The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3516 Who Else? ? ?


With one palm in hand, he was not chasing after the victory, but showed a coldly laugh.

the strange thing is.

There was no expression on his face.

Like a numb face.

Long Fei stood still, the corners of his eyes sank slightly, and he secretly said, "What a fast speed!"

He didn't see it clearly at all.

Can't even feel it.

You can see how fast it is.

"This is definitely not the Cultivation Base of the Great Sword Master Realm, it is definitely stronger than the Great Sword Master." Long Fei sighed in his heart and exhaled softly.

The man looked at Long Fei and said, "I'm vulnerable!"

Long Fei's eyes widened, "Come again!"

The man sneered and said, "You like to seek abuse, don't you? Then it will be yours."


The figure disappeared again.

Long Fei's eyes were tightly locked, "I can't see clearly... I can't see clearly... It's too fast!"


Before he could react, he was hit again in the abdomen, Long Fei's eyes sank, and he wanted to retreat, but it was too late.



He spat out a mouthful of blood again, and his face turned pale.

The man still did not pursue, and sneered proudly, "Trash!"

Long Fei couldn't resist two consecutive moves, and he couldn't see his speed at all, and he didn't know how to defend.

After two attacks, Long Fei's health was only one-third left.

With another palm, I'm afraid his HP will bottom out.

"Damn it!"

Long Fei cursed angrily and clenched his fists tightly.

The man smiled and said, "Get angry?"

"Hahaha... If you say you are trash, you have to admit it, understand?"

"You are not even qualified to die in my hands, hahaha..." The man smiled coldly and looked at Wu Yilong.

Wu Yilong understood in his heart, and with a move of the long sword, it came out in one step.

The speed is also amazingly fast.

Under the sword's edge, a powerful force was released, locking Long Fei's eyebrows, wanting to kill Long Fei with a sword.

Gui Taibao's eyes narrowed, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He was not in a hurry to shoot, but held the sword in one hand, like a hunting cheetah.

Wu Yilong shouted, "Give me death!"

A sword crushed.

Wu Fengtian smiled with satisfaction, and two strokes seriously injured Long Fei. Such Long Fei has no strength to fight. If his son makes another move, his son will become the last Ying Family.

He was ecstatic.

The people around the stands were also excited.

"Hahaha... being arrogant!"

"I'm going to die soon."

"See how crazy you are."

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"kill him……"

There was another roar around the stands.

The old fire in Long Fei's heart also burned, and he was hit hard in a row. He was extremely unhappy in his heart.


There was a roar in the body, and the power of Wangu Long's body poured out instantly.

In an instant.

Long Fei's pupils turned golden yellow. Looking at Wu Yilong in mid-air, Long Fei said heavily, "Get away from me!"

Sweep the long sword!


Sword Qi was condensed into substance, like a slap slapped out.

A heavy fan was placed on Wu Yilong's body.


Wu Yilong fell to the ground in response, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, "Pfft..."

A mouthful of blood gushed out.

Wu Fengtian stood up suddenly, watching his own son fall to the ground and groaning in pain, his eyes were fierce, and he wanted to rush to Long Fei's side and kill him.

"Gluck cluck..."

The fists were clenched, and the joints exploded.

The anger in his eyes, the killing intent, was extremely strong.

Wu Fengtian stared gloomily at Long Fei, gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, hurt my son, I must kill you!"

Looking at the man who changed his face, he expressed his dissatisfaction.


The face-changing man didn't expect that Long Fei could suddenly exert force, and when Long Fei's Sword Qi was released, even he didn't react.

The surroundings of the stand were also stunned.

All mute.

Lin Fenglei snorted loudly, "Nice job!"

"This trick is so cool!"

Lin Yuantu looked at Wu Yilong and said, "Wu Fengtian wanted his son to take the top position, but he was slapped on the ground by Long Fei."

Lin Fenglei smiled and said, "It's a pity he didn't die!"

Gui Tianyi also laughed grimly, "Deserving it!"

on the ring.

The face-changing man's eyes tightened, and he was extremely angry, and said, "Damn, you dare to fight back, let's see how I kill you..."


As soon as the right palm was turned over, a strong force flew towards Longfei.


It's so fast that you can't see clearly.


Long Fei, who released the Wangu dragon body, was completely different from the beginning. His pupils turned golden, and his body became the body of a dragon. At this moment...

The speed of the face-changing man was like an ant crawling in his eyes.


"too slow!"

"Really too slow!"

Long Fei smiled coldly, before waiting for the face-changing man's move to fall, he stepped forward, grabbed the face-changing man's collar, his eyes were angry, he lifted it into the air, and slammed it hard on the ground!




The explosion sounded like thunder, and the entire fighting ring collapsed.

The entire arena trembled violently.

Those melon eaters were shocked like idiots, they were able to completely crush Long Fei just now, but now... completely changed.

How could this be?


In the pit, the face-changing man looked at Long Fei with a dead look on his face, with black blood pouring from the corners of his mouth, and said, "No,,, no,,, impossible, this,, this is impossible!"

"You, you, you are just a swordsman Realm, you can't kill me, you you..."

Long Fei was condescending, staring coldly at the face-changing man.

at this time.

The human-skinned face of the face-changing man fell off, revealing an old face.

Looking at Long Fei's gaze, his heart trembled involuntarily, his body was chilling, as if he was in a terrifying mood.

"you you,,,"

The voice was shaking.

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Who is the waste?"

After speaking, Long Fei lifted his foot slightly.

The old man's pupils dilated, he kept shaking his head and said, "No, no, no, no..."


Long Fei stepped on it, blood splattered everywhere, and at the same time Long Fei raised his eyes and said heavily, "Who else??"


The sky exploded violently, and thunder was everywhere.

Long Fei's aura completely crushed the audience!

The whole place was silent.

at the same time.

Wu Fengtian also panicked!

He knew very well how strong the old man's Cultivation Base was. He was a strong man from the Sword Sect Realm, so he could kill him in one move?

If he hadn't seen Wu Fengtian with his own eyes, he would never have believed it.

This kid is a monster.


Wu Fengtian's heart sank, "This is my city, and I am the king here. I will never allow anyone to destroy my plan."


With a thought, Wu Fengtian directly transmitted his voice to Long Fei, saying, "Boy, if you want that little girl Lin Shuang'er to live, then kneel down for me now!!"

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