The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3227 Tsing Yi Fights

Li Yuanba is no stranger to dragon coffins.

He followed Long Fei all the time, and he didn't leave until Long Fei died in the last battle.

At that time, both the Dragon Coffin and Sleeping Beauty left Long Fei's body and entered the Hongmeng Realm. Li Yuanba didn't expect to meet them here.


He was also very excited.


He knew that Long Coffin didn't find Long Fei when he was in a low mood, and said, "You don't have any news from the boss?"

Destiny said, "No, the Hongmeng world is too big, it's too difficult to find someone, it's even harder than finding a needle in a haystack, and there are many people with the same name and surname, you don't even know that is the boss."

Li Yuanba glanced at the sky and murmured, "It seems that the boss is really in the sky."

Destiny sighed and said, "Do you want to enter Tianyu?"

Li Yuan tyrannized, "I came out of the ancient world, and the Western Regions of Hongmeng Eight Regions is the last region. If the boss has not been found, then there is only one possibility. The boss is in Tianyu!"

"Even if the boss is not in Tianyu, Emperor Xuandi, the king of the Celestial Clan, knows where the boss is."

"I don't have much time left!"

Li Yuanba suddenly said such a sentence.

Destiny was stunned and looked at Li Yuanba, this time it appeared completely different from the last time.

The Eight Vajra have entered The Underworld and are reborn in The Underworld, their powers growing stronger.


During the battle between Long Fei and Emperor Xuan, the combined power of the eight Vajra was still a little short, crushed by the power of the Celestial Clan, returned to the ancient world, and transformed into the deity Tianzhu cultivation for a hundred years.

Once again, he was completely different.


Incredibly powerful.

Even the average Heavenly Clan powerhouse can crush the existence, but his time...

Destiny wanted to ask, but held back.

body back.

Destiny said, "Brother Yuanba, then I will not delay you. If you win one more game, you will be qualified to enter Lingtian Pavilion. You will definitely be able to enter the shrine with your strength at that time. You must find the boss. Send me a message."

Li Yuan is domineering, "Yeah."

Destiny consciousness retreated.


Destiny's deity spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out, smashed to the ground, and pretended to faint.

There was an uproar.

"The Son of Destiny has lost!"


"He's the Son of Destiny, the eighth-level superpower of Overlord, how could he lose?"

"Now there is only one Sect Leader left in the entire Destiny Sect."


There was a large group of people who admired Li Yuanba.

More people in the audience shouted the words 'Li Yuanba'.

These three words represent miracles!

Hu Tianhe's eyes scowled, his fists clenched secretly, and he said angrily, "Useless thing!"

very angry.

He put Destiny's hope in front of Destiny Sect's reliance, but... he still lost, and Li Yuanba was not injured, which disappointed him so much.

Devil Monarch in the Western Regions murmured, "This idiot is too powerful, are you sure?"

Long Fei laughed excitedly and said, "I'm not sure."

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions stared at Long Fei, looked at his excited smile, and said, "I'm not sure you can still laugh?"


"I'm laughing because I'm not sure. I like him more and more." The blood on Long Fei's body was boiling.

Devil Monarch in the Western Regions spit out two words, "Mad!"

He doesn't need to worry so much now, Long Fei has already destroyed Zhou Yuan, and the remaining blood armored warriors are nothing to be afraid of, and his status as a demon will not be threatened.

As for the top ten Sects.

Now every Sect is severely damaged, and originally he was afraid of the Destiny Sect, but now there is no one in the Destiny Sect. If you want to block him, it will be a dead end, and no one will benefit from it.

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions looked at Hu Tianhe and said, "Hu Sect Leader, your destiny son has been defeated, and now you are left alone, do you want to join?"

"Give it a try, maybe you can be selected by Lingtian Pavilion at your age?"


The Demon Elder laughed.

Hu Tianhe smiled coldly and said, "Devil Monarch, what are you proud of? Do you think my destiny is an ace? Then you underestimate destiny too."

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions said, "The Son of Destiny is your strongest trump card. Could it be that you have other trump cards? Why didn't I see it?"

Hu Tianhe smiled and said, "What kind of thing are you, how can you see my trump card?"

while he was speaking.

A woman next to Hu Tianhe stood up, her figure was certain, and her body was fully revealed.

A Tsing Yi.

His eyes were cold and unfeeling.

The breath on his body is completely different from that of the Western Regions Practitioner.

Her sudden appearance shocked the audience.

"So beautiful!"

"Is this woman too beautiful?"

"When you look at those eyes, it feels like your heart will freeze."

"A heartless fairy."

"Who is she? I've never heard anyone from the Destiny Sect mention it, nor did she appear just now."

"Could it be another hidden trump card?"

"Could it be that the Son of Destiny is stronger? Overlord is eighth-level, is she Supreme Realm?"

"No way?"

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, no one knew the identity of Tsing Yi, except for one person!

Long Fei!

The moment Tsing Yi stood up, Long Fei's heart sank suddenly, and he bounced from his seat instantly. Looking at Tsing Yi's cold and arrogant face, he felt a chill in his heart, "It's her!"

Devil Monarch in the Western Regions looked at Long Fei and said, "You know him?"

Long Fei said, "The owner of the ancient Heavenly Devil elephant."

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions glared, his eyes were dull, and he said solemnly, "That Celestial Clan powerhouse?"

Long Fei nodded.

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions said, "She played on behalf of the Destiny Sect? This...why? There's no reason."

"Could it be that she is testing Li Yuanba and has already taken a fancy to him?"

"Or...he wanted to kill Li Yuanba?"

Long Fei's heart sank, he immediately rose into the air, and landed on the ring with one step. Looking at Li Yuanba, he immediately said, "Don't fight her, he is not from the Destiny Sect."

Li Yuanba looked silly, but he was a little grateful.


Without waiting for him to speak, Hu Tianhe said angrily, "It's a test between the Vajra Sect and the Destiny Sect, and the irrelevant people will go down to me."

Long Fei shouted, "She is not from the Destiny Sect."

Tsing Yi looked at Long Fei and smiled coldly.

Hu Tianhe said, "It's not you who has the final say on whether she is a member of the Destiny Sect, it's me who has the final say. I said she is, she is, boy, you'd better get out of here immediately."

Long Fei was upset and said, "This competition is not fair, daddy will not leave!"

Tsing Yi looked at Long Fei and said coldly, "There is no such thing as fairness in this world. What is fairness? Whoever is strong is fair."

Li Yuanba said naively, "She's right, the strong is fair."

"Thank you for reminding."

"I'll be fine!" Hu Tianhe laughed immediately, "Boy, did you hear me? Would you like me to translate it for you? Let you get out of here!"

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