The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3517 Triggering The Task

Wu Fengtian couldn't be more angry.

All the powerhouses in the Sword Sect Realm were wiped out by Long Fei, and his son Wu Yilong was seriously injured. In this case, he was no match for Long Fei.

May die on the fighting ring.

He can't let this happen, absolutely not!

Wu Yilong is his only son, he must let him live and let him enter the ancient Liezong smoothly.

Right now, the elder of the ancient Lie Sect was watching from the VIP seat. His son's performance was very bad just now, but... Wu Fengtian knew that there was still a chance.

He still has an ace in his hand!

Those were the two women Long Fei had been looking for.

Lin Shuanger and Phoenix!

As long as he grasps this trump card well, Wu Fengtian will still be able to win.

Judging from the fact that Long Fei slaughtered so many families yesterday, Long Fei placed great importance on the two women in his hand, which also showed that the trump card in his hand was very important!

"Kneel down for me now!"

Wu Fengtian snorted again.

Long Fei's brows tightened, his eyes swept across the audience, he didn't reply with voice transmission, but said in a deep voice, "Who are you? Die for daddy!"

There are thousands of people in the audience, and anyone can transmit his voice to him.

And this voice was very unfamiliar, he didn't have too much contact, so he didn't know who was transmitting the voice to him.

Lin Fenglei said, "What is he talking about?"

Lin Yuan said, "Someone transmits a voice to him!"

Lin Fenglei's eyes also swept away, "Who?"

Lin Yuan said, "I don't know, it's Gui Tianyi or Wu Fengtian who doesn't answer."

Lin Fenglei whispered, "Dage, I'll check Wu Fengtian."

Quietly withdrew.


Wu Fengtian thought through voice transmission and said, "Little bastard, didn't you hear what I said? I'll ask you to kneel down for me, otherwise I'll break Lin Shuang'er's hand immediately."

Long Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, who was still searching for voice transmission, and said, "Threatening daddy?"

Wu Feng Heavenly Dao "Not a threat, but an order."

"We can make a deal."

Wu Fengtian's voice changed.

He felt that he could make good use of Long Fei.

Long Fei said, "What deal?"

Wu Feng Heavenly Dao "It's very simple, kill all the Gui family first."

Long Fei said, "What about after you kill them all? Can you let them go?"

Wu Fengtian sneered and said, "Are you qualified to negotiate with me? Lin Shuang'er's life may not be important, but that little girl's life...hehe..."

He is a temptation.

He felt that what Long Fei cared about was not Lin Shuang'er, but the little girl.

Long Fei's heart tightened.

At this moment, his eyes moved, and he directly locked on the Gui family disciple, and fell in front of Gui Taibao.

Gui Taibao's eyes tightened, his long sword moved, and he transformed into a powerful sword move. With a loud voice, he said, "Give me death!"

The long sword pierced.

Several disciples of the Gui family next to them also attacked quickly.

Long Fei stood still, waiting for all the disciples of the Gui family to attack.


The breath of Wangulong's body moved, and the long sword in Long Fei's hand swept away, "Crazy Dragon!"


A dragon roared.

The Wild Beast Sword Technique under the power of the Wangu Dragon is completely different, as if it were upgraded in an instant.

At first, Long Fei was holding a violent bear in his hand, but now he is holding an extremely ferocious angry dragon. The angry dragon swept away and bombarded it heavily.


Dragon-shaped Sword Qi burst out from all directions.

The golden rays of light were dazzling and incomparably gorgeous.

The sword slammed down.

All the disciples of the Gui family were smashed into the air, Long Fei slashed with his long sword, the angry dragon tossed and bombarded heavily, "Bang!"


One by one they all fell vertically.

Half dead and half disabled, dying.

The blood on the top of the head was only a little bit of fur, and each one was twitching and shaking, not even making a sound of pain.

This move shocked everyone.

"What was that sound just now?"

"Too,,, too, too strong!"

"This sword tricks him very well!"

"I have to say, this kid is really strong."

"One sword knocked all the Gui family disciples down, this,,, this is too awesome, right?"


No matter what plane it is, everyone will respect and respect the strong. Even if Long Fei kills so many people, they will be convinced by Long Fei's 'Angry Dragon' sword.

A smug smile appeared on the corner of Wu Fengtian's mouth, "Hahaha..."

In one move, the disciples of the Gui family were crippled. The Gui Taibao knelt on the ground and couldn't get up. It seemed that his knees were broken.

In this way, his son has no opponent.

As long as Long Fei died in the hands of his son in the end, his son would still be appreciated by the ancient Lie Zong Yang Elder, and he would also be able to enter the ancient Lie Zong.


What he didn't expect was that Elder Yang in the VIP seat suddenly stood up, and the breath on his body shook, directly suppressing the voice of the audience, looking at Long Fei and said, "Little brother, I don't know about you. Are you interested in entering my ancient sect?"

Throw the olive branch directly.

The whole place shook!

Wu Fengtian's eyes became even fiercer, and his heart began to become a little nervous. He looked at Elder Yang and wanted to speak, but... he found that Elder Yang's eyes were always looking at Long Fei, and he didn't mean to look at him at all.


Wu Fengtian bit his teeth secretly, and his heart became even more unhappy.

"Is he the elder of the ancient Lizong?"

"When did the elder of the ancient sect come here?"

"And directly let him join the Ancient Era's Lie Sect?"

"Don't you hear it? His voice is still begging, as if he is begging that this kid is actually an ancient Lie Sect, this... How is this possible? But an ancient Lie Sect!"

Many people think they heard it wrong.

Because of the existence of the giants of the ancient Lie Zong, the overlord with a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers, and it is rumored that the ancient Lie Zong has a strong backer from the upper gods.

It turns out that the ancient Lizong is every Practitioner's dream.

It is the place to come into contact with the world of the real strong.

In three years, there is only one place in Nishang City for three years!

And it was achieved by fighting among countless young disciples, but... the elder of the ancient Liezong directly invited, what kind of existence is this?


Shocked to the point where those patriarchs, disciples, and elders who wanted to kill Long Fei were trembling in their hearts, because once Long Fei nodded and agreed, he would be a disciple of the ancient Lie Sect.

To move him is to have trouble with the ancient Lie Sect.

Who dares?

Don't even dare to move!

The patriarchs of those families began to feel a chill in their hearts.

Also at this time.

The system beeps a beep.


"The system prompts to trigger the task and enter the ancient sect!"

"Complete the task and get a 'Phoenix Feather' reward!"

"Mission failure level - 1!"

"Eh?" Long Fei sneered, "Damn it, there is actually a mission?" He looked at the Elder of the ancient Lie Sect, and at this time, Wu Fengtian made a deep voice and said, "Reject him, or I will kill that little boy immediately. girl!"

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