The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3193 Trouble Is Coming

Li Yuanba wants to go to the Elite Club.


He didn't have an invitation letter and couldn't get in at all unless he forced his way in, but... he didn't want that.

Also at this time.

He was beaten up by a few bullies, and was seen by a Sect Leader named Vajra, and he immediately put it away as a doorman.

Li Yuanba didn't agree, but when he knew that there was an invitation letter to deal with, and Sect's name was nice, he agreed.

As long as he can enter the Qunying venue, as long as he can find the boss, he doesn't care about many things.


"I found the treasure, and I will eat delicious and spicy food with me in the future." Vajra Sect Leader said excitedly.

Li Yuanba was looking at someone.

The breath of one person in the crowd is very special.


The man was also looking at him.

The person watching him was Long Fei.


The memory was sealed, and Long Fei was very vague about what Li Yuanba looked like, and he could hardly remember it. He just saw the big, silly big man throbbing in his heart, "Big Vajra?"


He smiled wryly again, and said to himself, "How could that be?"

"Don't say he's not Big Vajra, even if Big Vajra is standing in front of me, can I recognize it?"

"Damn memory seal!"

"Damn Emperor Xuan!"

With a stern voice in his heart, he turned his eyes away, not paying attention to Li Yuanba who almost passed him by.


Li Yuanba is the same.

Long Fei's appearance has changed, and even if he stood in front of him without contact, he would not recognize Long Fei.

When Long Fei closed his eyes, he also closed his eyes slightly, and secretly said in his heart, "Boss, where are you?"

Instead, he followed Vajra Sect Leader into the crowd and slowly disappeared.

Just passed by.


"No reason!"

"It's okay for the people of Wan Haizong to be arrogant. Even a passerby from Rogue Cultivators dares to be so arrogant. What's the face of my destiny sect?"

"To put in one's eyes is too bad for my destiny!"

"Come on!"

Destiny City Lord's Mansion.

Several senior elders of the Destiny Sect were very angry. The last time Zhou Yuan caused the explosion of ghost power, hundreds of people were killed and injured, and countless people were accusing the Destiny Sect of not doing anything.

They simmered in a belly of fire.

The current Wan Haizong is too strong, and the Sect Leader has already given an order, at this time it is not allowed to erect a strong enemy.

"I can't provoke Wan Haizong, I can't even provoke you, a passerby of Rogue Cultivators?"

"That's good enough?"

The old man said loudly, "Find him for me immediately, I want to see who dares to be so arrogant!"


at the same time.

The temporary residence of Shen Haizong.

Several elders of Shenhaizong were also very angry, "When has my Shenhaizong been ridden on the head? How dare a Rogue Cultivator be so arrogant?"

"it is good!"

"If the Destiny Sect doesn't do anything, then I will make a name for myself in this Destiny City!"


Several elders of the Heavenly Sage Peak of Shenhaizong hurried out of the gate.



"You can't shout a few times, can you?"

Long Fei was standing on the street. The street was crowded with people, more people than the pedestrian street in his previous life. It made his scalp numb.


What annoyed Long Fei the most was that the murderous auras in the dark were still there.


Long Fei turned around and walked into the alley, "I'll see who you are!"

Walking into the alley, turning around, away from the street, there are very few people in the alley, Long Fei leaned against the wall and said lightly, "Come out!"

"Aren't you tired of following along?"

No one made a sound in the dark, and no one came out.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and his figure moved.


Grabbing with one hand, "Boom!"

A **** figure was grabbed directly from the darkness, Long Fei slammed it on the ground without a word, "Bang!"

Cracked ground.

A familiar face appeared under Long Fei's palm.

Long Fei's eyes trembled, "Zhou Yuan?"

Zhou Yuan smiled gloomily, "Hahaha... You finally came to Destiny City."

Long Fei was startled, "You are not dead?"

Zhou Yuan sneered, "I said, I won't die."

"Impossible!" Long Fei's eyes tightened. He clearly saw that the blood volume on Zhou Yuan's head had bottomed out and turned to zero, and his body was burned into black charcoal by the fire, it was impossible not to die!

Zhou Yuan still said gloomily, "Is it a shock, a surprise, right?"

Long Fei smiled coldly and said, "I said, this is better, for me, you are a gift of experience!"


With force under the palm, Zhou Yuan was directly crushed.


Zhou Yuan's body collapsed and turned into a cloud of blood.


"Not bad, I got stronger in just two days, I like it!"

"Long Fei, I'll make you kneel on the stage and tremble at the Qunying Meeting tomorrow, hahaha..." Zhou Yuan smiled gloomily, and the laughter slowly faded away and disappeared.

The surrounding murderous aura also disappeared.

Long Fei said lightly, "Do you really have the power of immortality?"

"Die once and become stronger once!"

"Can you really kill?"

Long Fei murmured, "In the past life, there were quite a few protagonists' Gold Finger powers, such as the Nine Deaths, which became stronger every time they died."

"Gold Finger..."

Long Fei looked at the special item 'Gold Finger' that had just been exposed in the system not long ago, "Tomorrow's elite meeting will see who kneels on the stage!"

This special Gold Finger empowers a strand of strength.

Simply put, it is an 'upgrade roll', which can make a skill or a Magic Treasures stronger.

Long Fei has already thought about it!


With a slight breath, Long Fei's eyes turned fierce, his eyes fixed on one place, and he said, "Come out, if you don't come out, you will die!"

The figure flashed, knelt on one knee in front of Long Fei, and said, "Lord Night King!"

Long Fei looked at the man in Yegu costume and said, "Are the people from Yegu here?"

"Report to Lord Night King, it's already here!"

"I'll take you to the Queen of the Night. They are now with the Queen of the Ghost Cave and others, waiting for you."

The people in Night Valley are also constantly looking for Long Fei.

Tomorrow is the group of heroes. If Long Fei doesn't show up, then they will be worried.

Long Fei said, "Lead the way!"

After half an hour.

Long Fei came to the entrance of the courtyard, far away, Su Su ran up and jumped on Long Fei, saying, "Long Fei big brother, you are here!"

"We're all worried to death."

The crowd also gathered around.

The Yemei three sisters are also there, but... Jianfeng is not there, he has been following Tang Long, and he doesn't know where he went.

Tan Dapao has not fully recovered, and his face is a little pale.

Long Fei looked at them, knowing that something must have happened, and said, "Zhou Yuan is still alive."

The expressions of everyone did not change.

Lan Mei said, "We also saw him. He is stronger than before you killed him. The cannon almost died because he was slammed by his finger."

Tan Dabao said, "I was careless."

Long Fei tightened secretly, "Move my brother?"



The courtyard gate was kicked open. The powerhouse of the Shenhai Sect and the powerhouse of the Destiny Sect attacked at the same time! !

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