The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2971 Directly Scared To Kneel

Wu Tianlong is crazy.

Because of the pain in his crotch, because of the torment of being unable to work for the past two weeks.

More because of the strength of his Wu family.

Immortal Fate Sect disciple?

His Wu family also has it, and he believes that people who come from Donghuang City like Long Fei, even if they are lucky enough to make friends with Xianyuanzong, are at most the marginal disciples who do chores and dump the toilet, so after calming down, he Not afraid at all.

His words made Qin Shuang and the others unhappy.

"So crazy?" Qin Shuang was very upset and was about to take action, but was held back by Long Fei.

Long Fei said, "My business, I will solve it."


Long Fei looked at Ye Qingshan and said, "Elder Ye, come with me to invite the pavilion master."

sudden change.

Ye Qingshan was stunned, but agreed immediately, he wanted to know what Long Fei was doing.

Wu Tianlong snorted coldly and said, "Let's see how you invite people out of the underworld."

He is calm.

He Zun's mood was up and down, and he was a little uneasy.

Long Fei and Ye Qingshan left and walked into the courtyard of the pavilion master. Ye Qingshan could no longer control his curiosity, and said, "Brother Long, tell me the truth, what happened? What happened to the pavilion owner?"


Long Fei exhaled softly and said, "The pavilion master may really be dead."


Ye Qingshan's eyes sank, and his body trembled slightly.

Long Fei went out with the pavilion master. If he wanted to tell the truth, only Long Fei would know. Now that Long Fei is saying this, it means that the pavilion owner is really dead.

He didn't believe it before, but now it's like a bolt from the blue.

" could it be...the Great Pavilion Master's Martial Cultivator Realm is also very strong." Ye Qingshan's eyes were a little sluggish and a little desperate.

If the big pavilion master is not there, the Xianwu Pavilion is destined to be unstoppable.

Long Fei said, "Tell me about the outside world first, and I'll see if I can help you."


"How to help?"

"Do you know how to forge?"

"Do you know about refining?"

"You know about refining, can you be higher than He Zun's refining level?" Ye Qingshan smiled bitterly, "It's useless, Xianwu Pavilion is useless."

Long Fei is an ordinary Practitioner from the Eastern Imperial City.

I have a dream of entering the Immortal Fate Sect in my heart, but...for the people of Donghuangcheng, this is just a dream.

How could such a person understand the refining tools?

Long Fei said slightly, "It's just a weapon refining test, right?"



Long Fei turned on the system to check the artifact refining technique...and his heart tightened, "It's still first-level!"

"If you want to refine an immortal weapon, it's impossible..."

Ye Qingshan let out a long breath and said, "Brother Long, your friend is still in the yard over there. You should leave quickly while Wu Tianlong is here."

"The farther away, the better, don't come back again, and don't dream of entering Xianyuanzong, because this is impossible."

talking room.

Ye Qingshan was about to leave the courtyard with a loss.

He grew up in Xianwu Pavilion since he was a child. This is his home and everything.

Even if he dies, he will die here.

His heart was desperate.

Ye Qingshan walked out of the yard, Long Fei was still thinking about how to refine the immortal weapon, "Is there a scroll that instantly improves the refining technique?"

Shop to find.

could not find it!

"Black and white, I want to save Xianwu Pavilion, do you have a way for me to improve the Refiner Realm?"


Black and White did not respond.

"Ancient Item Refining Technique..." Long Fei thought of this, but... if he uses the Ancient Item Refining Technique, the curse mark of the Celestial Clan will appear on his body, and then...

This is not the Eastern Imperial City.

The people in the Eastern Imperial City did not know what the curse mark of the Celestial Clan was.

But many people here must know, and in front of so many people.

The risk is too great.


Even if Long Fei used the ancient artifact refining technique, he would not necessarily be able to forge an immortal weapon more powerful than He Zun.

After all, the Realm of his Item Refining Technique stayed in Zhenwu Continent.

In the Hongmeng Realm, he has not studied the art of refining.


"How exactly?"

"Guarding the Dragon Sword, do you have a solution?" Long Fei asked, then smiled bitterly, "You are just a sword, how can you do it?"

"Can the eighteen primordial demons sealed in the armguards of the great master?"

"They are all sealed in the armguard. Even if they can refine the immortal weapons, how can they be released, and how can they be refined?"

"I guess I'm going crazy?"

Long Fei smiled bitterly.

He wanted to help Xianwu Pavilion, but Xianwu Pavilion saved him.

If it weren't for the pavilion master of Xianwu Pavilion, he would not have obtained the guarding dragon sword, nor the arm guard of the master, nor would he have known Chu Qing and the others.

Now that he is dead, Long Fei will never let Xianwu Pavilion disappear like this.

He wants to guard here.

At this moment, the guardian Longjian suddenly said, "Master, last time you represented the Grand Pavilion Master of Xianwu Pavilion in the Sealed Valley, you can do it this time..."



Long Fei's light flashed, "Yes, no one has seen the appearance of the pavilion master. If I can wear a mask, who can prove that I am not the pavilion owner?"

As long as the big pavilion owner appears, it can shock everyone immediately.

Wu Tianlong would definitely be frightened.

If not...

Long Fei's heart tightened, and he subconsciously touched the curse mark of the Celestial Clan hidden on his chest, "The pavilion master is dead, I can't ignore the Xianwu Pavilion."


Long Fei changed into the clothes and mask he used to represent the Great Pavilion Lord in the last battle.


There was a shout from far away, "The big pavilion master is here."

He walked out unhurriedly.

This Ye Qingshan has already reached the refining table.

"Huh, just you?"

"Can't your grand pavilion come out?"

"Hahaha... I knew, how can the dead come out?" Wu Tianlong laughed proudly, he was bound to win this match.

He Zun sighed in relief.

Just when they are proud.

A sentence came from a distance, "The Great Pavilion Master is here!"

He Zun's heart sank suddenly, and the whole person was a little unstable.

Wu Tianlong's pupils also tightened secretly, "Impossible."

The elders of the entire Xianwu Pavilion looked happy, only Ye Qingshan looked desperate.

Long Fei walked into the backyard.

Everyone looked over.

"Grand Pavilion Master!"

"What a great pavilion master!"

"Hahaha... He Zun, see how crazy you are."

"I knew that the big pavilion master would not have an accident."


The elders of Xianwu Pavilion shouted excitedly one by one.

He Zun's face was slightly sullen, and he looked at Wu Tianlong.

Wu Tianlong smiled coldly, and said, "Bring a mask and approve the clothes, you are the master of the pavilion? Then the daddy is still your ancestor."

"It's not about appearance, it's about refining!"

His heart was also secretly tense.

If something happened to He Zun, his father would never spare him.

He can only continue to gamble.

Long Fei walked to the refining table, stared at He Zun for two pages, and said, "Refining, right? Then today I will let you know what refining is."

The voice was somber.

I can't hear it being said by a young man in his early twenties.

Ye Qingshan was also puzzled.

Just then.

Long Fei took the risk, his mind moved slightly, "Ancient Artifact Refining Technique!"

He must help with this one!

Just when he used the ancient artifact refining technique, there was a scorching pain in his chest, and at this time... "Om!"

The fire of the colorful weapons in the Heavenly Secret Token burst out, extremely strong and dazzling, and everyone was attracted by the fire of the colorful weapons.

Also at this moment.

"Pfft!" He Zun knelt directly on the ground...

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