The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3209 Losing And Not Admitting It?


The man flew out, fell to the ground, passed out and didn't get up.

There was an uproar in the audience, many people stood up and looked at Li Yuanba's arena, their eyes were stunned, the uproar gradually disappeared, and it became quiet.

The whole audience was staring at Li Yuanba.

One punch!

Just one punch!

Ordinary punch!

There is no Cultivation Technique, there is no breath to crush, just stretch out the hand, and then blast it out, the arm and body present a 90-degree angle, a straight punch, and the opponent of the Heavenly Sage will fly away.

Not fancy at all.

But it makes everyone very suffocated!


"What just happened?"

"Is that person a powerhouse of the Heavenly Sage Realm? Or is he a Muggle at all?"

"Is this too fake?"

"Who is that person? Isn't he the illegitimate son of a big boss? Deliberately lost to him?"

"This is too arrogant, isn't it?"

"The celestial phenomenon Realm blows the heavenly sage strong with one move. This is the first time in history. It's too fierce!"


Slowly the crowd began to talk.

The disciples around the venue were not high in Cultivation Base, and most of them thought it was a fake match.


The elders of the top ten Sects are different from the strong.

They didn't even blink at Li Yuanba just now, but...

The result is!

Can't see anything.

There is only one thing that can be confirmed, that Heavenly Saint powerhouse was really blasted into the arena by him, and there is nothing wrong with this.

As for why Li Yuanba has such a strong power?

They are all confused and can't understand!

I don't understand at all!

"Brother Tyranny, can you see clearly?"

Taihezong's Sect Leader looked at Shen Batu and asked.

Shen Tyranny shook his head slightly, and said, "I see clearly, but I don't understand. This person's Cultivation Base doesn't have any power fluctuations in his breath."

"When he punched and flew, the aura of strength on his body was always calm, without a trace of turbulence, and it was always in the sky."


Shen Batu couldn't help looking at Hu Tianhe.

He knew Hu Tianhe as a person.

This kind of old fox will never suffer a loss in his own territory. Even if he suffers a loss once, he will try his best to find his way back. If the first game is not someone who was deliberately arranged by Hu Tianhe, then this one will definitely be!

Otherwise, the second match will definitely not meet the Heavenly Saint level powerhouse.

Hu Tianhe will not bet too hard.


What can be confirmed is that this is definitely not a fake match.

Hu Tianhe's face was very gloomy, with his fists clenched in his sleeves, and a strong killing intent on his body, his eyes stared at Li Yuanba in the field like evil beasts.

I can't wait to jump up and tear Li Yuanba into ten thousand pieces.

No one in the audience was laughing.


After being stunned for half a minute, Long Fei laughed wildly, "Hahaha...hahaha..."


"Elders, Sect Leaders, those who slap their faces, those who call them daddy, and those who give money, give me money, and give me some quickness."

Huo Qilin roared in his throat, "Roar..."

The faces of many elders sank.

becomes ugly.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched and said, "What? Are you all pretending to be dead?"

"The elders of the top ten Sects, the Sect Leaders, can't afford to lose any of them?"

Just now, they all seemed proud, but now they all want to be slapped a few times by Long Fei.

Long Fei raised his finger, pointed directly at the white-haired old man, and said, "Old man, didn't you shout loudly just now? Come on, come on, let me see another one."

The white-haired old man's face turned the color of pig liver, and he looked at his own Sect Leader, and then at the elders of other sects, all of them looking sideways, for fear of harming Chiyu.

They were all afraid that Long Fei would look at them.

Most of them were betting that Li Yuanba would lose the second time.

The amount is not small.

Money is a trivial matter, no more earning!


Slap yourself, kneel down, kowtow, and... call your father, how can you do such a thing?

Long Fei doesn't care about that much. It doesn't matter how old you are or who you are.

"Can't you do it yourself?"

"I can do it for you!"

Long Fei coldly said, "If you don't let me do it, my fire Qilin can do it too."

Shen Tyranny said in a deep voice, "Boy, don't be too arrogant, each of these people is your senior, and you should respect it."

"I respect your grandma's legs." Long Fei immediately said, "If I lose, won't you all ride on daddy's head?"

"Just say senior now?"

"Your ex-sister!"

"Daddy's talking here, who dares to owe me half a penny, daddy's fire Qilin doesn't recognize anyone!"


After Long Fei finished speaking, Huo Qilin immediately let out a roar.

Long Fei didn't give any face, and this Shen Tyranny's face became hideous.

Giving face?


Just like what Long Fei said, if he loses, these people will ride on his head one by one.

Hu Tianhe said lightly, "Dragon Sect Leader, you have to forgive others and forgive them. As the saying goes, stay a line, and see you in the future."

"This is just a low-level battle. It won't take long to be a battle of the top ten Sects. Do you think your Xianyuan Sect has a chance of winning?"

"Even if you have Devil Monarch's backing, but... a Demon Monarch wants to fight against all Sects..."

"Devil Monarch, do you have to weigh it too?"

The voice was flat, but there was a naked threat.

The Devil Monarch in the Western Regions tightened his eyes, glanced at Long Fei, and said slightly, "I'll slap my face, kowtow and call my father or something, and forget about taking their money."

Hu Tianhe's words just now were obviously a threat.

at the same time.

I also want the ten Sects to unite to deal with Long Fei.

If Long Fei persisted, it would definitely cause public outrage.

Long Fei is alone.


Devil Monarch in the Western Regions brought many experts from the Demon Sect. If they fought for Long Fei, the consequences would be conceivable.

Long Fei laughed, looked at Hu Tianhe and said, "Do you know what I hate the most in my life?"

Hu Tianhe had a smile on his face.

Long Fei said, "Daddy hates people threatening me the most!"

Hu Tianhe's eyes instantly turned fierce.

Destiny's eyes moved slightly, looked at Long Fei, and murmured in his heart, "This sentence seems to be what the boss likes to say."


After taking a serious look at Long Fei, Destiny's eyes closed again, because his appearance was not the boss he was waiting for!

Hu Tianhe said solemnly, "I'm not threatening you, I'm making it clear to you that as a human being, it's better to keep a low profile, and don't even know how you died."

"You're a mere sixth-level Cultivation Base..."


Eyes full of contempt.

Almost didn't say 'trash'.

Long Fei smiled coldly and said, "I never like to keep a low profile."

"If anyone doesn't acknowledge the account, don't blame the daddy for being rude!" Shen Batu stood up abruptly and shouted loudly, "I want to see how rude you are!"

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