The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4289 Killing The Lord Of Chaos

Long Fei's figure swept the void directly.

Completely disregarding the fact that Emperor Xuan was still behind him.

In his mind, there is only one concept at this time, that is to upgrade.

And now, the only possibility of upgrading is the Lord of Chaos.

Can't kill Emperor Xuan?

Still can't kill the Lord of Chaos?


The Lord of Chaos is very strong, but he has already been killed by Long Fei once. This time, he didn't even have the courage to face it, so he fled directly.

It was enough to show that he had felt the fear of Long Fei's power.

At this time, the Lord of Chaos was trembling in his heart outside the void.

"It's so violent, why is the world changing so much."

The Lord of Chaos was terrified.

His face was full of horror and bitterness.

Everything was different from what he thought.

This time, he was laid out for eternity and reborn.

What he thinks is to stun the heavens, what he thinks is to traverse the universe and all worlds, and what he thinks is to dominate the ancient times.

Unexpectedly, the clone was beheaded by Long Fei.

Facing Emperor Xuan is not a place to be.

Even in the face of the power that Long Fei had just burst out, he was full of the threat of Death.

"No, no, I'm not reconciled."

"This seat contains the mother energy of chaos. As long as chaos still exists in the world, I can be infinitely powerful."

"One day, I will make a comeback. No matter who lives or dies today, it will become the stepping stone for this seat to finally dominate the world."

The Lord of Chaos speaks constantly in the void.

Then, as soon as his eyes turned, he was ready to leave completely.

However, at this moment, a ray of light soaring into the sky came straight to him.

The Lord of Chaos was startled, his heart suddenly panicked, and an expression of incomparable resentment appeared on his face instantly.

"Long Fei!"

The Lord of Chaos shouted angrily, his eyes bursting with anger.

He never thought that it was just such a pause that Long Fei chased after him.

"Could he have killed Emperor Xuan?"

The Lord of Chaos was shocked in his heart and turned back quickly.

But the next scene made his expression change again.

Emperor Xuan also chased after him.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

The Lord of Chaos burst out three sentences in a row, and a feeling of grievance grew in his heart.

"Why, this is clearly a battle between you. Why don't you let this seat go?"

"I have already run away, and I have to hunt down. Is there such a bully?"

"Can you make some sense?"

The Lord of Chaos felt infinite suffocation in his heart.

At this time, Long Fei had come to his body, raised his head coldly, and said something

"Persimmons, of course you have to pick them up softly." Long Fei said casually.

Then in an instant, Cangsheng's big mudra shot directly.


In an instant, the infinite will of the common people burst out and swept the world.

Directly cover the entire void.

This is also Long Fei's trump card.

Not even Five Elements Shrouding the Heavens.

However, after all, it is the most advanced skill, and it is naturally extremely violent.

The Lord of Chaos was startled, he didn't have time to think about it, he shot directly.

"The vortex of chaos devours the world."

In an instant, Chaos self-incarnates into Chaos, and outside the body, the endless power of Chaos is released.

And his body turned into an existence like a wind eye.

Immediately, an endless hurricane formed.

Then, a vortex was formed directly, and it began to devour frantically.

"Ah, ah, Long Fei, you are too deceiving."

"Today, even if you are desperate, this seat will not let you Ruyi Scepter."

"Soft persimmon? Long Batian was a soft persimmon when he was a daddy. You are a waste, and you dare to say that, I want to kill you, kill you!"

The Lord of Chaos roared continuously.

This roar shook the world directly.

Soft persimmons?

The three words directly touched the heart of the Lord of Chaos.

It's as if these three words are his scars and his shame.

Therefore, at this time, he directly made him angry and fought desperately.

And Long Fei was also stunned at this moment. He never thought that the Lord of Chaos would react so violently.

But now, there is no time for him to think more.

After Cangsheng's big mudra, Long Fei was fully armed, with Chaos Sword, Chaos Armor, and Chaos Crown, all blessings on him.


With a loud shout, Long Fei walked directly.

Rush into the center of this vortex.

And at this time, the Cangsheng Mahamudra also bombarded it at the same time.

One step ahead of the dragon, directly into the endless chaos of Hongru.



In an instant, the chaotic power of the object rioted, and the entire void fell into chaos again.

"Ah! Long Fei, you can't kill me, I have a chaotic mother energy."

"As long as I'm in chaos, I can continue to heal myself, and you will eventually be swallowed up by this seat." The voice of the Lord of Chaos came from the center of the vortex.

But Long Fei was unmoved at all.

He has no qualifications to back down.

In this battle, if you fail, you will become benevolent.

Only by destroying the Lord of Chaos can he complete the mission.

to upgrade.

Only in this way can he have the capital to fight against Emperor Xuan.

Therefore, at this moment, Long Fei is desperate.

"Devouring me? Then let's see who devours who!"

"A sword is invincible!"

Long Fei shouted and continued to forge ahead.

Without looking back, he directly entered the center of the chaotic vortex.

In an instant, the incomparably powerful devouring force directly bombarded Long Fei.

Almost torn apart, acting on Long Fei's body and soul.

For a time, Long Fei almost fainted.

If it wasn't for Long Fei's systematic suppression, his soul would have been annihilated.

And the flesh, under this power, also suffered endless destruction.

"Ding, player's physical strength has been upgraded, level experience is 1!"

Suddenly, the sound of the system appeared again.

Long Fei's face was filled with joy and he laughed.

"Hahaha, swallow, Lord of Chaos, swallow it."

"Today, if you can't swallow daddy, daddy will kill you." Long Fei said with a big laugh.

I never thought that the power of the flesh would change again at this time.

That is to say, under the devouring power of the Chaos Lord, it is even possible that his fleshly body, going one step further, will directly reach the highest Realm on the other side.

At that time, in the face of Emperor Xuan, there will be more capital.

The Lord of Chaos also noticed the changes in Long Fei at this time.

Even more resentful.

"Aren't you using the power of this seat to temper your body? Don't even think about it!"

"This seat, I will never let you succeed."

"Emperor Xuan, kill him quickly. Otherwise, once he uses that kind of power, you will surely die."

The Lord of Chaos cried out.

The misfortune is drawn to the east, and he wants to pull Emperor Xuan into the water.

However, at this moment.

Long Fei's aura suddenly changed.

"Ding, congratulations to the player's physical upgrade, the current level, the other side of the era."

With the sound of the system's beep falling, Long Fei's body shook and everything recovered.

At this time, the power of the Lord of Chaos has no effect on Long Fei at all, and can't hurt him at all.

"Hahaha, God helps me too. Lord of Chaos, you have used daddy for so long."

"Today, help daddy to break through. Karma is not happy." "Now, give me a breakthrough."

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