The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3226 I Am The Dragon Coffin! ! !

There is no specific age or gender for the selection of Lingtian Pavilion's disciples.

Anyone has a chance!


Tsing Yi didn't say any rules after joining the Destiny Sect, as long as the one who wins in the end will definitely be able to enter Lingtian Pavilion!

Hu Tianhe's sudden reaction.

As long as he is the one who wins in the end, why can't he enter Lingtian Pavilion?

With the cultivation resources of the Celestial Clan, he can also take off.

Originally wanted to play first, but in the end he let destiny play.

destiny doesn't say much.

Different from other disciples of Destiny Sect, others fly down from the position, but he walks down step by step, the process is very slow.

Many people complained unhappily.

Even Hu Tianhe was a little unhappy and said, "It's too slow, just fly up."

destiny did not follow suit.

Because this is his respect for Li Yuanba.

Li Yuanba also stepped into the ring, and every time he walked up instead of flying up, this was his respect for the ring, and no one understood it.

destiny understands.

When he walked to the ring, Destiny's eyes were very excited, and he couldn't hide his excitement. He wanted to shout "Brother Yuanba", but he forcibly held back.

Li Yuanba looked at Destiny's excited expression, clasped his fists, and said slightly, "Please!"

Destiny also hugged his fists, lowered his posture, and said, "Please!"

"You are strong!"

"I'm not your opponent, but I will try my best to fight you." destiny said excitedly.

Hu Tianhe said unhappily, "What are you talking about? You admit it before you fight?"

destiny ignores.



Aura filled the sky, First Stage First Stage crushed down.

Above the venue, the inner three floors and the outer three floors are full of aura.

Also at the same time.

Aura turned into a sword, Destiny grabbed it slightly, and said lightly, "Someone once said that the best defense in this world is offense, and only offense can destroy everything."

"I am coming!"

A reminder.

The figure of destiny disappeared.

Li Yuanba's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the spiritual light in the sky. This Spiritual Qi field was a bit special, and he sensed it right away.

There are three floors inside and three floors outside, like a huge box.

That is to say.

Within Spiritual Qi, it is the Realm of destiny.

Like a space secret technique.

Destiny's body disappears and hides in aura.

Li Yuanba closed his eyes slightly, this time his fists formed into palms, and with a slight wave, two forces swam in his palms, forming a Tai Chi-like pattern.

The people around the venue were shocked.

"Not a punch!"

"Both hands moved."

"It's really two hands!"

"Damn! I thought his left hand was useless."


It was completely different from the power of the punch just now.

Long Fei's eyes sank, "Damn it, isn't this f*ck Tai Chi?"

on the ring.

Li Yuanba is like a Great Master of Tai Chi. His body is light and his hands are swimming slowly. When he transforms, he is exactly what the grandfathers who do morning exercises in the park look like.

"How could he be Tai Chi?"

There are thousands of Cultivation Techniques in this world, but Long Fei has not seen the Martial Skill of Cultivation Techniques like Tai Chi.

"Could it be that he has been to Earth?"


Long Fei was stunned for a second, the corners of his eyes were bleeding, but he still tried his best to keep his eyes open.


A layer of aura fell.

Shrink sharply.

Hu Tianhe excitedly said, "destiny Sword Technique!"

Li Yuanba's eyes twitched slightly, and he murmured in his heart, "Four ounces of ten thousand pounds!"

The right hand jerked up and shook slightly.


A layer of aura instantly collapsed.

Destiny said excitedly, "It's so strong!"

"Come again!"

"Boom, boom!"

It was bombarded by two more auras, and the endless Sword intent, killing intent, and madly strangling everything in the aura, seemed to determine the life of all living beings.

at the same time.

The strength on Li Yuanba's body shook slightly, he probed with both hands, pierced into the air, and then pressed down sharply.




Several layers of spiritual light were bombarded on the ground, bursting continuously, and the Spiritual Qi around the venue were also frantically collapsing.


Destiny collapsed and landed on the side of the ring, blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, but there was no pain, but incomparable excitement, "It's really strong!"

Li Yuanba looked at destiny and said, "Your Sword intent is also very strong, but Jianxiu doesn't seem to be your strength for self-improvement."

Looking at the sky.

Li Yuan is domineering, "Space Martial Skill is your strength."

Destiny's eyes flashed a ray of light, and said, "Li Yuanba is worthy of being Li Yuanba. You can find my strengths by attacking twice."

Li Yuan said, "The space power is good, but it's still too weak."

Destiny got excited and said, "Then you can see if this trick is weak!"

The figure shrinks.

disappear invisible.


The world moved slightly.

Li Yuanba looked at the void, thinking that the space burst, and when he wanted to kill, his consciousness suddenly sank, and a consciousness entered his mind.


Li Yuanba said angrily, "Get out!"

Power surges.

Destiny's consciousness couldn't bear it at all, and it was killed in an instant. At the last minute, Destiny heard a voice, "Vajra, Li Yuanba!"

Li Yuanba's thoughts suddenly took control, and he directly forced the consciousness of destiny to the corner, and said, "What did you just say?"

Destiny was short of breath and said, "Brother Yuanba, you may not know me, but I know you, you are the divine Vajra, you are the first of the eight Vajra, and you are one of the eight pillars in the ancient world, your divine Vajra, There are also Tianling, Aoya, and demons..."

destiny spoke quickly.

Li Yuanba was even more surprised.

He came out of the ancient world and killed a large piece of the Celestial Clan's Zijin Battle Group, but even so, the Celestial Clan didn't know who he was or who he was.

After walking through the seven domains, no one knew his identity.

But now...

Someone knows.

Li Yuanba said solemnly, "Who are you?"

Not letting our guard down.

On the contrary, he had a murderous intention in his heart. If it was someone he didn't know, he would never show mercy.

Destiny said, "Are you looking for the boss? Did you find the boss?"

Li Yuanba's expression also became a little excited, and he stopped, "Who is the boss? Who are you?"

Destiny said, "The boss is Long Fei, I,,, I,, I am the dragon coffin beside the boss, but after I entered the Hongmeng world, the dragon coffin was bound, and I could only derive a true spirit from the dragon coffin to become a human being. , I've been looking for the boss, have you found it?"

"Dragon coffin?"

Li Yuanba was completely excited, but when he heard Destiny's question, his mood also sank, and said, "No, I searched for the Eight Realms of Hongmeng and still couldn't find it. I'm afraid the boss was caught by the Heavenly Clan and went to the Heavenly Domain."

Also at this time.

Destiny's deity keeps spilling blood.

Hu Tianhe knew that Destiny was going to lose, and he was furious.

Also at this time.

He didn't know when a woman was sitting next to him. The woman smiled softly and said, "Next time, I'll go!" Hu Tianhe turned his eyes and saw the stunning woman, he was so frightened that he almost knelt on the ground, "Heaven. Clan,,, big,, big man."

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