The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3210 Because He Is The Big Vajra

If Long Fei used force, the other major Sects would definitely join forces to deal with it.

Every Sect has an overlord-level powerhouse, and the others are even more powerful at the peak of Tiansheng.

The group of tyrants Wang Qiang attacked...

Long Fei was not afraid.


This was not the result Long Fei wanted.

Seeing that Shen Tyranny suddenly stood up, the elders of several major sectors also stood up suddenly, gaining momentum.


The people in the top ten Sects are all staring at Long Fei.

Zhou Yuan also smiled coldly.

Long Fei sat back on the chair.

Seeing him sitting back in the chair, everyone thought that Long Fei was cowardly.

After all, it is dealing with the overlord-level Sect. Anyone with brains knows that this is courting death.

Shen Batu showed a proud sneer, "It's quite sensible!"

Hu Tianhe also showed a sneer.

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions was secretly relieved. If Long Fei really wanted to be tough, he really didn't know what to choose. He brought all the strong men of the Demon Sect.

Compared with the top ten Sects, Mozong is no worse than any of them, but if you want to deal with the top ten Sects at the same time, it will not be an opponent at all.

Devil Monarch said indifferently, "A man can bend and stretch!"


at this time. The corner of Long Fei's mouth suddenly twitched, his eyes swept coldly and he said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if you are unwilling to fulfill the bet, I happen to have a group of capable people who write biographies, and I will divide what happened today into three categories: top, middle and bottom. Let them write it out, and find another 10,000 wandering poets in the Western Regions

Sing inside. "

"You are not wanting face anyway."

"Let everyone in the Western Regions know what kind of people you are."

"There are three volumes, each volume of 300,000 words. You can talk about him for a few days and nights. Don't worry, I promise to make you all famous, and your name will last forever!"

The voice fell.

The Devil Monarch in the Western Regions was the first to be stunned.

Shen Batu glared angrily, as if his eyes were about to burst.

He didn't expect that Long Fei would suddenly make this move.

Think about those wandering poets, if what happened just now was sung, where would the faces of the Ten Sects go?

Hu Tianhe's proud mouth also became hideous, and said, "Boy, do you have to do this?"

Long Fei laughed and said, "If you can't afford it, don't gamble, it's like daddy is forcing you or something. Either fulfill the bet, or I'll make you stink forever!"


Scream hard.

Hu Tianhe was even more angry.

Shen Batu had a strong killing intent in his eyes.

The other Sect Elders and Sect Leaders can't wait to eat Long Fei.

Stopped for a few seconds.

Hu Tianhe smiled lightly, flipped his right hand, took out an Interspatial Ring and an artifact, and said, "You are right, I am willing to admit defeat."


"Boy, the competition of the Qunying Club has just begun."

"These things, you have to take your life away!"

The voice fell.

With a big wave of his hand, the Interspatial Ring and an artifact 'Swish' rushed towards Long Fei, the power of the Overlord poured in, and it was aggressive.

Long Fei didn't move.

Huo Qilin's body was full of flames, standing directly in front of Long Fei, stopped the Interspatial Ring and the divine weapon, and swallowed it in one bite.

Long Fei laughed and said, "Whether I am alive or not, these things of yours will turn into shit!"

"Qilin shit!"


Hu Tianhe gave it, and the other Sect Elders followed one by one, but unlike Hu Tianhe, they also raised!

"Dad, I was wrong!"

Long Fei said, "Be good, pick up and buy some candy to eat."

Throw a Hongmeng Crystal!

"Crack, snap, two slaps!"

"The slap is not loud enough, let's just forget it, don't make another mistake next time, otherwise, you won't be slapped twice." Long Fei sneered.

"Pfft!" Kneeling on the ground.

Long Fei said, "How does it feel to kneel?"


All are old guys.

Their faces were blue and red, their fists were clenched, their joints were constantly cracking, and they all stared at Long Fei with cannibalistic eyes.

Long Fei didn't care that much.

Those who are my enemies are not soft-hearted.

Those who are friends with me will be rich and prosperous!

This is Long Fei's character.

No matter who you are, if you upset him, he will make you even more upset.

The fire Qilin continued to devour the Hongmeng Crystal.

Billions of Hongmeng Crystals were swallowed, and the color of the flames on Qilin's body changed, and the power in his body was so huge that it seemed to explode.

Huo Qilin said, "Boss, I want to digest cultivation."

He felt that the power in his body was expanding, and he felt that his own power could be improved again, and he might have to make a breakthrough.


He didn't tell Long Fei.

His heart was also very touched. Except for the old sister Phoenix, no one had treated him so well. Even if Qilin didn't understand the billions of Hongmeng Crystal, he would know how precious it was.

With a thought, Long Fei put him into the battle pet space, "Digest it well."

The top ten Sects are all offended.

Long Fei's face didn't matter, but... Devil Monarch of the Western Regions on one side was full of pain, Long Fei was completely out of control, and this person was like a bomb, it exploded when he said it exploded, and it was a chain bomb.

The Demon Sect Elder was very excited and excited, and what Long Fei did was too exciting.


The other Elders had gloomy faces.

They are worried.

The Devil Monarch in the Western Regions is also worried.

The main purpose of his visit this time is not the Ten Sects, but Wan Haizong.

But up to now, Wan Haizong's Zhou Yuan was motionless, and he didn't want to join the game at all. Wan Haizong was like a rock, standing still.

Originally, I wanted to team up with other Sects to deal with Wan Haizong, but now... Mozong is a little bit insecure about himself.

Long Fei also 'successfully' led the battle, focusing all Sect's eyes on him.

Zhou Yuan was content with himself on the side.

Very comfortable.

Do you want to continue to form an alliance with Long Fei?

Do you want to continue to unite with him?

The Devil Monarch of the Western Regions is considering this issue.

If this question is wrong, then his Demon Sect will be severely damaged in the Western Regions, and maybe it will be directly replaced by Wan Haizong.

Devil Monarch in the Western Regions was very troubled.

Long Fei sat on the chair with Erlang's legs crossed, enjoying himself, "Would you like to continue gambling?"

The faces of those elders sank immediately.

Gamble again?

What to bet?

Some of the Sects are fixed assets, so how many Hongmeng Crystals are used for gambling?


One couldn't raise their heads, and they all looked at the other and were sulking. They all wished that these low-level competitions would end soon, so they could fight Long Fei!

At this moment.

Hu Tianhe looked at destiny, and he always had a question in his heart, why does destiny know the ending?

Guess what?

Absolutely not.

From the moment Li Yuanba entered the arena, destiny was watching him, he should know Li Yuanba's strength.

Hu Tianhe said slightly, "Have you seen through everything?"

destiny nodded.

Hu Tianhe's eyes tightened and he was a little angry, but every time he made a bet, Destiny said that Li Yuanba would win, suppressing the anger in his heart, and asked, "How did you know?" Destiny smiled, "Because he It's Big Vajra!"

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