those refining masters said eagerly, "Give him the sword quickly."

"Boy, you are not the pavilion master of Xianwu at all. Who are you? It doesn't matter who you are now, hurry up and give him your sword."

"Did you hear it?"

"Give him the sword!"

One by one is afraid of death.

Long Fei looked at the red Devil Venerable and said lightly, "What if I don't give it?"


The main red Devil Venerable smiled grimly.

The five fingers are slightly spread, and they are squeezed sharply.


A master craftsman's head suddenly burst.


This power is so strong that it is completely incomprehensible.

Red Devil Venerable said, "Boy, do you think you have a choice? Either die or agree to my request."

Long Fei's thoughts could not be released at all.

How many people are in this valley?

do not know.

Long Fei said, "I can hand over the guarding dragon sword, but this sword is used to guard the underground Devil. What do you want him to do?"

Red Devil Venerable said, "It looks like you know a lot, boy. Yes, it is indeed used to guard the underground Devil. As for what do we use him for? That's not something you can know."

"Give it over."

"Then, kneel down and kowtow to your teacher, and your life will be saved."

The surrounding master refiners shivered one by one, and said, "Master Devil Venerable, what about us?"

"We are innocent."

"We didn't do anything."

Red Devil Venerable was a little impatient, and said with a deep voice, "It's so noisy!"

"Brush brush..."

"Brush brush..."

A dozen hooks shot out instantly.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Just like a human head harvester, the heads of those master refiners all flew out, and the bodies of more than a dozen of them spurted blood.

Completely powerless.

Long Fei's heart was fierce, and then the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, and he said with a smile, "I am the person who hates others to threaten me the most, and... Unless I don't want things in my hands, they can't be in other people's hands."

The Lord of Red Devil Venerable smiled lightly and said, "It seems that you chose to die?"



"My Red Devils haven't taken a fancy to a disciple for more than ten years. I can't think of one now that I've chosen to die."


"It seems that my Red Devil is destined to have no disciples in my life."

The breath on his body moved slightly, and the scarlet blood mist around him became more intense. The Red Devil Venerable stared at Long Fei with cold eyes. Soul Gang Realm was too bad, and said, "die."

The voice fell.

The blood mist suddenly tightened, wrapping Long Fei directly.

With a thought, Long Fei shouted, "Itachi!"


The blood cloud black robe, his eyes are abnormally cold, but his eyeballs have turned into a kaleidoscope pattern.

The hands are imprinted, and it is almost impossible to see.

In that moment.


A blood mist shot out.

At this moment, the breath of the Red Devil Venerable Lord suddenly stopped, and the blood mist surrounding Long Fei also dissipated in an instant. Long Fei exhaled a long breath, looked at Universe Bo Wee, and then looked at the Red Devil Venerable Lord.


The Red Devil Venerable took out his sword at any time, and was stretching it towards his neck.

Illusion Art?

Long Fei didn't know.


Itachi was so powerful that in a split second, the Red Devil Venerable fell into Illusion Art.

Long Fei gave a deep voice, "Yes, daddy is going to die? Who is dying now?"

Itachi's Illusion Art is awesome.


With 100% loyalty, he will unreservedly display his power.


There is a weakness that the current Itachi is not the Itachi in his peak period, and Long Fei can vaguely feel the breath from his body.




Suddenly, a blood-colored giant bull rushed out of the darkness, completely out of control.

Also at the same time.

A chain of soul hooks shot out.

Long Fei was shocked, "Oops!"

After all, it was just a summoned character, and he didn't think too much about it. The main target of the Illusion Art just now was the Red Devil Venerable Lord, while the other devils in the forest were slightly dizzy, and it didn't last long.

As the Scarlet Bull broke the Illusion Art, the demons swiftly attacked Itachi.

"I rely on!"

He didn't care so much. With a thought, he summoned Itachi directly. At this time, the Red Devil Venerable was in a daze, looking at the sword on his neck.

at this time.

His breath, strength, defense, everything is still in Illusion Art.


Long Fei moved his right hand, "The heavy sword has no front."

"A sword..."


"Shuh..." The figure is like a sword, the sword is like electricity, Long Fei seems to have penetrated through the body of the Red Devil Venerable Lord, and a thin bloodstain appears between the Red Devil Venerable Lord's eyebrows.

Pupils widen.


Slowly slide down and split into two halves.

Also at this moment.

The system beeps!


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