The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2972 ​​Dead Dog


With a crisp sound, the kneecap was about to shatter.

Hold tight.


The head slammed on the ground heavily, and there was another loud noise. This time, a piece of bluestone floor on the ground shattered directly, "Master, I was wrong."

"I, I, I withdraw my challenge."


"I take back the challenge!"

He Zun repeatedly begged for mercy.

Many people didn't move, but everyone in Xianwu Pavilion's artifact refining knew that the fire of artifact refining released by Long Fei was quite high, several floors high.

The existence that crushed He Zun a hundred times.


There is no one here who understands the fire of refining tools better than He Zun.

It takes countless years of accumulation to cultivate the fire of the refining tool, and it also requires the incomparably powerful refining tool Talent, the colorful fire, this level is something he has never seen before.

He is not an opponent at all.

If Long Fei once refined the Immortal Armament, he would definitely lose.

Challenge the consequences of failure, you must stay alive!

He doesn't want to die.

So when He Zun saw the colorful fire, he immediately begged for mercy.

Ye Qingshan, who was beside Long Fei, tightened his eyes, looking at the colorful fire, he was stunned, his mouth opened like an egg, and he looked at the masked 'big pavilion master'.

The people from Xianwu Pavilion let out a fierce sigh, "He Zun, aren't you arrogant?"

"What is your refining technique? It doesn't even count as a fart in front of our pavilion master."

"You still want to annex our Xianwu Pavilion?"


One by one angry.

Wu Tianlong didn't move the weapon refining, looking at He Zun kneeling on the ground with contempt, but he did not dare to offend easily, and said, "He Lao, the refining challenge is not over yet, and we have not lost..."

He Zun angrily said, "Shut up!"

Wu Tianlong froze slightly, his eyes a little uncomfortable.

He Zun said, "If you want to challenge, you challenge, anyway, I won't challenge again, I won't come to court death!"


He Zun continued to beg for mercy and said, "Grand Pavilion Master, I am blind and fascinated, so I came here to challenge, I was wrong, please give me a chance, I, I, I will leave the Wu family immediately, leave Xian Yuancheng, please also ask the pavilion master to let me live."

If the challenge fails, there will be a price to pay.

He Zun did not want to die.

Long Fei's breath was slightly withdrawn, and He Zun's sudden kowtow and kneeling made him secretly startled, and at the same time, his heart was also shocked, "The fire of Tianji Pavilion's weapon refining is really amazing."

He Zun was terrified the moment he was summoned.

Long Fei said in a gloomy voice, "You know what's wrong?"

"Is it all over if you know it's wrong?"

Is there such a good thing in the world?

He Zun's eyes tightened, his body trembled slightly, and said, "Grand Pavilion Master, as long as you are willing to let me die, you can do anything you want me to do."

Long Fei's eyes turned slightly, "The fire of the refining tool!"


He Zun's eyes sank, and he said, "This,,, this,, Great Pavilion Master, this,, this is the fire of the refining tool that I spent 50 years cultivating, you,,, you,"

"Or leave your life behind."

"Either hand over the fire of the refining tool." Long Fei snorted coldly, and at the same time, the colorful fire surged again, and the sound of the sword guarding the dragon sword shook.


The yard is full of powerful Sword intents.

Astonishing, the sea of ​​consciousness became turbulent.

The pavilion master of Xianwu Pavilion not only has a very high Item Refinement Realm, but also his Cultivation Base is unfathomable. He Zun's Cultivation Base is nothing but the emperor Realm is not an opponent at all.

He Zun gritted his teeth, and in the face of the fire of life and weapon refining, he still chose the former. With a thought, his body trembled, "Boom, boom, boom..."

There was a roar in the body.


He Zun spat out a mouthful of blood, and the fire of the refining tool with blood on the palm of his right hand slowly floated up, and He Zun's face was extremely pale.

The fire of the refiner is the lifeblood of the refiner.

Taking it out of the body, it can be said that it is basically impossible to refine a weapon in this life.


Compared with life, the fire of the refining tool is not so important.

Long Fei's eyes moved slightly and said, "Ye Qingshan, go and get it!"

Ye Qingshan froze, but he still couldn't react, he walked forward stiffly, carefully took the fire of the refining tool, and his eyes flashed a hint of desire.

The fire of the refiner is what every refiner dreams of.

Long Fei said lightly, "I'll reward you!"

Ye Qingshan's eyes tightened, and he was extremely surprised. Looking at Long Fei, he didn't know what to say.

The elders of Xianwu Pavilion were also shocked.

Especially Yan Kong and Guo Yan, the two of them are the oldest, but... the 'Grand Pavilion Master' didn't even look at them, and directly gave Ye Qingshan the fire of refining.

Both eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

He Zun said solemnly, "Thank you for the grace of not killing the pavilion master."


He Zun turned and left.

Wu Tianlong looked at He Zun's series of 'operations' a little confused, "He Lao, He Lao..."

Said to go out.


Long Fei said coldly, "Did I let you go?"

Wu Bin and Zheng Yuanhang took a step forward and stopped Wu Tianlong directly, "Did you hear me, I didn't tell you to leave."

Wu Tianlong's eyes scowled, "Get out of the way, the disciples of the Immortal Fate Sect are amazing, right? My two Uncles are also in the Immortal Fate Sect. They are still in charge. If you don't want to cause trouble, just get out of the way."

The two of them sounded a little unhappy.

Wu Bin was even more angry, and kicked him directly.


What is Wu Tianlong's Cultivation Base?

The Soul Gang Realm was just a realm. He was kicked five or six meters away by Wu Bing from the realm of the emperor. The whole person knelt on the ground directly, his abdomen was in severe pain, and he screamed, "Ah... it hurts to death, daddy. I kill, kill them for me"

The minions around him rushed towards Wu Bin quickly.

One by one is evil.


Wu Bin coldly said, "Whoever comes up will die."

One sentence will scare them all away, and they don't dare to make moves against him at all.


Wu Tianlong got up from the ground in pain and said heavily, "You, you, daddy must kill you."

Wu Bin phantom moved.


He kicked Wu Tianlong's mouth again, spurting out blood, "You still want to kill us with a waste like you?"

Wu Tianlong hit the ground heavily.


But... but can't do anything to resist.

Long Fei coldly said, "Where did you know the news of the death of the pavilion master?"

Wu Tianlong's face was pale, and he was beaten by Wu Bin with both feet. He stared at Long Fei, and suddenly smiled grimly, "Your voice..."


"You are not the Great Pavilion Master at all!"

"You are the waste from the Eastern Imperial City..."

Before the word 'thing' could be said, Wu Bin turned around and kicked again.


Wu Tianlong flew up again and let out a howl like a pig.

Wu Bin coldly said, "One more word, and I'll make your mouth grow on the back of your head."


Fallen like a dead dog...

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