The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3211 One Punch Breaks Tsing Yi

Began to doubt, now 100% sure.

Big is big Vajra.

One-of-a-kind big Vajra.

Li Yuanba, named by Long Fei, is a divine power Vajra!

Because of this, destiny knows that no one is his opponent!

Not to mention the Heavenly Saint Realm, even if the tyrant Wang Qiang ends up, he is definitely not Li Yuanba's opponent.

Vajra reborn, unrivaled!

What happened in the past 100 years?

no one knows.

But one thing destiny knows, that is, the eight Vajra must have worked harder than anyone in cultivation in the past 100 years, incarnated as a pillar, and endured the quenching of the strongest force in the chaotic depths of the ancient world, which is comparable to enduring Heavenly Tribulation every day. The bombardment, nothing compares to this pain.

This is their practice.

Now Vajra reappears, flying in search of the dragon.

Who can stop him?


Hu Tianhe couldn't understand the meaning of Destiny's words. He asked a few more questions, but Destiny didn't answer any more, but looked at Li Yuanba in the ring with fiery eyes.

He looks forward to it!

He was looking forward to meeting Li Yuanba face to face.


Li Yuanba knows where the boss is!

Must know!


The top of the mountain.

Tsing Yi looked at Li Yuanba without moving his eyes, not letting go of any strands of his hair, but... no matter how many times she sensed it, she couldn't tell what kind of power Li Yuanba's body belonged to, and she couldn't see his Culture Base at all. .

Tsing Yi was distressed.

The ancient Heavenly Devil murmured, "I've never seen you like this."

Tsing Yi said to himself, "I have never seen myself like this."

The ancient Heavenly Devil elephant said, "I can't figure out a person's identity. The easy way is to... kill him, then there's no need to figure it out."

"The same is true of Emperor Xuan's orders."

"It would be better if he was the one who unleashed the power of good fortune. If he kills him, he will not pose any threat to the Celestial Clan. If not, then he will be killed by mistake."

"People, like ants, reproduce faster than anything else, so what if a few talented people die? Even if the entire Western Regions are dead, no one will care."

Ancient Heavenly Devil is an understatement.

At first.

It is also because the Heavenly Devil like a clan slaughtered human beings wantonly, and blood flowed into rivers wherever they went.

Tsing Yi's eyes remained motionless.

After a while, Tsing Yi said lightly, "I'm going to the venue!"

The ancient Heavenly Devil was shocked and said excitedly, "It should have been this way."

Tsing Yi continued, "I want to meet him in person for a while!"

Heavenly Devil was shocked again, even more excited, "That scene should be beautiful!"

Tsing Yi moved and stepped out.


The figure disappeared.

The ancient Heavenly Devil elephant didn't move, it wanted to stay here to monitor everything, just after Tsing Yi left, he smiled faintly, "Is the killing in the city going to start?"

He sensed very early that a large number of people from Wan Haizong had come to Destiny City.

Get started now!


Long Fei crossed Erlang's legs with a contented expression on his face, but he was also thinking in his heart, "Who is this big guy? Why does the face become more familiar the more he looks?"

"The more you look, the more you like it?"

"I know him?"

"what is his name?"


"If I had known, I should have brought Xiaobai." Long Fei was a little annoyed, but he couldn't remember how Li Yuanba liked it.

The memory seal made him especially painful.

In the next few competitions, Li Yuanba still looked silly and foolish.

Win five games in a row and enter the third-level Sect directly.

Vajra Sect Leader smiled, "My disciple, my disciple of Vajra, hahaha..."

Waving the Po Zong flag and shouting frantically.

Many people around him cast envious glances, not contempt, but all kinds of praise.

More and more people are shouting for Li Yuanba.

Li Yuanba stood in the center of the venue, looked at the people in the venue, and murmured in his heart, "Boss, are you here?"

two hours down.

Victory after victory.

There was no joy on Li Yuanba's face, his eyes were still calm, and there was no trace of turbulence.


Li Yuanba turned slightly and looked at one place.

His eyes were still flat.

at the same time.

Where he looked, there were also a pair of eyes staring straight at him, with aggression, with a powerful crush, and the kind of power that wanted to penetrate the soul.

very strong.

Tsing Yi's eyes.

In the crowd, she dressed herself very inconspicuously, like an ordinary disciple.

But those blue eyes were very unusual.

Li Yuanba glanced at it, and then turned his eyes to other places, as if he was not affected in any way.

Tsing Yi did not give up.

As soon as her figure moved, it changed again. At the same time, her outfit was also changing, and she still looked at Li Yuanba.


Li Yuanba was still the same as before, just glanced at each other lightly, unmoved, as if he didn't notice anything, his eyes turned elsewhere again.




Tsing Yi kept changing positions, kept looking at Li Yuanba, and kept strengthening his own power, but... Li Yuanba was unmoved.

to the end.

In Li Yuanba's world, everyone is in Tsing Yi, with those cyan pupils.

Even if Li Yuanba closed his eyes, countless pairs of blue eyes were staring at him.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

Tsing Yi's voice reverberated in Li Yuanba's mind, like a magic voice, unable to drive him away.

Li Yuanba's heart was like a rock, motionless.

He is strong and he is strong, and the breeze touches the hills.

Tsing Yi's power was like hitting cotton again and again, and Li Yuanba didn't respond at all.

This made Tsing Yi want to know Li Yuanba even more.

Knowing even more that Li Yuanba is definitely not easy.

This also made her rebellious heart rise, "If you don't say it, I want to know!"

She is a woman.

If you are a woman, you will have that kind of rebellious mentality.

The more you don't know, the more you need to know.

Tsing Yi's expression changed, and the blue pupils all over the world suddenly changed, and a power of ancient inheritance surged out, pouring directly into Li Yuanba's sea of ​​consciousness.

"If you don't tell me, I want to know."

"Who are you?"

"tell me!"



Li Yuanba's expression remained motionless, but... His eyes sank, a little displeased, and responded, "I said you are like this?"

Tsing Yi smiled.

She smiled inexplicably, and she didn't know why, "You can talk, I thought you were dumb."

"Say, what's your name?"

"who are you?"

Li Yuanba humbly said, "There's no need to tell you."

Tsing Yi was angry again and said, "If you don't say it, if you don't say it, I will get into the depths of your memory, and I will know all your secrets..."

Tsing Yi's voice just fell.

Li Yuanba's eyes moved, like an angry god, and in his thoughts, he punched out!

Divine Power Infusion!


One punch. Tsing Yi's body collapsed, blood swirls under his chest, he couldn't help it, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth...

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