The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2996 Damn, Boss!

Long Fei was the last to enter the secret realm of the examination room.

Before he could stand firm, a sharp Sword intent suddenly attacked.


Very sharp.

Moreover, this Sword intent has the determination to kill.

The people around were also dumbfounded and did not respond.


Long Fei reacted instantly, raised his eyes slightly, and watched a young man rush towards him, seeing that his appearance was six or seven points similar to Wu Ba.

It cannot be seen that he should be the fish that slipped through the net of the Wu family, and it is also the Wu Tianlang that Tan Dapao said.


Long Fei reacted quickly and jumped into the air, dodging a blow, falling three feet away, and said, "Since you survived last time, then live your life well, and don't ask for a dead end."

Don't wait for Long Fei to finish.

In another place, another Sword intent struck, "Boy, return my father's life!"

"Bang, bang, bang..."

This time Sword intent is stronger.

The two swords attacked, and at the same time forced them in front of Long Fei, Long Fei's eyes sank, his right hand moved, the heavy sword was not in his hand, and he ran out, "Boom!"

The power on the epee suddenly surged.

Bounce the two away.

Long Fei also slightly stepped back half step.

That's the Half step.

In an instant.

He felt dozens of chills coming from behind him, as if there were a dozen beasts behind him.

Long Fei's eyes narrowed.

Without waiting for him to respond, "Shh, shh, shh..."

A dozen red lights flashed simultaneously.

The immortal soldier in his hand, like a Magical Item, released beams of rays of light intertwined into a net, directly rushing towards Long Fei, not giving Long Fei any retreat.

at the same time.

Another place.

Another dozen or so fierce forces rushed in.

Their pupils are different.

It's completely different from ordinary martial artists. At this moment, Long Fei's heart froze when he thought that Tan Dapao said that there are many strange names in the A district, and Long Fei immediately thought, "Mozong?"

A man's eyes scowled, he smiled coldly, and said, "Boy, now that you know, you should die even more."


Take a drink.

Twenty people shot at the same time.

The brothers Wu Tianlang and Wu Tianhu also attacked quickly, "Take your life!"


Long Fei retreated, and when he encountered the red power net coming out, his heart shuddered violently, and it was extremely painful, just like a red-hot iron net.

Can't get close.

more impenetrable.

Long Fei was the last to enter the venue. They had already arranged everything and waited for Long Fei to enter.

Now Long Fei has completely fallen into the trap.

Long Fei thought that someone was going to target him.

He thought that he was from Zang Tianfeng, but he didn't think that he was from the Wu family, and he was also from the Mozong.

Not only that.

Many people in the crowd stared at Long Fei with a smile on their faces, with chills in their eyes.

There are many people in this group who want Long Fei's life, and they should be the people who hide Tianfeng.

"Kid, die!"

"Avenge the Elder."

"Avenge the Wu family!"


Life is on the line.

Long Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, his mind moved, "Dragon Sword!"



The sword sounded everywhere.

Long Fei said coldly, "It's just you?"

The guarding dragon sword flew into the air, and the circular sword shadow raged out, directly covering half of the sky, and directly covering those who rushed up.

The sword shadow moved.

Dragon Sword... Slash!

"Send experience?"

"Can daddy not accept it?"

Long Fei grinned.


Just as the guarding dragon sword was about to be slashed, the entrance gate was closed, the assessment venue was activated, and the roar of an ancient giant beast sounded like a thunderbolt in the depths of the earth.





For a moment.

The sky was shaking, and the whole secret realm was constantly shaking, as if a big earthquake was coming, and the sound of cracking was constantly emitted from the depths of the ground.

"Crack, click..."

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The shadow of the dragon sword guarding the dragon sword was shattered by the shock, and the guard dragon sword shook slightly.

The red giant net released by the surrounding Demon Sect disciples was also shattered by the shock, and everyone around looked at the distance, and the whole world seemed to be doomsday.




As soon as the huge roar fell, the sky shook violently, and the eardrums were cracked.

"what sound?"

"What's the sound?"

"This, this,, isn't there an ancient giant beast in here?"


"Then aren't we lambs in the wolf's den?"

"This,,, this,, is this the assessment?"


Crowd riots.

One by one, their faces were a little ugly. They looked at the sound of ground fissure that was approaching in the distance, and some people began to retreat.

Long Fei thought of what the old man said at the beginning, "Life is everything. If a person cannot live, then he is not qualified to talk about cultivation."

"Is everything alive?"

"Could it be that the assessment of this first level is... life-saving?"

Guarding the Dragon Sword Void moves.

Pierce into the void.

A few seconds later, the guarding dragon sword flew back with a slight trembling and said, "Master, run, run, run, run!"

The words are not over yet.

A golden light burst out from the ground ten miles away.

Golden dazzling light.

This is not the light emitted by metal nor the light emitted by Magic Treasures, but... the boss light!

Long Fei's eyes sank, "Damn, boss?"

Both eyes began to glow.

Long Fei didn't move, he was the one who couldn't walk when he saw the boss.

He didn't hear what Long Jian said at all.

golden light.

Long Fei's eyes were extremely excited, and he grinned, "Boss, boss, wild boss, I haven't met a boss for a long time, hehe..."


Don't wait for him to finish.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

A crack in the ground hit like lightning from ten miles away, and the ground was lifted one by one, and the scene was extremely tragic.

In just half a breath, the cracked ground rushed in front of Long Fei and them.


A tentacle with roots rushed out from the crack, and when the tentacle swept away, Long Fei didn't have time to say the words "Break it", and the tentacle rolled up.



The space is distorted, and under the tentacles, one after another, the sound of breaking air hits.

Immediately after.

A large area of ​​the assessment disciples was swept out, just like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, thousands of people suddenly disappeared, were swept away, and shot to death!

All living people are blinded.

Everything came too fast.

Completely unresponsive.

Is this the test?

It's a fucking assessment, it's a fucking death sentence.


Another roaring sound came from the depths of the earth.

"here we go again!"

"here we go again!"

"He,,, here again!"

The voice was shaking.

At this time, no one can control who, just like a wave of water, madly fleeing out.

Only one man stood motionless like a madman.


His eyes glowed.


"Wow!" "What a powerful boss, I like..." Long Fei was extremely excited, and he was sure in his heart, "I'm going to explode it!"

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