The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2993 Who Threatens Whom?

Long Fei overestimated Yuan Tianwang's status in Xianyuanzong. Once

The top three disciples who ranked in the top three in the examination, can't even match the status of a steward in the Immortal Fate Sect? That

Not really. like

If it were another disciple, the bird would not have to seal it up, but Yuan Tianwang couldn't, because of his strength! At once

Even if you are a third flower, even if you are an inner discipline, strength is king in this world, and without strength, there is no right to speak.

this is the truth. like

If Yuan Tianwang stepped into the Realm of Emperor Realm, it would be another matter.

In addition, he came from the East Imperial City, where he was ridiculed, he was also the laughing stock of Xianyuanzong, everyone knew that Xianyuanzong had the waste of the East Imperial City. exist

Immortal Fate Sect, Yuan Tianwang really can't lift his head, but he never admits defeat. One tries hard, and the other wants to break through the emperor's realm, but... he can't break through!

It was like a shackle locked him tightly!

Yuan Tianwang also noticed that Zang Tianfeng looked at Long Fei's strange eyes, and said with a slight smile, "Xianyuanzong will not miss any genius, don't worry, Elder Zang is still very fair and just."


Hide the Elder! "Tibetan

Tianfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, a smile with a hidden knife on his face, and said, "Of course, for the eternal prosperity of Xianyuanzong, I will not miss any genius, but... some of these geniuses are disobedient and like to mess around. , people who kill indiscriminately and disobey the discipline, even if they enter the Immortal Fate Sect, it is a scourge, and it is best to get rid of them as soon as possible."

Long Shaoxia, who am I, right? "

Looking at Long Fei with two eyes, smiling eyes.

Before Long Fei could answer, Zang Tianfeng said again with a smile, "You will obey discipline, right?"

Tianfeng looked at Long Fei. dragon

Fei is also looking at him.

Four eyes meet, there is

There is a feeling of fire, and the killing intent is slowly growing. Yuan

The King of Heaven looked at Long Fei and coughed deliberately. Seeing that Long Fei did not answer, he quickly said, "Don't worry, Elder Zang, I still know him well, he must..."

Zang Tianfeng's eyes were fierce, the muscles at the corners of his eyes twitched a few times, and he shouted angrily, "I didn't let you say it, I let him say it!"

Do not give the slightest Face.

After all, he is also an inner discipline.

With the tone of Zang Tianfeng, it can be said that he did not put him in one's eyes at all, just like teaching his disciples. Yuan

The king's face changed slightly. He didn't care how Zang Tianfeng treated him. What he cared about was Long Fei, "Boy, don't be hard."

"Be patient for a while, calm down."

Don't mess around! "

He values ​​Long Fei very much. short

In just a few months, Long Fei's Cultivation Base has gone from the Spiritual Realm to the current astronomical Realm. The speed of this breakthrough is simply unbelievable.

too fast!

If he can enter the Xianyuanzong and get more cultivation resources and the guidance of the strong, his cultivation speed will be faster, maybe... what he has not done, Long Fei can do. one

It will definitely be able to wash away the title of the wasteland of the Eastern Imperial City.


Yuan Tianwang looked at Long Fei with a hint of pleading eyes.

He was really afraid of Long Fei's impulsiveness. of

Exactly. dragon

Fei was not very happy.

But seeing Yuan Tianwang like this, his clenched fists loosened slightly.

Prince Tianying sneered proudly and said loudly, "Boy, what did Elder Zang ask you? Do you obey discipline? Like a dog."

"Hahaha..." He

Several minions around him also laughed out loud. Tibetan

Tianfeng also looked at Long Fei with a grin on his lips, smiled faintly, and said, "I said, your fate is in my hands, what I said last time is still valid, as long as you hand over what I want, I can guarantee that you will pass the selection very easily."

Eat Dinglongfei. think

To enter the Immortal Fate Sect, you must listen to his words. no

the words of the person.

He can arbitrarily press a charge of killing too many people and being too violent to cancel the qualifications of Long Fei and several others.

He has this right.

Moreover, I don't think it would be possible to investigate the disqualification of a few among the millions of selected disciples. Tan

Cannon's eyes tightened, "Boss, this kind of Xianyuanzong has a fart!"

Su Su also said, "Yes, let's go."

Lan Mei also pulled Long Fei's sleeves and said softly, "We won't go to any Xianyuan sect." He

The three of them have been working hard every day for the past six months, breaking through themselves every day, and working hard for the assessment of Xianyuanzong. Long Fei also knew that they really wanted to enter Xianyuanzong. very

I want to enter the wider world. This

It is the pursuit of every Practitioner. Can

is now... he

They are also for Long Fei, and don't want Long Fei to suffer.

Zang Tianfeng coldly smiled and said, "You have already come to the Xianyuan Sect, do you think you will leave? As long as I say that you are spies sent by the Demon Sect, the murderers of the Wu family's annihilation, you don't need me to take action at all, you will just do it. I can't go out." Yuan

The king's eyebrows tightened, and he said, "Hidden Elder, is it serious?"

Zang Tianfeng ignored him at all, staring at Long Fei blankly, and said, "If you don't have a spin, you should either be soft and obedient, or...hehe..."

He didn't say what he said later, but there was a trace of killing intent in his eyes. Only

Ask Long Fei not to agree.

He would not let Long Fei leave. superior

Zang Tianfeng felt extremely unhappy when his second clone was beheaded.


For the fire of the colorful weapon, he can endure it first. one

The prince Tianying laughed proudly, "Hahaha... boy, aren't you crazy? Why can't you be crazy now?"

Crazy. ""

Take a look at it again, hahaha..."

He laughed fiercely. Look

When Long Fei couldn't say a word, Prince Tianying was as excited as if he were celebrating the New Year. angry



meaning. exist


Zang Tianfeng could feel the killing intent and anger on Long Fei, but he knew that once Long Fei made a move, he would have chosen Death. dragon

Fei Shen Shen said, "Does it have to be like this?" Zang

Tianfeng smiled and said, "You only have this choice."


When the guarding dragon sword moved, it flew out directly from Long Fei's body, and the sword chirped everywhere. dragon

Fei's eyes were slightly cold, and his killing intent was extremely strong. He took a step forward, his eyes were like a beast, staring at Zang Tianfeng, and said in a very low voice, "I can use a sword in Xianwu Pavilion. Cut off your avatar, and I can kill your deity with one sword here, do you believe it?" ""

Entering the Immortal Fate Sect is very important to me. "

"You make it easy for me, and I won't trouble you."

Can you see it? "

Long Fei said patiently.


He was constantly suppressing his anger.

Zang Tianfeng was not frightened, and said gloomily, "Threat me? Do you know what the consequences are?"

Long Fei coldly said, "I'm not threatening you. I'm talking to you very seriously. You can disqualify me, but I can guarantee that you will never see the sun tomorrow."

"No one can stop what Long Fei wants to do!"

"Either let me go this time!"

"Either, die!"

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