The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3928 Have I Not Gotten Rid Of You Yet?

"Break me!"

The sound was like a thunderstorm, and the golden-haired giant ape exploded with both fists, his body suddenly stood up, his fists were raised in the air, and he roared, "Earth fissure!!"

Heavy fists hit the ground.




The huge roar, the sound of gas explosion, the cracking of the ground, and the sound of the explosion from the rolling up of the ground all filled together, forming a sound that resounded through the sky.

This scene... is like the end of the day.

The fairy beast was furious and unstoppable.

Even the Mu family felt this strong tremor. Many elders in the northern district came out and looked at the depths of Guishen Mountain, "What happened?"

"Why is there such a strong tremor?"

"What kind of beast is it?"


The sound of the explosion continued to spread out, the ground cracked and shook open, and the five Mu Changfeng flew directly from the ground into the air.


All five fell into a stupor.

That kind of powerful bombardment, no matter how powerful the Cultivation Base of the five of them was, they couldn't stand it, and they were knocked into the air and fainted in an instant.


The golden-haired giant ape didn't stop there, swept his arms and swept the five people out.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

One by one, they were fired like bullets and fell into the deep mountains.

Life and death unknown!

Shocking Immortal Array? The general presence of tofu.

A master who surpassed the God Moon Realm?

It's just junk!

In the eyes of the golden-haired giant ape, he was too lazy to do anything with these little brats. If it wasn't for Long Fei, he wouldn't be angry at all.

The five Mu Changfeng were swept away, and the golden-haired giant ape jumped without stopping, and landed directly at the entrance of the cave, rushing into the cave in a blink of an eye.


Let's talk about Long Fei.

After he entered the cave, he didn't stop too much. He knew that Mu Changfeng and the others couldn't hold it for long. If this cave was the 'shroud' of the golden-haired giant ape, then he had to hurry up.

After entering the cave, Long Fei found that the cave was like another world.

He can't sense things in the outside world at all.

Even if the 'earth fissure' of the golden-haired giant ape caused a huge sound just now, no sound was heard in the cave.


"Could it be that this is a secret realm?"

Long Fei was puzzled.

Long Kuang said, "No, there is a powerful support here, not a secret realm, but a kind of enchantment power..."

"Enchantment power?"

"Isn't it? I haven't heard that fairy beasts can also set up enchantments. Could it be that he has to become a master?" Long Fei didn't believe that fairy beasts could set up enchantments.

Long Kuang did not immediately explain.


This is the same for him, it is impossible for fairy beasts to arrange enchantments.

Although the fairy beast is a spirit beast, it took millions of years to evolve and cultivate, but after all, it is not omnipotent. The golden ape has cultivated to the invincible body of Vajra. If such a strong barrier is arranged, then it is true horrible!

Long Fei continued to move forward.

Long Kuang is also paying attention to the changes in the surrounding enchantment.

The inside of the cave is smooth, all crimson rock, as if it had been burned red and not cooled.


Long Kuang suddenly said, "No!"



"It's so wrong, it's impossible."

"This...this...this doesn't make sense at all, how could this be?" Long Kuang's face was full of doubts, and he was extremely shocked.

Long Fei said, "What did you find? That's not right, that's not right, what are you trying to say?"

Long Kuang said, "Master, do you feel that the atmosphere of the enchantment here has a familiar feeling?"


"I don't feel it." Long Fei glanced around, he really didn't feel the slightest familiar feeling, "What did you find?"

Long Kuang said, "Master, there is a dragon's breath here."

Long Fei was stunned, his brows tightened. ,

He is really familiar with dragons.


The power of the dragon was deprived, the Wangu Dragon body was pulled away, all the power related to the dragon in his body disappeared, and even his bloodline disappeared.

He still remembers the feeling of being stripped away by Long Wushen at that time, but... It's a pity that Long Wushen was rescued by his life, Zilong, otherwise he would not be able to get rid of his hatred if he killed it 10,000 times!

When Long Kuang mentioned the Dragon Qi, Long Fei cried and laughed in his heart.

Long Kuang also felt the pain of Long Fei, and said, "Master, I didn't mean it."

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I should have nothing to do with dragons except the surname Long."

"These are not the key, the key is what did you find?"

Long Kuang was no longer wordy, and said, "Master, the dragon family has a kind of barrier called the Dragon Scale Barrier. This kind of solution can only be solved by you, the master of the previous life."

"I was fortunate enough to meet once."

"It's just that Long Batian used a dragon scale at that time. Everything in the dragon scale barrier is crimson, and the barrier is like another world."

"More importantly, the spiritual source True Qi in the spirit formation is extremely rich, and one day of cultivation here is worth ten years."

"If I absorb the Dragon Scale True Essence, I can even cultivate a stronger physique. I only now understand why the Golden Retriever has Vajra's invincible body. It is because of this space." Long Kuang's eyes were locked and he affirmed. This special space should...should... be the Dragonscale Barrier!"

"The Guishen Mountain did exist in ancient times, but...why is there such a dragon scale barrier here? No one except the dragon master has such a barrier." Long Kuang racked his brains and couldn't think of the reason. .

Long Fei listened to so much, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, his eyes became gloomy, and he said solemnly, "Long Batian, haven't I gotten rid of you yet?"

"You are haunted!"

Wangu Long was stripped away, Long Fei thought that he and Long Batian had made a 'break', but now it seems far from it!

There is only one possibility that something related to Long Batian suddenly appears in such a place. This is arranged by Long Batian!

Arranged trillions of years ago.

At first, he didn't hate Long Batian, and even admired him a little, because the first powerhouse in the ancient world, the first overlord of the realm, was such a powerful existence.

He was said to be Jackie Chan Batian reincarnated, and he didn't find it annoying.


The things around him are related to Long Batian one by one. People and things are all arranged by him, which makes Long Fei feel that his own destiny is controlled by others.

This is where he is very unhappy.

From unhappy to now boring.

Ghosts linger.

It really annoyed him that Long Fei had to choose.

In an instant.

Long Fei stepped forward and said solemnly, "Long Batian, I want to see what you have arranged!"

"Let me see what you want!"

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