The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3192 Encounter

The system beeps immediately.

Nothing exploded, but there were millions of experiences.

Now Long Feisheng needs more than 3 billion experience to ascend to the first-level, and the experience value of several million will increase.

The other three saw Long Fei killing people, their eyes narrowed, and they said loudly, "Boy, you dare to kill the people of Shen Haizong!"

Shen Haizong is also a big Sect of the overlord level in the Western Regions.

The strength is strong, and the Shenhai powerhouse is also countless.

Ordinary disciples are Heavenly Sage Realm. It is not difficult to see the strength of Shenhaizong.

The people around the theater were also in an uproar.

"It's Divine Sea Sect."

"The disciple of Shenhaizong was killed."

"Is this man crazy?"

"Even the people of Shen Haizong dare to kill? And he kills people as soon as he comes up. This, this is too crazy."


If it was just an ordinary fight, Long Fei might not be able to use the killer.


As soon as the four of them came up, they used the ultimate move. Can he let it go?

Long Fei looked at the person who was speaking and said, "What about the people of Shenhaizong? Do you believe that I made you people of King Yama?"

The three looked grim.

But none of them dared to go forward, and one person shouted, "Boy, don't be too crazy."

Long Fei said, "I'm sorry, this Young Master is so crazy, can you bite me?"


The three of them clenched their fists tightly, and the six eyes stared at Long Fei gloomily, saying, "Wait a minute, I hope you can still be so crazy!"


Just then.

Two columns of heavily armed patrolling guards quickly rushed up in the distance.

"Who dares to kill people on the territory of the Destiny Sect?"

"Killing people in broad daylight does not put my destiny to put in one's eyes?"

A middle-aged man riding a two-meter-high Demonic Beasts came up, and a dozen guards quickly surrounded Long Fei and the other three.

The disciple of Shenhaizong said lightly, "We are disciples of Shenhaizong, this kid killed our junior brother."

When the middle-aged man saw the three of them, he recognized the Shenhaizong logo on the chests of the three of them, his eyes sank, and he immediately shouted at Long Fei, "Come here, take him down for me, if you dare to resist, you will rectify the law on the spot!"

The three disciples of Shen Haizong immediately showed their proud faces, looked at Long Fei and said, "Boy, how crazy!"

This is the site of the destiny sect.

In Destiny City, there are many strong people from the Destiny Sect. If Long Fei dares to attack the disciples of the Destiny Sect, it will inevitably lead to the besieged by the strong.

No matter how strong Long Fei is, he can't escape!

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly and said, "You want to catch me?"

The middle-aged man shouted, "The City of Destiny is the city of the rule of law. No one is allowed to do anything wrong, and no one is allowed to kill anyone here. If you kill someone, then you must come with me."

"Boy, you'd better follow me obediently to avoid the pain of flesh and blood, otherwise, your little life will be explained here today..."

A condescending, aloof look.

Very disdainful.

Long Fei said, "I don't like talking to people with my head up. You'd better get down, or I'll let you roll down from above."


The middle-aged man drank heavily.

The war beast under the crotch roared at Long Fei, "Roar!"


The sound waves were like waves, crushing Long Fei heavily.

Long Fei took out his ears and glared at him.


The Demonic Beasts trembled instantly, and lay down on the ground with a trembling body. No matter how much the middle-aged man beat him, he couldn't get up, and he didn't even dare to look directly into Long Fei's eyes.

Long Fei stared again.


There was another scream, and the beast tossed violently, overturning the middle-aged man to the ground, and it rushed out frantically, as if escaping.

The middle-aged man was very embarrassed. When he saw his own pet being stared at by Long Fei, he was furious. He turned his right hand, a huge copper hammer in his hand, and without a word, a hammer rang Long Fei, give me death!"

The three Shenhaizong disciples laughed.

As long as Long Fei starts, he will be hunted down by the Destiny Sect.

If he doesn't do it!

He will be hammered to death!

are all dead!

Long Fei raised his eyes slightly and stared at the falling copper hammer, his eyes moved, and his left hand turned, "Ashura said!"

Power surges.

Scarlet Purgatory appears normal.

Cover with a palm.


The man knelt on the ground instantly, spitting out a mouthful of blood, the health value above his head also bottomed out instantly, and the system sounded another beep.

Not only did he kill the disciples of the Shenhai Sect, but also the disciples of the Destiny Sect!

Just crazy!

The three disciples of the Shenhai Sect were taken aback for a moment. This was the result they didn't expect, but... this result was better for them. No one who killed the Destiny Sect could escape.

"Boy, just wait to die!"

"Hahaha... idiot."

"No brains."

The three laughed.

Long Fei looked at the three of them and said, "You have no brains. If you have brains, you shouldn't be laughing here now, but run as fast as you can."

The eyes of the three of them froze, and they felt the killing intent on Long Fei's body.

In an instant!

The three rushed out in an instant.






With three palms in a row, three people were killed.

Long Fei clapped his hands, "Doing something? Let's do it again!"

Glancing at the disciples surrounding the own destiny sect, he said indifferently, "You have two choices, one is to die, the other is to go back and call someone."

"If I were you, I would immediately go back and call someone."

Long Fei's voice fell.

More than a dozen guards ran away in a hurry.

The world of the strong is like this. Killing people is no more than a head-to-head, and even the heads are killed in seconds. They can only wait to die when they stay.

Long Fei grinned, "There's still murder!"

"I rely on!"

"It's kind of interesting, as soon as I arrived in Destiny City, someone wanted to kill me, who is it? already?"

"Whatever you are, don't be shy in front of me!"

Long Fei did not stop, but strode forward, muttering, "I don't know if Su Su and the others have entered the city?"

Destiny City is incomparably huge, bigger than the city of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen in the previous life. Looking for someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack, unless Long Fei unleashes the power of his true spirit.

Just then.

There were bursts of excited laughter not far away.


"Get out of the way for me, hahaha..."

"Good luck!"

"It's really good luck." A sloppy man smiled excitedly, facing a naked upper body, extremely burly, and a little silly looking man said, "From now on, you will be a member of my Vajra sect. , tomorrow I will take you to the group of heroes, then you will kill the Quartet and let them know the seriousness of my Vajra sect

Harmful! "


Long Fei was looking at the burly man. The burly man is also watching Long Fei!

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