The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3212 Tsing Yi Seriously Injured

There is hardly any reaction time.

A fist blows consciousness.

Although it was just a punch in his consciousness, Tsing Yi's figure collapsed and he couldn't bear it, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth!


One of the eight masters in the Heavenly Clan Shrine.

Tsing Yi, known as the God of God, was actually injured?

On the mountain peak, the ancient Heavenly Devil elephant suddenly shuddered. He stared at the blood-splattered Tsing Yi in the crowd in shock, and was stunned for a while.

Li Yuanba glanced at Tsing Yi lightly, his thoughts moved, and he said lightly, "Don't enter my consciousness again, will die!"

An understatement.

There was no fluctuation of anger.

The Heavenly Clan powerhouse in front of me said such a thing?

How crazy is this? How ignorant the sky is high and the earth is thick, giving people a feeling of being completely bragging, but Li Yuanba said it very seriously.

As he said, if Tsing Yi enters Li Yuanba's sea of ​​consciousness again, he will not be the same divine power just now.

Tsing Yi didn't wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes sank slightly, his mind moved, and said, "If you don't let me know, I just want to know."


The power on the body moves.

The figure of Tsing Yi disappeared.

She didn't react just now. First, she didn't expect Li Yuanba to be so strong. She was careless.

The second is because she did not expect that Li Yuanba would suddenly take action.

This time...

She had better be well prepared.

It's not just a thought, she seems to have transformed into a thought and rushed directly into Li Yuanba's sea of ​​consciousness.

Li Yuanba was a little angry, "I said, don't come in again!"


The strength of the body suddenly released.

between lightning.

The power of the Great Vajra exploded in full force.




Above the Nine Heavens, thunder rolled, and an incomparable force suddenly rushed out from the center of the venue, pure physical force, like a god-like force.


In an instant, it spread out in the venue.

Like a flash of lightning.

extremely fast.

In just a few seconds, the entire destiny will be covered.

Also in a short period of time, the power disappears.

Long Fei's eyes narrowed.

Zhou Yuan even jumped up from his seat, his eyes swept away, wanting to know who released that kind of power just now, but...

He can't find it!

Hu Tianhe's eyes were also fierce, his eyes moved slightly, and he couldn't find the source of power, but he couldn't help looking at the top of the mountain, and murmured in his heart, "Could it be that the powerhouse from the Celestial Clan is here?"

"Or the one from Xiaoyao City..."

He was a little worried.

He hadn't made a choice yet between Free City and the Celestial Clan.

The power disappeared in a flash, and the venue returned to normal.

Most people didn't sense the power fluctuation just now, they just felt a little bit of a strange illusion, and they didn't take it seriously.


The masters in the top ten sectors looked at each other in dismay.

They all felt it.

Shen Batu said slightly, "What power was it just now?"

Taihe Sect Leader shook his head and said, "I've never seen it before. The thunder was rolling just now. Could it be Tianli? Is the powerhouse from the Tianzu here?"

The Devil Monarch of the Western Regions couldn't help but say, "This power is extraordinary, enough to kill any of us in seconds."

"Who is it?"

Zhou Yuan's eyes were still searching, but there was no result.

The gong sounded again at the venue, "For the next session, please be prepared, everyone."


Another place.


At the top of the mountain, Tsing Yi's face was pale, and a large mouthful of blood came out.

Ancient Heavenly Devil's eyes sank, "How did you get hurt like this?"

"No reason!"


The ancient Heavenly Devil elephant was about to rush down the mountain, but Tsing Yi said in a deep voice, "You will only be killed by him if you go."


The ancient Heavenly Devil elephant was killed in seconds?

He is a creature in the ancient world.

Super strong.

In the Hongmeng Realm, apart from a few perverts from the Celestial Clan, who can kill him in seconds?

The ancient Heavenly Devil elephant was upset, but looking at Tsing Yi's face, he stopped and said solemnly, "Who is that person?"

Tsing Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

The ancient Heavenly Devil said, "You have entered his sea of ​​consciousness twice, and you don't think you know who he is?"

Tsing Yi said, "His power is very ordinary, but in that ordinary power, he has never seen it before."

She felt the shock just now in her mind.

Golden light possessed.

like a god.

As soon as the power moved, her thoughts were directly swept away thousands of miles.

If it wasn't for him to hold on to his power in the end, Tsing Yi would really die as Li Yuanba said!

Li Yuanba was merciful and let her survive.


Tsing Yi is not reconciled.

She has never met an opponent in her life, and she has never encountered an opponent that is so strong. She is a strong person who she doesn't know about Realm at all.

Tsing Yi looked at the silly Li Yuanba in the arena, and whispered, "I will definitely get it back."

The ancient Heavenly Devil said, "What time are you wasting with him? Emperor Xuan said that if he can't obey the orders of the Celestial Clan, even if he is the releaser of the power of good fortune, he will be killed."

"As long as he releases the power of Emperor Xuan, he will..."

Before Heavenly Devil finished speaking, Tsing Yi raised his eyes.

The ancient Heavenly Devil elephant shut up immediately.


Tsing Yi let out a sigh of relief, sat cross-legged, took a Gold Core, her whole body was shrouded in divine light, and her injuries quickly recovered from the divine light.


On the ring, Li Yuanba glanced at the mountain in the distance, his clenched fist loosened slightly.

He didn't think about Tsing Yi's identity.

Even if he knew that Tsing Yi was from the Celestial Clan, he would not do anything.

His purpose is to find the boss.

Until the boss is found, anyone and everything can be ignored.

Li Yuanba's eyes swept the audience, and he secretly said in his heart, "Boss, are you here?"

He really wanted to shout.


He knew that if Long Fei saw him, he would have recognized him immediately.

His heart started to feel a little scared.

Hongmeng Nine Regions, this Western Region is already the last region, if you can't find it again, then you can only enter the Heavenly Region!

"Boss, where are you?"

Li Yuanba snorted in his heart.

At this moment.

An opponent stood in front of him, shouted, "Big man, I want to end you!"

Quick shock.


When he was about to rush in front of Li Yuanba, Li Yuanba raised his right hand and stretched out a punch easily.


The opponent flew out of the ring.

It was a punch from the beginning to the end, and every opponent was blasted away by his punch, and he seemed a little careless.

More and more people noticed him.

After winning 18 games in a row, he has entered the ranks of the first-level Sect.

"From the lowest level, this is the first in the history of Sect in the Western Regions, right?"

"Looks like he's really different."

"Don't worry, no matter how strong you are, it will be terminated."


Some people like him. Some people think that he is just a foil to the top ten Sects and can't get to the end!

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