The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2995 Death Zone

As many as one million newcomers can't be assessed in one place, they will be divided into major regions.

This decision is in the hands of the examiner.

He can distribute it how he wants. It can be said that... the assessor has the power to live and kill!

Offending an examiner is a very fatal thing.

After Yang Jin's reminder, Long Fei didn't think about Yang Jin's identity and purpose anymore, he was thinking about how to deal with it next.

Long Fei said slightly, "The focus of the Tibetan Heaven Seal should be me. You don't have to worry too much. You must also be careful. No matter what the assessment task is, in short, don't trust anyone."

"Especially Su Su and Lan Mei, you still don't know what evil is in people's hearts. Be careful of everyone around you. For the sake of assessment, you can do anything."

Tan Cannon is not worried about him.

Because Tan Dapao came from a low-level plane, he can be regarded as an old fritter, and it is good that he does not bully people.

It was Su Su and Lan Meilongfei who were very worried.

Su Su and Lan Mei nodded and said, "We will be careful, and so will you."

Long Fei said, "Use the things I give you when you need them. It doesn't matter if you fail the assessment, your life is the most important thing, understand?"



The two nodded obediently.

Yang Jin Thief giggled, "Don't worry, if I'm with them, I'll take care of..."

"Hey hey hey... don't you just put the gun on my head, okay?"

Tan Dapao said, "If you dare to touch one of their hairs, I'll smash anything two inches from your crotch!"

Yang Jin's legs snapped, his body shrank, and he muttered, "It's more than two inches, okay?"


Long Fei believed in the strength of the two of them.

He was afraid that someone would deal with the two of them, especially the people who hide Tianfeng.

If so they are in danger.


Long Fei was begging in his heart for everyone to deal with him!


A bell rang.

The huge square that was buzzing suddenly became quiet.

A thick voice directly covered the entire square, and his voice exploded in the minds of every disciple. This was a super sonic Cultivation Technique.

This move alone made countless people stunned and envied.

"I only said it once!"

"You all remembered it clearly for me."

"All of you are randomly selected by name and enter the examination room."

"When the entrance to the examination room is closed, the assessment will officially begin. We don't know what you will encounter, but the purpose of the first assessment is one word, life!"

"As long as there is life, you can change everything. If a person has no life, what qualification does he have for cultivation?"

"As for the assessment rules, there are no rules!"

"All right!"

"The time has come, and now we are ready to enter the examination room."


The sound fell.

The square was boiling again.

"It's finally starting!"

"I've been waiting for a full year!"

"Hahaha... I must enter Xianyuanzong this year."

"Is there a team, I Venerable eighth-level!"

"Team up!"

"Please form a team, form a team together, enter the Xianyuanzong together, and seek like-minded brothers..."


The square is just like the square that enters the copy in the game.

All kinds of teams, all kinds of shouting.

This feeling made Long Fei inexplicably friendly, as if he was in the world of online games in his previous life.

After a few minutes.


A huge screen appeared on the square. As Long Fei expected, they were divided into different areas.

"Have you started yet?" Long Fei's heart tightened, looking at Zang Tianfeng on the high seat in the distance, his fists clenched secretly.

"Boss, I'm in District B!"

"I'm in District C!"

"I'm in Ding District!"

Long Fei saw his own name, he was in District A.

On the other hand, Yang Jin, he and Su Su are in the same district, and they are also in the D district.

Yang Jin was extremely happy and said, "Brother, don't worry, I will take good care of my sister-in-law. I guess you won't pass the test, and I guess you won't survive, so..."

Tan Dapao said angrily, "Try another fucking word!"

Yang Jin made a gesture of surrender with both hands and said, "Brother, I was wrong, I won't say it anymore."


There was still a smile on his mouth.

Even if Tan Dapao kept holding a gun to his head, he was never afraid.

Long Fei also looked at Yang Jin and said, "Golden Retriever, I don't care who you are or what your purpose is, but you remember it clearly for me. If you touch her a hair, I will make you regret coming into this world!"


Biting cold.

Yang Jin was not afraid of Tan Dabao's cannon, but Long Fei's words made his heart tremble slightly.

At this moment.

Tan Dapao looked at the names on Longfei's area and said in a low voice, "Boss, Wu Tianlang, Wu Tianhu, they seem to be the ones who slipped through the net from the Wu family."

"They are also in District A!"


Tan Dapao took a closer look at the list on District A, and said, "The names are very messy, many of them don't look like their real names, they're messed up, I'm afraid..."

Long Fei looked at Zang Tianfeng in the distance and said, "Don't worry, the more dangerous I am here, the safer your side will be."

Long Fei was very satisfied.

Yang Jin also said slightly, "Actually, it's not these people that you have to worry about, but the monsters that will appear in your area A. This is what you have to worry about."

"District A has always been known for its ferocity, and less than one-tenth of the people living in it can be said."

Long Fei looked at Yang Jin and said, "You seem to know everything?"

Yang Jin smiled and said, "You only need to spend a few Hongmeng Crystals for this kind of thing, and you can find out by asking casually, but this year, I don't know what the perverts above have put in."

talking room.

Yangjin looked at the clouds in the sky.

Above the clouds lies the Immortal Fate Peaks.

It is also the people who are really aloof in the Immortal Fate Sect.

The assessment is different every year.

However, one thing is the same every year.

That is, the A district has always been the most ferocious place, known as the Death district.

"All right!"

"The division is over, ready to enter."

A voice fell.

"Om, hum, hum..."

One after another huge door of space opened.

"Don't go wrong, whoever walks out will be disqualified from the assessment!"


"Be careful," Long Fei said heavily.

Su Su and Lan Mei, and Tan Dapao also said heavily, "Be careful too!"

Yang Jin looked at Long Fei and said with interest, "Brother, be careful, the first level is just the beginning, the chief examiner can't target you."

"Come on!"

"Otherwise, I'll really take over."

Yang Jin said with a smile and strode into the crowd.




Groups of people walk through the gates of space, like soldiers entering a battlefield.

Long Fei walked at the back of the team. He was not in a hurry. Anyway, the assessment started after everyone entered.

After a full hour.

All talents enter the assessment site.


A flash of white light flashed, and Long Fei appeared in a huge ruined place. There were ruins everywhere, as if he had experienced an ancient war.

Don't wait for him to stand still.

suddenly. "Long Fei, kill me!"

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