The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3272 Old Man Gluttonous

"After eating you, the old man can ascend to heaven."

A growl.

The flames were rolling in the mountain, and Long Fei was dragged down wildly in the narrow mountain passage, unable to control his own body at all.



Strange laughter kept coming, and the chains were rolling.

Leaving Tiantian Cliff, Long Fei's Cultivation Base recovered, but... the power of the Nether Realm was completely useless, and his power was as weak as an ant under the huge pulling force.

In the end, Long Fei simply gave up.

The right palm secretly accumulates power, waiting for a blow.


ten minutes later.


Long Fei landed heavily and fell into a cave.

The cave was extremely hot, and the ground exuded a sulfurous smell, which was unbearable.

White hot flames gushed out from the gap.

At the moment when Long Fei landed, "Crash..." A violent sound of chain pulling came out, and almost in an instant, a huge iron ball rolled to Long Fei's side.

The iron ball is covered with all kinds of strange rune.

Very ancient.

At the top of the iron ball is a human head with a shiny scalp, a few sparse long hairs on both sides of the top of the head, the eyebrows are sky-high, and the beard is like a steel needle.

There was a gleam of fire in his eyes.

Staring at Long Fei, his throat kept rolling, "I smell the pure blood in your veins, the power of that supreme blood."


"Hahaha... Super feast, as long as I eat you, no one can trap me in this noodle, hahaha..."

talking room.

The strange old man was shocked and laughed madly, the iron ball rolled, and rolled directly in front of Long Fei, staring at Long Fei.

The distance between him and Long Fei was only ten centimeters.

Also at this moment.

“Buddha Palm!!”

He charged heavily, struck with all his strength, and slashed with one palm.

Directly on the top of the strange old man's head.


At close range, the power of Buddha Palm is also fully released, and this power can cause good damage even if it does not die.


With a palm shot, Long Fei didn't stop there.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

The palm of the hand clenched into a fist and bombarded it heavily.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Continuous crit.

He also took out the weapon that exploded from Ye Shura's body and slashed it heavily.

Anyway, as strong as possible, use as much power as possible, and smash and slash fiercely at the strange old man's head.


It's useless!

"No pain, no pain!"

"Not as strong as my tickling."

"Use a little more force, use a little more force, hurry, hurry up... woo haha..."

"Come on, come on."

"Boy, do you only have this power? Haven't you eaten?"

"Why did those scumbags of your power Xuange lock you up on the Heaven-breaking Cliff? There's no reason."

"Depend on!"

"It's really boring." The strange old man kept talking, and his face was full of enjoyment, as if his scalp was itchy and Long Fei was tickling him.

There was no damage at all.

Every shot is an iss!

A series of English letters made Long Fei's scalp tingle.



Long Fei gasped a little, looked at the strange old man with a look of enjoyment, and said, "Your sister's!"

The strange old man laughed and said, "This old man has no sister."

"The old man has a monster sister, do you want it?"

Long Fei...

Holding a sword from Ye Shura in his hand, he slashed fiercely.

The things that exploded on Ye Shura's body were naturally not ordinary.

"Bang!" just broke.

The strange old man laughed, the iron ball rolled, onto the dagger, and bit it directly into his mouth, chewing and biting, "Delicious, delicious..."

"Any more?"

Broken Sword was like a piece of meat in his mouth, drooling while eating, as if he had been eaten in several lifetimes.

And, Broken Sword quickly melted into liquid in his mouth.


He swallowed, "It's delicious, delicious, is there anything else? If not, I'll take you to eat."

talking room.

The strange old man's saliva dripped even more, and he couldn't stop it at all.

When he swallowed the broken sword, Long Fei kept looking for the weakness of the strange old man. Apart from his head, this guy had no feet and no hands. There was a groove at the bottom and a chain locked him.

Not far away, a bunch of hills looked like chains.


Two words popped out of Long Fei's heart.


Before he could move, the strange old man gave a strange laugh and said, "Little guy, don't even think about leaving when you get here, no one has ever escaped here."

"Did you see that over there?"

The strange old man's eyes looked to the other side.

All are skeletons.

Let alone hundreds of people.

Long Fei froze in his heart, and quickly analyzed in his mind that his speed and strength were suppressed, and the cave was not large, and the length of the chain was enough to go around a few times, so he had no chance to escape at all.


Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Senior, I have something to discuss."

"Look at how long you haven't seen anyone. Now that you finally see me alive, don't you want to talk about life and ideals?" Long Fei tried to hold back the strange old man.

It's important to save your life now.

The strange old man smiled and said, "What is life, what is ideal, I'm thinking about a question now, should I eat your feet first, or start from your head first."


Saying that, he swallowed again.

"Your sister!" Long Fei cursed again in his heart.

Just when he had nothing to do, the old man's eyes changed slightly and said, "It's been hundreds of years, and I really haven't seen a living one. They were all dead before."

"You are the first person to be here alive."

"And I wasn't scared to death by my appearance." Seeing the strange old man talking, Long Fei knew that there was an opportunity, and he said, "Senior looks very handsome and handsome, which makes people unforgettable, especially those eyes, which are like fiery eyes. , makes people feel respectful, from the moment I saw senior, my admiration for you is like the endless river of Taotao.

You are like the most shining star in the night sky, you are still the whole barren universe, guiding the lost people to find the direction..."

Long Fei said that he was a little embarrassed.

The strange old man also stared at Long Fei.

Anger flashed in his eyes.

Long Fei was secretly startled, "Damn, did the game crash?"

Blame the old man with a deep voice, "Nonsense!"

"Oops!" Long Fei was shocked.

The strange old man said coldly, "repeat what you said just now."

When Long Fei heard this, he immediately became happy and said, "Senior looks handsome and handsome..."

The strange old man said, "Is it only handsome and handsome?"

Long Fei immediately boasted, "Universe is the most handsome, and he is so handsome."

The strange old man smiled and said, "It's almost the same, I'm really handsome."

Seeing him laughing, Long Fei asked cautiously, "I don't know what the senior's name is, so why is he detained in such a place?" The strange old man's eyes were savage, and there was an extremely ferocious light in his eyes, "The old man's name is Taotie!"

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