The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2994 Difficult Situation

As soon as the word "death" fell, the guardian dragon sword began to hum and rotate.


Jianming's voice was the same as Long Fei's, very light.


In Zang Tianfeng's mind, it was like a thousand swords shuttled, and the mind and the sea of ​​consciousness were shaking.

feeling bad.

He didn't expect Long Fei to do this.

Originally, he was dangerous to Long Fei, and he forced Long Fei to have no choice, but now... he was threatened instead. Not only that, he was also crushed by Long Fei's guarding dragon sword.

It was nothing short of humiliating to him.

Zang Tianfeng clenched his fists, his bones rattled and said coldly, "Aren't you afraid this is still my clone?"

Long Fei said, "I'm afraid, but I'll bet you're not a clone."

"It doesn't matter if I can't enter the Immortal Fate Sect, but it won't be the same if you lose your life. Elder Tibetan, our life is cheap, so please let us go with your noble hand?"

Long Fei also knew.

If this sword goes down, then he will completely lose the qualification to enter the Immortal Fate Sect.

Not only that.

As Zang Tianfeng said, they can't get out of Xianyuanzong.

Even if there is a dragon sword, a big master armguard, and various powerful powers, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to fight against Tiansheng-level powerhouses, as well as the legendary overlord-level powerhouses under Supreme.

Long Fei couldn't escape.


This sword, he will not easily mess out.

Unless, Tibetan Tianfeng will not give you a way to live!

Zang Tianfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, he was thinking.

Stopped for half a moment.

Zang Tianfeng retreated a half step slightly, smiled lightly, and said, "Boy, you won, but... It's going to be a long time in Japan, and we still have many opportunities to meet."


Zang Tianfeng glanced coldly at Long Fei, smiled lightly, and turned to leave.

His palms were all sweaty.

His back was soaking wet.

Just as Long Fei said, his life is more important than Long Fei's qualification.


The power of guarding the spirit sword disturbed him, and he couldn't guarantee whether he could resist the sword, so he took a step back.


This time he admits defeat, it does not mean that this matter is over.

On the contrary, this matter has reached the point where it cannot be alleviated.

Zang Tianfeng is a villain that Yazi must report. He admits defeat in front of so many people, and he is humiliated in front of an appraiser.

He will definitely avenge this revenge.


Next time he will be well prepared.

Prince Tianying was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand why Zang Tianfeng was afraid.

What's so scary about an astronomical Realm's scum?


Zang Tianfeng had already left, and if he stayed any longer, he would only be angered and humiliated by Long Fei.


Prince Tianying also hurried away.


Long Fei exhaled a deep breath, cold sweat oozes out of Zang Tianfeng's hand, why isn't it in his hand?

He is gambling!

Bet that the Tibetan Tianfeng will choose to die.

Long Fei didn't know what choice he would make if Zang Tianfeng was tough. No matter what, he wouldn't admit it, and he wouldn't even hand over the fire of colorful weapons.

During this time, he also studied why the Colorful Fire is in the Heavenly Secret Token, because he is the guiding fire, without it, Long Fei would never be able to go to the Heavenly Secret Pavilion!

"Huh..." Yuan Tianwang exhaled heavily, walked to Long Fei's side, and said, "How could you offend him? He is your first and most important assessment supervisor. If you offend him, I am afraid that …”

Yuan Tianwang didn't say anything.

Long Fei also knew that Tibetan Heaven Seal was not so easy to give up.

He couldn't care less.

Step by step.

If Zang Tianfeng dared to move him in a place where no one was there, then he would dare to kill him!


Every second of entering the assessment, Long Fei and several others will be extremely dangerous.

Yuan Tianwang blamed himself and said, "It's all my fault. If I could have come here earlier, there wouldn't be so many things."

Long Fei said, "It's not your fault, Yuan Dage, don't worry, isn't Wu Xiu encountering difficulties one after another? If we can't handle even this difficulty, then we won't come to Xian Yuan. Zong."

Yuan Tianwang said, "Well said, Brother Long, I believe in you, I believe you from the first time I saw it, I can't wash away the name of the waste in the East Imperial City, but you can definitely."

"All right!"

"I'm waiting for you in Xianyuanzong, and then I will definitely take care of you!" Yuan Tianwang clasped his hands and smiled at Long Fei.


He also turned to leave.

His heart was very bad.

No one suffers more than him.

Originally it was Solitaire, but I didn't expect to be severely humiliated.

He was really tired of being ridiculed for so many years.


He saw hope, and he saw hope in Long Fei.

He had to do something for Long Fei.

He couldn't let Zang Tianfeng do whatever he wanted, he had to do something.

Yuan Tianwang clenched his fists tightly, his eyes extremely firm.


"Boss, Yuan Dage is not feeling well." Tan Dapao said slightly.

Long Fei said, "It's more than uncomfortable, it's like inserting a knife in his heart, and you look at the people around you."

All are far away from Long Fei and the others.

It was as if Long Fei and the others had a plague on them, so they hid far away for fear of contagion.

Not because of anything else.

But because... the people around know that they are from the Eastern Imperial City.

A place of wasteland.

For fear of being too close to Longfei Station, he would also be seen by the people of Donghuangcheng.

Tan Dapao glanced at it and said with a grin, "It's just right, it's not crowded at all, daddy is still comfortable." He said so, but his fists could not help clenching, and he was very unhappy.

Su Su, Lan Mei and the others are the same.

Donghuangcheng is not welcome, they can be seen.

In their hearts, they also understood why Yuan Tianwang was uncomfortable, and their hearts were more firm about what they were going to do.

The more you are looked down upon, the more you have to stand up!

The people around were far away, but... there was one person who didn't leave, Golden Retriever Yangjin.

Yang Jin was standing beside Long Fei, and the thief said, "Brother, it's hard for you to deal with it now, you are offending the examiner and your identity..."

Tan Dapao immediately drank, "What's wrong with your identity?"

Yang Jin said repeatedly, "I'm not saying that your identities are not good, I'm saying that your current situation is difficult, and... according to my speculation, you will be separated into different areas."

"If all of them are broken at that time..."

Long Fei turned to look at Yang Jin and asked strangely, "People who know that we are from the Eastern Imperial City hide far away, why don't you hide?"

"Aren't you afraid of being treated as a waste of the Eastern Imperial City?"

Yang Jin smiled and said, "Didn't I say it just now? Seeing the two sisters-in-law are so beautiful, I decided to make friends with you... Hey, hey, hey... Don't shoot."

Tan Dabao's heavy artillery is on Yang Jin's head again.

This man is strange.

something wrong.

but. One thing he said is right, Long Fei and the others are in a difficult situation now!

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