The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3271 Eat And You Can Ascend To Heaven

The eight pavilion masters, plus a big pavilion master, and more than a dozen Xuange elders were all blinded in an instant.

The chaos in the Xuan Palace turned into a pot of porridge.

No one would have thought that a woman who looked weak could bring such a powerful weapon.

This is the human heart.

It's not that Xuanyu's heart is vicious, but that they are too greedy.

The supreme treasure makes them forget everything.


It can make the person at the top of the plane blind in an instant, this damage, this power, it is indeed a supreme treasure!

When she left the palace, Xuanyu's father told her that she must not open it, and if she had to open it, she should also close her eyes.

Be sure to close your eyes!

Xuanyu originally wanted the pavilion master to let Long Fei go first, and then she stayed and opened the box. Even if she died, she would die.

The Xuan family was destroyed, and she was the only one who escaped. She felt that life had lost its meaning.

The only person she thinks about now is Long Fei.

If she could save Long Fei before she died, then she would have no regrets.


These people in Xuange heard the 'Supreme Divine Treasure' as if they were completely crazy, and even took the box from her hand, what is this called?

no Zuo no Die!

Many masters were blinded, and the pavilion master said loudly, "Don't move."

The Great Hall immediately quieted down.

The pavilion master rubbed his eyes, which was very painful. The pupils should have been smashed by the strong light just now. In this case, no matter how high the Cultivation Base was, it was useless.

Vision can't be restored.


"Gluck cluck..."

The pavilion master gritted his teeth, his whole body cracked, and his anger turned his arrogance into flames. With a deep voice, he said heavily, "Xuanling Arhat, kill both of them for me!"

The voice fell!

Four Daoists in Daxuan Palace insinuated.

Chase out quickly.

Hearing the voice of the pavilion master, Xuan Yu pulled Xuan Yu and immediately changed direction, saying, "It's too late, I can't save him."

Xuan Yu said, "Auntie, I must save him."

Xuan Yu said, "No, only Xuanling Arhats can go up to Broken Heaven Cliff. Even I can't get close. Once you step into the Realm of Broken Heaven Cliff, our Cultivation Base will be automatically lost, and it will all be there."

"Yu'er, listen to me, my aunt is someone from the past. There is no man in this world who can be trusted, and neither is he."

"The reason why he helped you must be coveting your beauty, or else it's because you are a princess, you trust aunt, he can't be trusted!"

Xuan Ying said in a hurry.

Xuanling Arhat's Cultivation Base is above her. If they catch up, they will definitely not be able to escape, they will definitely be caught back, and they will definitely die at that time.

And even if he escaped, he would be in desperation for the rest of his life.

Xuanyu shook his head and said, "Auntie, he is different."

Xuanyi said, "What's the difference? Men are all the same. Animals who think in their lower body should not appear in this world."

She hates men.

The kind of hate that penetrates the bone.

Xuanyu shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Aunt, actually,,,,,,,,"

Xuan Yu looked at Xuan Yu's hesitant expression and said, "Yu'er, you,,, you,,, you, you won't talk to him,,,, are you doing something stupid?"


Xuanyu was stunned for a moment, she knew that her aunt was thinking crookedly, she immediately said, "Aunt, I, I, I'm already pregnant with his child."


Xuan Yu's pupils tightened, and two flames appeared in his pupils, "I'm going to kill that kid!"

Furious rage, crazy burning.

She seemed to be going berserk.

Xuanyu immediately burst into tears and said, "Auntie, do you want my child to have no father?"

As he spoke, Xuan Yu gently stroked his stomach.

Xuan Yu was about to go mad again, looking at the tears on Xuan Yu's face, his heart ached, "You are so stupid!"


Xuan Yu grabbed Xuan Yu and rushed to the direction of Broken Heaven Cliff.

Xuan Yu secretly secretly laughed.

She secretly said in her heart, "As long as you can find Long Fei's big brother, then everything will not be a problem."


Let's talk about Long Fei.

"His, hiss, hiss..."

Long Fei hissed coldly.

The body curled into a ball, and the stone against which he leaned was like an ice cube. Long Fei's whole body was covered with a layer of white frost, and the whole body was frozen.

It's okay to be cold.

What Long Fei was more worried about was Nezha, who was completely starving and passed out.


"If this goes on, I will freeze to death here."

Long Fei said heavily, "Something must be done."


What can he do?

Long Fei looked at the chain on the black stone. The chain rolled directly under the stone, and he didn't know how long it was. Long Fei grabbed the chain and murmured, "I have to do something!"

No matter how much, just pull up the chain and drag it abruptly.

I don't know if I don't drag it, I drag it... The chain is dragged out a lot.


Long Fei was taken aback, "If the chain is long enough, it should be able to climb down."

Pull again.

Pull out another large section.

Tension resistance, the chain is pulled more and more...

A mountain of chains was piled up behind Long Fei, "There is hope!"



Long Fei pulled more and more vigorously, and also threw the other end of the chain off the cliff.


The chain hit the cliff twice, and there was a constant sound. Long Fei listened to the sound to identify the height, and calculated silently in his heart, "It should be almost the end, right?"



Long Fei pulled it sharply, pulling it directly to a huge and incomparably heavy object, making a loud bang.

For a moment.


The chain retracted frantically.

Like a black electric snake, Long Fei dragged for an hour, but it took less than three seconds to retract.

Long Fei grabbed the last end and put his feet on the black stone, "If you drag it all down, then the daddy will be out of business."


The chain shook, and the skin of Long Fei's hand was frayed.

The black stone, whose feet were staring at, was also moved.

expose a hole.

The cave emits red flames, as if in volcanic lava.

"Where is this place, the wind is piercing above, and the heat below is unbearable?"

"Ice and Fire Double Heaven is this?"


Suddenly a wild laughter came, "What a pure blood."

"The old man has never absorbed such pure blood in three thousand years!"

"It's so exciting."

The voice fell.

A force passed through the chain and exploded suddenly, directly smashing Long Fei, and dragging it in an instant!


Long Fei fell into the deep hole as a whole, and was dragged into the depths frantically along the chain, completely out of control.

deep hole.

Excited and laughter continued, "There is a big meal to eat."

"There's a big meal to eat."

"Hahaha..." "After eating you, the old man can ascend to heaven!"

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