The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2948 Divine Move

The epee Wufeng was unsheathed for the first time.

Killed the first time.

At that moment, Long Fei felt that he had turned into a Sword intent, which directly penetrated the body of the Red Devil Venerable Lord.

So shocking.

He always thought that Jian Lao asked him to practice swords only to improve his strength and perception of swords, but he never thought that there was Sword intent in addition to these.


This is also because the Red Devil Venerable Lord was bewitched by Itachi's Illusion Art, and all the attributes on his body are zero. Otherwise, no matter how strong Long Fei's Sword intent is, it is impossible to hurt the Red Devil Venerable Lord.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Red Devil Venerable' to gain 500 million experience points, 1,000,000 True Qi points, and 1 Hongmeng point."

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Dragon Subduing Hook'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Vajra Super Magic Pill'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Soul Umbrella'"



"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is third-level soul gang!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for leveling up, the current level of Soul Gang is fourth-level!"

Two levels in a row!

This feeling is one word, cool!

"Damn, what level is this guy? It's actually 500 million experience points, isn't it too scary?" Long Fei was secretly relieved, he didn't expect a boss to have so many experience points.

"I always thought it was difficult to upgrade in the Hongmeng Realm. It seems that it is not too difficult to upgrade, as long as you can kill a super-level powerhouse." Long Fei was excited.


After killing the red Devil Venerable master with a single sword, Long Fei did not dare to stop at all, and rushed into the depths of the valley almost instantly.

The people of Tianji Pavilion are dead.

Those refining masters who came to test are also dead.

What is the situation of the pavilion master of Xianwu?

Long Fei didn't know.

However, he can't control that much now. After killing the Red Devil Venerable, can those devils let him go?

"Your Highness!"

"The third one!"

"Red Devil!"

In the woods, seeing the Red Devil's body split into two halves, those devils didn't react for a while, and the emperor-level superpower was instantly killed by a sword?

And that boy is just Soul Gang Realm's Cultivation Base, how is this possible?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it.



The two shadows fell instantly, standing beside the red Devil Venerable Lord, looking at the body divided into two, the magic flames on the two of them were like a volcano erupting, and they roared into the sky, saying, "Ah..."


"Find him for me, I'm going to tear him to pieces!!"



The sound waves were like waves, and the magic flame rolled and spread quickly.

A devil man's eyes flashed a blood-colored light, and he turned to stare at a place for a moment, "There!"

In an instant.

Dozens of ghosts shuttled out of the forest.

Walk like thunder.

The throat lock hook radiates a cold light, which looks particularly gloomy under the cold moon.



Long Fei tried his best to increase his speed to the limit. Looking at the magic flames scattered around his body, his heart sank, "Fuck!"

The magic flame coil means that they have found their own position.


Long Fei was not in a hurry. Looking at the mountain not far away, he smiled and said to himself, "Catch the daddy? In the next life!"

"It's there!"


"Hurry up!"

Several demons have appeared behind Long Fei, and the throat lock hook swayed slightly, "Shu..."

Pierce the night sky and lock it directly to Long Fei's throat.

Long Fei's thoughts moved, "Anilu!"


Anilu fell, the golden stick in his hand moved slightly, "Million-volt electric shock!"



A bolt of lightning slashed down and hit the hook directly, the electric current shuttled quickly, and the demon's body twitched a few times and fell to the ground.

Another prompt sounded in Long Fei's mind.


Seeing another devil fall, the devil was furious, "Useless trash!"


The tendency of Mount Tai to crack, step out in one step.

After leaping a thousand meters, he instantly fell behind Long Fei, his palms moved, and he roared, "Kid, die for me!!"

Earthquake like thunder.

All the magic flames in the forest instantly gathered on his hands, the magic flames rolled and slashed towards Long Fei's back.

This palm...

The power is too strong.

As long as he hits, Long Fei can't stop him even if he has zero blood.

"Quick, quick, quick!" Long Fei felt the incomparable strength of his back, and his heart became more calm, "No..."

"It's too late!"

"The power of Hongmeng!"

"Open it for me!"


One hundred points of Hongmeng value can be exchanged for one point of Hongmeng Qi, and Hongmeng Qi is transformed into power, which suddenly explodes on Long Fei, like a Hong bell condensed from strength, which protects Long Fei's whole body.

too late.

There is simply not enough speed.

He could only block this palm with the Qi of Hongmeng.


With one palm bang, a shock wave of power burst out, and the trees in the entire valley shook violently, and the leaves flew like white snow.

The defensive power transformed by the Qi of Hongmeng also shattered.

Long Fei's whole body sank, and he scolded angrily, "Fuck me!"

Not to mention that all the energy of Hongmeng has been consumed, even his own body is sinking, and his internal organs are turning over.

Long Fei forcibly held back.

The devil's eyes were extremely shocked, "Didn't he die?"

The anger in my heart climbed even higher, and my palms moved again, "Let's see how many moves you can block!"

Another hit.

This time it was even more ferocious.

At this time, Long Fei could no longer use the Qi of Hongmeng, and even if he could use it, he would only have half of his power, and this half of his power could not stop this palm at all.

And right now.

Long Fei suddenly stood still, the corners of his mouth raised, smiled coldly, and said, "If you want daddy's life, you are still far away!"

Are you still pretending when your life is at stake?

The devil's eyes were about to shoot out fire, and the devil flames on his body fell together, like an angry lion, staring at Long Fei and slamming his palms, "Death!"

Long Fei laughed and said, "Weak!"

A thought moved in my heart, "Glancing Step!"


The body mutated, the whole person instantly got into the mountain, and Long Fei quickly shuttled out of the mountain.




With a loud bang, half of the valley almost collapsed, but... it didn't hit Long Fei, let alone kill him.

at this moment……

The demon head was stunned, looking at Long Fei who disappeared out of thin air, he couldn't react a little, his eyes swept away, and the demon flame was turned upside down and let out.



In a single thought, it spread to a hundred kilometers away, but... there was no Long Fei's breath within this range.

Long Fei!

disappeared out of thin air!


"It's so damn thrilling, it almost cost Daddy's life, but fortunately, Daddy and Kayin's shadow step, otherwise, my life will really be explained here." Long Fei wandered in the mountain.

It's easy and comfortable.

However, Long Fei is a master who never suffers.

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