The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3664 Demonic Beasts Strike

"Boom bang, bang bang bang..."

The war drums were beaten, and the roar of Jiuxiao.

The escort team composed of Outer Sect Elders set off first, and the appraiser disciples followed in the middle.

This road is extremely difficult and dangerous, in addition to Outer Sect Elders, when reaching a certain depth, there are Inner Sect Elders, disciple guards.

This is to protect the safety of these appraised disciples as much as possible before reaching their destination.

in the crowd.

Zhao Dahan looked excited and said excitedly, "It's like going out to fight, it makes people's blood boil."

Long Fei said, "This is probably more severe than fighting a war."

"The odds of surviving a war are higher than that."

Long Fei glanced at the nearly 200 disciples and muttered, "I don't know if I can survive a tenth of it."

Deep in the ancient mountains, where the Demonic Beasts rule.

It is one of the most dangerous places within a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

The legendary demon king who swallows clouds.

The demon king who crushed the earth.

Transform into the seductive and demagogic King Fox Demon.

Not to mention hunting, survival is the biggest test.

To be able to come back alive is that the ancestors burned the incense, but... knowing that there is danger, but had to go, because the road of Martial Dao has no way out.

To enter the Inner Sect, this is the only way.

Check in.

Open and aboveboard!

Just like in front of the dog hole in Ling Xiao Hall, get in? If it doesn't exist, even if you want to go in, you have to step onto the divine dimension openly and aboveboard.

Baili Tianhai said slightly, "Entering the Inner Sect, the first person to look for is Lin Yuan!"

"People have been sent to kill us again and again. If this revenge is not repaid, the daddy will not be called Baili Tianhai!" He thought about entering the Inner Sect to kill Lin Yuan.

As for the assessment, he didn't take it to heart.

He is now a Eight Brain Talent, and he really doesn't take this kind of assessment into his eyes.

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "I will go in."

"Most definitely!"

Long Fei raised his head and glanced at the distance, which was in the direction of Jianling Mountain, and secretly said in his heart, "I promised her."

At this moment.

Yun Xi walked up coldly and said coldly, "It's not that simple, the place to go this time is different from the previous place."

"If the places in front of you are the places where the Demonic Beasts are rampant, then this time it is the place where the Demonic Beasts are rampant."

Phoenix smiled and said, "Don't be afraid of the demon emperor!"

Yun Xi glanced at Phoenix, gave a wry smile, and wanted to say, "Even if it's the God and Demon King, you won't be afraid." But when he wanted to say, he was interrupted by Long Fei's smile, "Don't worry, I will protect you. yours."

Yun Xi's eyes turned cold, revealing killing intent!

Long Fei said, "You still owe me a night, why don't you spend it with me in this deep mountain and old forest?"

Yun Xi said, "Okay, I'll see how your third leg is broken."

As soon as the right hand is unfolded, it is grasped sharply.


It's like the sound of an egg cracking.

Zhao Dahan and Baili Tianhai both shrank in fright at the same time.

Long Fei laughed and said, "You just like to break my third leg? Don't worry, I'll let you get enough."


Yun Xi's cheeks flushed red, and she could not wait to shove Long Fei into the ground.

"talk less!!"

An elder said with a heavy voice, "I have entered the ancient Lieshan Mountain, keep quiet!"

The crowd fell silent for a moment.

Sometimes any sound can attract Demonic Beasts.

It's okay on the outside, if you go to the depths of the ancient Lieshan, any Demonic Beasts will be enough for these people to drink a pot.

Phoenix smiled and said, "It's so exciting."

Long Fei smiled bitterly, she was not afraid of the sky.

Yun Xi looked at Phoenix again.

Long Fei whispered, "Don't watch it, it's useless to watch too much."

Through several observations, Yun Xi has no hostility towards Phoenix, and it should not be the man in black that time.

Yun Xi said, "Where did you find this treasure?"

Long Fei said, "Guess what?"

Yun Xi rolled her eyes at Long Fei.

An elder said again, "I said, keep quiet!"

Zhong Qi, who was not far away, immediately pointed at Long Fei and said, "Elder, they are talking, this kind of person will kill us all, and he should be expelled from the assessment."

A trace of coldness flashed in Zhong Qi's eyes.

Elder stared at Long Fei and said, "If there is a third time, then you..."

Just as he was speaking, Long Fei said, "What the hell, here comes the Demonic Beasts."

Elder was stunned for a moment, then glanced back, the surroundings were quiet, and he suddenly became angry, saying, "Boy, how dare you play the old man?"

"I think you don't want to take the exam."

Long Fei said seriously, "Elder, the Demonic Beasts are really here, from right behind you, I really didn't lie to you, hurry up and prepare for battle."

The Elder turned around again, the surroundings were still silent, and his mind sense couldn't sense the aura of Demonic Beasts.

There simply aren't any Demonic Beasts near.

Zhong Qi immediately fanned the flames and said, "Elder, he's just playing tricks on you, the surroundings are quiet, where did the Demonic Beasts come from?"

"Just so."

"What kind of Cultivation Base is he? It's just Sword Sovereign Realm. His sensing ability can't surpass Elder, so he's obviously playing tricks on you."

"This kind of disciple is not eligible to participate in the assessment."

"Disqualify him."

Many people shouted.

One less appraised disciple means one less competitor. At this time, many people fall into trouble.

The surrounding Elder also looked contemptuous and ridiculed.

Because the surrounding area does not sense the presence of any Demonic Beasts.

Just not!

Very quiet, how could there be Demonic Beasts?

Elder is also angered, being teased by a disciple in front of so many people, just when he wants to get angry.

Long Fei gave Zhao Dahan a look.

Zhao Dahan stepped forward immediately.

at the same time.

Baili Tianhai, the Five Elements brothers are all ready for battle.

Zhong Qi sneered, "Pretend."

Long Fei ignored it and said indifferently, "It's just because it's quiet that it's different. There's not even a single bird chirping. Obviously, we've entered the territory of some Demonic Beasts."

"In less than a minute, that Demonic Beasts will come, and he's coming from behind you!"

Elder said angrily, "I don't know if there are Demonic Beasts, are you the escort, or am I the escort?"

Long Fei said, "I really didn't lie to you. If you don't believe it, then just stand there and don't move."


Long Fei said the numbers softly, "9, 8, 7..."


When the number turned to '0', the surroundings were still quiet.

Zhong Qi immediately laughed loudly, "Hahaha...hahaha... You know what a shit. Where are the Demonic Beasts? Where are the Demonic Beasts? Did you eat them?"

Long Fei raised his pupils!


The forest howled. A Demonic Beasts, who was as black as black iron, with an extremely powerful physique, rushed up...

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