The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3665 This Is The Beginning? !

The forest whistled like a ghost howl.

The huge black shadow fell heavily, and the gravel splashed all over the sky.

Two huge beast fists slammed.


The earth cracked and a powerful earthquake wave hit.

Everyone was shaken and swayed, and their standing was unsteady.

The angry Elder was directly knocked to the ground, his head was in his hands, the gravel fell on his back, and the whole person trembled.

Frightened in general.

"Sixth-level Demonic Beasts!"

"sixth-level Demonic Beasts..."

"Oh my God!"

"It's the sixth-level Black Furious Ape King!"

"Meet King Demonic Beasts all at once?"

"How to do?"

"What do you do now?"

There was chaos for a while, not to mention the ignorant disciples, even the elders were frightened and dumbfounded, their faces were pale, and they didn't know what to do.

It came so suddenly, it was terrifying.

Not mentally prepared at all.


The Black Furious Ape King roared again, and the sound waves were so angry that the eardrums were about to be shattered.

Elder, who was headed by him, calmed down and said loudly, "Guardian, prepare for battle!"

Numerous elders quickly approached the big elder.

Only the Elder, who was shivering on the ground with his head in his hands, didn't move. He was so frightened that he didn't even have the strength to stand up, let alone a counterattack.


The Black Furious Ape King roared again.

"He's going to attack!"

"He's going to attack, Elder Liu... retreat!"



The Elder, who was holding his head in his hands, couldn't hear him at all. He just buried his head in the ground and couldn't stop the sound from outside.

Long Fei said lightly, "Dahan!"

Zhao Dahan humbly said, "Understood!"


The Black Furious Ape King jumped heavily.


Like a tsunami of mountains and tsunamis, the condescending and heavy rolling down towards Elder Liu was like a mountain.

If this is suppressed, I am afraid that it will not survive.

"Old Liu!"

"Elder Liu!"

"Get out of the way!"


One by one Elder shouted loudly.

The faces of those appraised disciples turned pale.

Only a few people remained calm and were not frightened by the terrifying picture in front of them.

Zhong Qi also smiled coldly.

Just as the Black Furious Ape King landed, a figure rose from the ground, "Bang!"

The ground underfoot is cracked.

A pit appears.

Zhao Dahan rushed up.


"Don't go to die!" an Elder shouted.

Many disciples sneered, "It's totally courting death!"

"Is he tired of living?"

"To die?"

"Is there something wrong with your brain?"

At such a time, rushing up again, this is not a brain pumping, what is it?

Even if you want to go up, you should avoid its edge, and then rush up when attacking, when the Black Furious Ape King is attacking, this is completely beyond your own power.

The sixth-level Demonic Beasts are the strength of the Swordsman Realm.

Demonic Beasts like this king-level are the peak Realm of Sword Sovereign.

This kind of Demonic Beasts outbreak is not necessarily able to withstand even the beginners of the Sword Immortal Realm. Zhao Dahan, a Cultivation Base of the Realm, rushes up and is simply courting death!


In the next second, everyone's scalp tingled.


Zhao Dahan suddenly grabbed the arm of the Black Furious Ape King, and his strength exploded.


A shock wave of power was ejected, and streaks of power visible to the naked eye erupted.


Throw it hard!


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and the Black Furious Ape King was directly smashed to the ground by him, "Bang!!"

Dozens of towering trees collapsed.

A deep hole was smashed into the ground.

The head of the Black Furious Ape King was smashed with gold stars, and a large amount of blood gushed out from the entire back.

A little confused.

These Elders stared at Zhao Dahan with dazed eyes.

The appraisers were also stunned, they even forgot to breathe, and could only stare at Zhao Dahan, who was standing there dumbfounded.

The person who laughed just now felt as if he was slapped in the face by Zhao Dahan.

This move is too fierce!

Those are the Demonic Beasts of the sixth-level king level, and it was overturned by such a trick?

Long Fei also smiled faintly and said, "Not bad!"


Zhao Dahan didn't use all his strength at all. If he did, I'm afraid this sixth-level Black Furious Ape King would be instantly killed.

The Five Elements brothers were excited one by one, their eyes tightened, their fists clenched, and they wanted to catch up with Long Fei and the others!

Great stimulation for them.

In the past, I just thought that Zhao Dahan was a little stronger than them, not much stronger, but now it seems that the gap between them is too big.


The Black Furious Ape King let out a roar, turned his body over, and stood up abruptly.

The huge body stood straight in front of Zhao Dahan.


Zhao Dahan was like a little ant in front of the Black Furious Ape King.


It looks like this, but in fact it is just the opposite. The Black Furious Ape King is a little ant in front of Zhao Dahan.

The Black Angry Ape King beat his chest with his fists, his eyes glared, his body leaned forward, and he roared heavily at Zhao Dahan, "Wow..."

Zhao Dahan stood there motionless.

After the Black Furious Ape King roared, he pulled out his ears, his eyes tightened, and suddenly he said, "Ah..."

Sound waves.

The wind is blowing.

Hearing this roar, the Black Furious Ape King shrank suddenly, and his furious eyes instantly turned into a scared baby.

He just supported it for a second, turned around and fled, not daring to stop at all.

Scared to death.

Zhao Dahan sneered, "If you don't leave, you will die!"

If the backflip just now shocked everyone, then this roar now makes those people fall into the ground.

Looking at Zhao Dahan one by one is like looking at a monster.

at this time.

Elder Liu, who was holding his head in his hands, also sorted out his own instrument and said indifferently, "This kind of Demonic Beasts is only the lowest level in your assessment, don't be proud."

at the same time.

He also looked at Long Fei.

Long Fei was taken aback.

Baili Tianhai smiled lightly and said, "Has the assessment started?"

It was only at this time that Long Fei suddenly woke up.

Every Elder here is a Sword Immortal Realm, how could they fail to react, how could they know it before the Demonic Beasts came?


In other words, when they entered the ancient Lieshan, the assessment began?

What Long Fei saw just now was just a good show by the guards.

The faces of many elders returned to calm, and with a reminder, they said, "Count the number of people and continue to set off."

Elder Liu walked up to Zhao Dahan and said, "Boy, you are very good."

Zhao Dahan scratched his head and was stunned, "Huh?"

Elder Liu also looked at Long Fei and said, "Your sensing ability is not bad. It should be like this in such a dangerous place. You can't rely on others at any time."

"Everyone cheers me up, we are the escort team, but the real test is you, be alert at all times, don't wait for the Demonic Beasts to approach before reacting, the reaction is already slow by that time!"


The faces of many disciples sank, and they also realized that it was a scene of the escort team.

Also at this time.

The elder headed loudly, "Zhao Dahan, score 10!" "Long Fei, contradict the Elder, keep ordering, score -10!"

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