The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2973 Really Demon Sect


It fell directly from mid-air, and the ground shook.

This time, Wu Tianlong couldn't even let out a scream, and immediately passed out.

Several minions immediately stepped forward to support Wu Tianlong. At this time, Wu Zhong ran into the yard in dismay, and saw Wu Tianlong fainted, and his heart was full of anger.


Seeing these people in the yard, his heart tightened again.

"let's go!"

Wu Zhong gave a deep voice.

Long Fei said coldly, "Go? Am I letting you go?"

He wanted to know why the Wu family was so sure that the pavilion master was dead?

In addition to the fact that the only person alive knew about this matter, there was another force that knew about it, and that was Mozong.

Could it be that there are people from Mozong in the Wu family?

If this is the case, then the Wu family's sin is a big one! !

Wu Zhong squinted and said coldly, "Grand Pavilion Master, this time it was our Wu family who planted it, but you have to find out the power of our Wu family in Xianyuan City."

"You have someone in Xianyuanzong, and there are people in our Wu family."

"If you want the fish to die and the net to break... then you don't know who will die and who will live!" Wu Zhong said fiercely.

Qin Shuang coldly said, "So arrogant?"

Wu Zhong glanced at Qin Shuang coldly, and said, "If you have the strength, then don't be arrogant!"

Qin Shuang twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "Strength? It's really awesome."

He was upset.

Qin Shuang wants to start.


Long Fei's eyes moved, and he said, "Just tell me how your Wu family knew the news of the death of the pavilion master!"

Wu Zhong sneered, "Why don't I say it?"

Long Fei said, "If you don't say anything, then you all stay here."

Wu Zhong's eyes were fierce, and he said in a deep voice, "You dare?"

Long Fei said, "There is nothing in this world that I dare not."

Ye Qingshan and the refiners of Xianwu Pavilion were slightly shocked.

They couldn't understand Long Fei.

The previous big pavilion master would never do this.


Compared with the Wu family, the strength of Xianwu Pavilion is still a lot worse. Besides, Xianwu Pavilion is for refining weapons, and it is not strong at all in terms of martial arts.

The Wu family is different.

He is a family of martial arts. If they compete with force, Xianwu Pavilion has no chance of winning, and the Wu family wants Wu Ba, the patriarch of the powerful emperor.

Wu Zhong fixed his eyes on Long Fei.


Wu Zhong's breath suddenly surged, "Boom!"

The peak of the emperor Realm's power is raging wildly, and the combat power is soaring.

Qin Shuang's eyes tightened.

At this time, everyone wanted to fight for Wu Zhong, but... he suddenly grabbed the unconscious Wu Tianlong's clothes and moved violently, and his body bounced.


Jump straight into the air.

"not good!"

"He's running away!"

Qin Shuang's voice sank.

Long Fei's thoughts moved, "Escape?"

The guarding dragon sword flew out instantly!


A light and shadow flashed across the sky, a sword pierced through his thighs, the real Spiritual Qi on his body was chaotic, and the whole person fell from the air.


Wu Zhong slapped Wu Tianlong on the back and shouted, "Tianlong, let's go!"

Also at this time.

A small rocket flew out and exploded in the sky!



Wu family.

Wu Ba smiled and said, "Then the dog will rely more on two adults for this year's assessment."

The two Immortal Fate Sect stewards smiled faintly.

Looking at the two silver-glowing divine treasures on the table, he showed a satisfied smile and said, "Master Wu, don't worry, Junior Brother Wu Wei has specially explained it in Xianyuanzong, we will definitely find a way to get the two Young Masters of the Wu family to rank high. Entering the Xianyuanzong, let alone the Talent of the Wu family Practitioner has never been bad, and entering the Xianyuanzong is just a very easy and simple thing."


The three laughed at the same time.

Just then.

The sky trembled slightly.

A disciple rushed in and said, "Report to the Patriarch, there is a distress signal from the direction of Xianwu Pavilion."

Wu Ba frowned, "Is something wrong?"

The two Immortal Fate Sect stewards said, "Brother Wu, do you need help?"

Wu Ba said, "Don't bother the two adults, this kind of trivial matter can be solved by Mr. Wu."

"Come on!"

"Send two adults."

Wu Ba was very calm and did not panic, because in front of the people of Xianyuanzong, he had to appear calm.

The two stewards were sent out.

Wu Ba's face sank, and he immediately asked, "What happened?"

"The disciple doesn't know."

"Maybe something happened to Young Master."

Wu Ba's eyes sank, "Useless trash, you can't do anything well, I really don't know how the Wu family would produce trash like you."

Hate that iron is not steel.


Wu Ba responded quickly and said, "Go and get Wu Ying out of the customs, and first control the wastes of the East Imperial City. Since Xianwu Pavilion wants to protect them, then they have a certain value."

"As ordered!"


Wu Ba exhaled heavily and looked into the distance.

Step out of the hall.

In an instant.


A ferocious beast rushed out of the void and dragged Wu Ba to the sky in an instant.

Almost disappeared into the sky in an instant.


Xianwu Pavilion.

Long Fei didn't expect that Wu Zhong did not resist the guarding dragon sword in the line of life and death, but sent Wu Tianlong out with his last strength.

This surprised him greatly.


Long Fei was not worried.

Looking at Wu Zhong on the ground, Long Fei said, "You are really tough."

Wu Zhong coldly smiled and said, "Boy, you still don't know when you are about to die."

Long Fei said, "You're already like this, don't you think it's funny that I'm dying?"


"Do you think you can send Wu Tianlong's trash away?"

"You think he can escape?"


Long Fei's thoughts moved, and in the sky, the guardian dragon sword was inserted into Wu Tianlong's bones, flying in mid-air, blood dripping wildly, and the whole person was half dead.

Wu Zhong's pupils shrank suddenly, and he roared heavily, "Boy, if you dare to hurt him, you will surely die miserably!"

Long Fei said, "Many people have said this to me, but the people who said these words have already died, and I'm still alive and well."


The guarding dragon sword moved slightly.

Wu Tianlong fell from the air.

Long Fei stepped on Wu Tianlong's head, looked at Wu Zhong and said, "Can you tell me how you got the news now?"

Wu Zhong's eyes were full of hatred.

Long Fei said in no hurry, "Looks like you don't want to talk yet."


The guarding dragon sword moved, and it was directly suspended between Wu Tianlong's eyebrows.

Long Fei's thoughts moved.

The guarding dragon sword flew up suddenly, and then stabbed Wu Tianlong in the middle of the forehead heavily.

Wu Zhong's eyes widened angrily, and he hurriedly said, "I said, I said!"

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Is this right?"

Wu Zhong was sweating profusely on his forehead, breathing quickly, and said, "It's the Demon Sect, it's the news from the Demon Sect."

The voice fell.

Qin Shuang's eyes narrowed.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly, "Damn, it's really a Demon Sect!"

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