The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2974 Do You Want To Destroy The Door?


Long Fei wants to know what the news has come out for only one purpose, to kill the demons and upgrade!

A two-level.

The night in the Sealed Valley was so cool.

Just like eating Xuanmai, you can't stop being so cool.


If the Wu family has something to do with Mozong, then they can do whatever they want.

"All right!"

"I've already said it, can you let us go now?" Wu Zhong said solemnly, the news from the Demon Sect must not be spread.

All these people are going to die.


He must now go back to Wu's house.

Must go back!

Long Fei smiled slightly, "What do you think?"

Wu Zhong's eyes tightened, and he said, "You don't care what you say, you,,, what do you want?"

"I don't think so."

"I just want to make you experience." Long Fei's mouth twitched, and his killing intent moved.

The goal has been achieved, and experience can be gained.

Long Fei never thought of letting Wu Zhong and Wu Tianlong go.

Ye Qingshan immediately stepped forward, grabbed Long Fei's hand, shook his head gently and said, "You can't kill him, if you kill him, Xianwu Pavilion will not be able to keep it."

Yan Kong and Guo Yan also came up and said, "Grand Pavilion Master, we can't kill them. We can't afford to offend the Wu family's strength."

The Wu family is very strong.

Xianwu Pavilion is just a small place to sell weapons. Once the Wu family is killed, then Xianwu Pavilion will not be able to gain a foothold in Xianyuan City.


They don't understand.

Even if they don't kill them, the Wu family will not let Xianwu Pavilion go.

Today's challenge speaks for itself.

Just when Long Fei was about to say this, he suddenly said, "Roar..."

Everyone looked up.

"Wu Ba's mount, eighth-level Mandrill Magical Beasts!"

"Wu Ba is here!"

"The emperor is strong, the head of the Wu family."


With another roar, the huge Magical Beasts swooped down, Wu Ba on his back stared into the yard, and frowned at Wu Tianlong, who was half-dead on the ground.

Wu Tianlong is no longer a weapon, no matter how playful he is, and he will cause trouble everywhere, but... he is all from the Wu family, and he is the son of his Wu Ba.

Seeing his own son being abused like this, Wu Ba's heart surged with anger.


Heavy crushing.

The might of the Emperor Realm was crushed like a monstrous flood.




Some of the guys in Xianwu Pavilion and the low-level Practitioner of Cultivation Base knelt on the ground in an instant, blood gushing from their mouths.

Those elders were also pale, their bodies could not move, and they were extremely uncomfortable.


The coercion became heavier as Wu Ba got closer to them.


An Elder fell directly, and the seven orifices bleed.


Another Elder fell, and the heads of the other guys burst open one by one. Their sea of ​​consciousness simply could not withstand such a powerful impact.

Long Fei was not feeling well either.

Chu Qing was a little tired.

Long Fei was upset, "f*ck!"

"The worst attack a daddy hates is coercion!"

With a flip of his right hand, the whip of God fell in his hand.

True spirit surging.

The whip of the gods kept whipping out, "Crack, snap, snap..."

The boundless red light flickered, and the power of the emperor in the sky shattered one after another, and was completely killed by the power of the whip.

The expressions of everyone in the yard improved slightly.

"Break my coercion?"


Wu Ba snorted heavily, and did not continue to release his coercion. The whole person turned into a black shadow and fell heavily, and at this moment, the shadow of the fist was like the wind.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The power of the whip was shattered by his punches.

Long Fei almost fell off.

My arms are numb.


Long Fei's eyes and hands were quick, and he fell on Wu Tianlong's side in one step, and lifted him up.


The ground shook, forming a super shock wave, and the dust on the ground tumbled gently. Wu Ba stared at Long Fei. At this moment, he didn't know who was under the mask, and he thought it was the big pavilion master.

Wu Ba was secretly surprised, "Could it be that the news is fake?"


This is not the time to think about this, Wu Ba said lightly, "Master, the dog is reckless today, and challenging your pavilion is also a child's joke, don't take it seriously."

"Now that you have fought, you should let it go."

An understatement.


There was an unnamed anger in his words.

Wu Zhong immediately said, "Dage, Tianlong is dying."

Wu Ba's eyes tightened, and he said, "Master of the pavilion, let go of the dog, and the Wu family and Xianwu Pavilion's well water will not violate the river water in the future."

Ye Qingshan also said, "Master of the pavilion, let's let Master Wu Young go."

talking room.

Ye Qingshan kept winking at Long Fei, telling Long Fei not to be impulsive, don't be impulsive.

Xianwu Pavilion really can't provoke the Wu family.

The Wu family already has two disciples in the Immortal Fate Sect, and the Wu family is bound to win this year's assessment. Once another disciple enters the Immortal Fate Sect, the Wu family's strength will be even stronger.

With blood dripping from Wu Tianlong's mouth, he was extremely weak, and said gloomily, "You, you bastard, can't kill me, haha..."

Wu Ba shouted, "Shut up!"


Wu Ba looked at Long Fei, turned his right hand, and saw an extra sword in his hand. He said, "I know that the master of the pavilion likes swords, and this sword should be regarded as my apology on behalf of the dog."

Yan Kong also said solemnly, "The big pavilion master and the Wu family master are like this, let's forget it."

Guo Yan said, "Multiple enemies are not as good as multiple friends. There must have been misunderstandings in the past. The head of the Wu family has already made a promise, so forget it."

Every refiner here does not want to provoke the Wu family.

Because they all know the power of the Wu family.

The people here in Xianwu Pavilion are persuading Long Fei.


Chu Qing and the others were very calm, and there was no fear in their eyes.

Long Fei said slightly, "What if I don't let it go?"

Wu Ba's eyes tightened, and the aura on his body suddenly fused, and said lightly, "Master, you'd better let it go. Otherwise, I'm sure there will be no Xianwu Pavilion in Xianyuan City within three days."

Long Fei was upset.

The meat in the mouth is gone like this?


Unhappy and unhappy, the master of the pavilion is dead, the Xianwu Pavilion is his hard work, and Long Fei cannot destroy it.


Long Fei's heart was relieved, his hand moved, Wu Tianlong rolled to the ground, and said lightly, "Patriarch Wu, I'll let you go, but please remember what you said."

"in addition!"

"I want to remind you."

"Don't mess with me, otherwise, I can make your Wu family disappear from this world in less than a day, I said I will!"

more ruthless?

Long Fei is more ruthless than anyone else!

Wu Ba's eyes narrowed slightly, looked at Long Fei's eyes seriously, then slowly lifted Wu Tianlong up, coldly said, "Go!"

Wu Zhong and those little minions quickly withdrew from the yard.

Ye Qingshan and those refining masters of Xianyuan Pavilion took a heavy breath as if they had been granted amnesty.

Especially Ye Qingshan looked at Long Fei and said, "Thank you, Great Pavilion Master."

"The Wu family is too strong, if we start a war, we have no chance of winning..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

At the gate of the courtyard, a man covered in blood climbed in. Long Fei's eyes tightened and he recognized him at a glance, "Cannon!"

Tan Dapao held back the pain and said, "Boss, Su Su and Lan Mei have been kidnapped!"

In an instant.

The killing intent on Long Fei was like a volcanic eruption, "Wu family, you fucking want to destroy the family!!"

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