The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3927 Cover Door

"Tired of living!"

Three words fell.

The eyes of the golden-haired giant ape lifted slightly, "Om!"

A strong roar roared.

See you in a moment.

The Immortal Shocking Formation was cracking, and the runes in the formation turned into powder and disappeared one by one, and the formation power was rapidly weakening.


At the same time, the faces of the four of them turned pale.


With a deep shout, the long hair on the golden-haired giant ape shook violently, "Boom!"

The power exploded.

The four flew out at the same time and were hit by a powerful force.

"Pfft... pfft..."

The four spat out blood.

The four of them left their positions, and the Immortal Shocking Formation was also splitting rapidly, and the power of formation was about to collapse.

They all know that Mu Changfeng is an eye formation, and he is still in the formation. If the formation breaks, then Mu Changfeng will surely die.

"The formation cannot be broken!"

"You can't let him break through."


The four of them shouted loudly, revealing bloody teeth, and their brows furrowed. ,

A drop of Blood Essence flew out between the eyebrows.

Long Kuang made a slight noise and said, "Soul blood?"


"Soul blood? It's a familiar word." Long Fei muttered in his heart, "What is soul blood?"

Long Kuang said, "A kind of blood flowing in the soul, it is even higher than Blood Essence, any drop of soul blood is worth a hundred years of cultivation."

Long Fei said, "Then they are carrying their own Cultivation Base."

"what's the point?"

"Obviously, the Immortal Shocking Formation they released is of no use to this guy."

"It's useless if it goes on like this, and... this guy hasn't really moved since he came out. If he tried to kill them, they would have already died." Long Fei saw through it at a glance.

Jingxianzhen is completely pediatric to the Golden Retriever Giant Ape.

It doesn't really hurt even a single hair.

If the Golden Retriever had used all its strength, the four of them and the disciple in the formation would have died long ago.

Long Kuang pondered for a moment, and said, "This maybe... is his cover?"


Long Fei was a little puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

Long Kuang said, "This guy should be going through some kind of calamity. At this time, he may not be able to cause killings, otherwise his Cultivation Base will be lost."

Long Fei said, "You mean he can't kill?"

Long Kuang said, "It's just my guess."

Long Fei said, "Even if he can't kill people, so what? We can't kill it either. What's this cover door?"

Vajra's undefeated flesh, no matter how much he kills, it's useless.

No blood at all.

Long Kuang fell silent again.

Just then.

Hua Xianzi suddenly said, "Inside the cave."

Long Fei was stunned and said, "Inside the cave?"

"What's in the cave?"

Hua Xianzi said, "I don't know, I can sense a strong and weak force in the cave. Could this be its door?"

"Eh?" Long Fei's eyes flashed a bright light, what Long Kuang said was unreliable, but what Hua Xianzi said was still possible.

"Everything around has turned into powder just now, and the waterfall has stopped flowing, but the cave below the waterfall has not been damaged in the slightest. There must be something strange in it." move.

Let's talk about the Immortal Array.

The four of them sacrificed their soul blood, and the power of the Immortal Shocking Formation instantly increased.

Those runes that disappeared appeared one by one out of thin air.

The strength became stronger, and once again bound the Golden Retriever Giant Ape.

The golden-haired giant ape swept his gaze and said lightly, "Soul blood?"

"Ha ha……"

"Want to bet on own Cultivation Base?"

"Unfortunately, the power of your soul blood is too weak, even if you sacrifice all your soul blood, it won't hurt half of my hair."

The golden ape is very shy.

He didn't feel threatened by the power of these people.

If it weren't for him in the Transcend Tribulation, he wouldn't be able to kill, otherwise, these people would have died long ago, and it wouldn't have just seriously injured two people.


"Beast, don't be mad."

"I'll kill you soon!"

The power of the four was reunited.

at this time.

They are really taking their lives on the line, and they can only pray that Mu Changfeng in the eyes of the formation can quickly find the door of the golden-haired giant ape.

The golden-haired giant ape sneered and said, "Just you? The qualifications to die in my hands are not enough. Let your Mu family ancestors come."


A force exploded in the Immortal Shocking Formation.

The eyes of the four of them flashed brightly, and they said excitedly, "Senior brother has found his destiny."


"Beast, your time to die has come."


The power in the formation suddenly exploded, which means that Mu Changfeng has found the door.

Find the cover door, and you can severely damage the golden ape with a single blow.


The golden-haired giant ape didn't panic at all, and said with a smile, "Find my hood?"

"Ha ha……"

"You guys are really amazing."

While he was talking, Mu Changfeng in the Immortal Shocking Formation moved and slammed into the giant ape's hood with all his strength.

The golden-haired giant ape did not stop him, and let Mu Changfeng attack him.

Where he attacked was the armpit.

Mu Changfeng hit what he thought was the door with a single blow, and his power exploded.


The golden-haired giant ape didn't move, and looked at Mu Changfeng with a sneer on his face, saying, "I turned into an eye, just to find my cover. I have to say that you still have some brains, it useful? You even I can't hurt a hair."

"It's pathetic, pathetic."


Don't forget to laugh a few times when you're done.

This is a humiliation to the five of them.

Serious humiliation.

Mu Changfeng also frowned, full of doubts in his heart, "Impossible, the immortal beast must have his cover, it is impossible for Vajra to be undefeated."

"Where did it go wrong?"

"How did that happen?"

One blow failed, and the giant ape did not kill him.

This is an even greater humiliation for him.

Mu Changfeng felt very uncomfortable.

Just at this time.


The golden-haired giant ape stared sharply at one place.

I saw Long Fei sneaking into the cave.


With a roar, the golden-haired giant ape instantly became furious, with the rage of thunder, "Despicable and shameless human beings, you all have to die."

"All have to die!"


The five Mu Changfeng were a little confused.

I don't know why the golden-haired giant ape was suddenly furious, but... Mu Changfeng thought that his sword just hit the giant ape's hood, otherwise why would he be so angry?



The golden-haired giant ape rose from the ground and wanted to fly to the cave.

Mu Changfeng said heavily, "Don't let him escape."

The five people worked together to maximize the restraining power of the Immortal Immortal Array. The golden-haired giant ape that had jumped into the air was forcibly pulled down.

The golden-haired giant ape was also completely irritated.

He doesn't care about Transcend Tribulation now.

For him, the cave must not let people break into it.

Absolutely not!


The moment he fell back to the ground, he stood up abruptly, and the long hairs on his body stood up like steel needles.

The golden hair on the top of the head flashed a golden light.

"Break me!"

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