The Strongest Upgrade System

4290. Chapter 4290 Continuous Promotion To Third-Level

Long Fei's eyes were firm and murderous.

The upgrade of the physical body made Long Fei's heart be pleasantly surprised.

It was also a surprise.

I never thought that the power of the Lord of Chaos could help me to carry out the final step of tempering, and directly complete the last few hundred points of experience and upgrade it step by step.

With the upgrade of his physical body, Long Fei felt an unparalleled power.

This kind of flesh is completely beyond the ordinary.

A powerful breath burst out from every cell.

Just as it was originally changed by the Root of the Great Way.

In an instant, it can be transformed into the attributes of various different powers at will.

However, compared to the beginning, I don't know how many times stronger.

Just four words at will, can show everything.

"Damn, you're awesome, seven times a night in the future, it's all pediatrics."

"Daddy is going to be co-sleeped."


Long Fei's heart was surging.

Step out of the deep sadness.

Of course, all of this is due to changes in strength.

More importantly, it is the Lord of Chaos, who is about to be exploded.

As long as the Lord of Chaos is exploded, there will be capital hard-working Xuan Emperor.

In a single thought, Long Fei's eyes were full of light.

"Death to me!"

Long Fei punched out.


Chaos vortex began to collapse.

"It's not impossible, how can your physical strength reach this level."

"Absolutely impossible, even Long Batian in the ancient world does not have this kind of power."

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

The Lord of Chaos shouted in anger.

The words were full of confusion.

At this moment, Long Fei's physical body has completely surpassed his power level.

No matter how powerful the power of chaos is, it is useless at this time.

Long Fei has not caused the slightest damage.

On the contrary, it was Long Fei's punch that roared into the sky and directly collapsed his chaotic vortex. That's not to mention, even the brewing primordial chaotic energy, under Long Fei's punch, was instantly chaotic.

Like a shredded cocoon, one after another began to peel off from his body.

And Long Fei didn't stop at all.

His face did not change, and he kept moving forward.


Invincible in one punch.


A punch sank directly into the endless chaos.


At this moment, the entire vortex of chaos collapsed instantly, and the body of the Lord of Chaos also fell apart at this moment.

Brush brush!

The endless power of chaos rolls through the void.

The whole world turned into chaos.


The huge impact, like a nuclear explosion, created a mushroom cloud over the entire void.

Below, Emperor Xuan's expression changed slightly and stopped immediately.

And at the center of the explosion.

Long Fei was also affected by this power.

However, his current physical body is not what it used to be. At the moment when this power burst out, he directly turned his body into a speck of dust, and turned it into a substance similar to this kind of chaotic explosion, and the impact on him was extremely small. can be ignored.


Long Fei's figure reappeared, staring at the Lord of Chaos with a cold face.

"Come on, continue." Long Fei said disdainfully.

His eyes were cold.

At this time, the Lord of Chaos has no threat in front of him.

Used to be arrogant.

It has nothing to do with now.

Now he has no capital to fight Long Fei.

Or, at the moment when Long Fei was upgraded, he had already lost the qualification for this battle.

In other words, from beginning to end, the existence of the Lord of Chaos is a foil.

It turned out to be to set off Emperor Xuan's invincibility.

And now, it is a stepping stone for Cheng Quan Longfei.

"Murderer's Tortoise Tomb."

"Inheritance of the Broken Curtain Family."

"You are so arrogant."

Long Fei said coldly.

Every word he said was punched out.




Under Long Fei's attack, the Lord of Chaos kept retreating.

The chaotic vortex has burst, and the chaotic mother gas has also disintegrated and keeps drifting away. The Lord of Chaos at this time was like a lost dog, completely powerless to resist, letting Long Fei make his move.

"No, Long Fei."

"Let me go, you can't kill me."

"Leave me, I can kill Emperor Xuan with you."

"Besides, I also know the secret about Long Batian, don't you want to know how he failed back then?"

"Do you think Long Batian is dead? No, I can feel that he is in your body. Leave me behind, and I can eliminate hidden dangers for you."

The Lord of Chaos spoke frantically.

Catch all the words that might move Long Fei.

It has to be said that even Long Fei's heart was also fluctuated by the Lord of Chaos.

Dragon Batian!

A person who has disappeared without a trace since before he entered the world of Yang God.

However, is Long Batian really dead?

Long Fei himself didn't believe it either.

Now, the Lord of Chaos said that Long Batian was in his own body, how could he not be shocked.

Besides, his current physical strength is largely due to Long Batian.

So, will Longbatian not have its own layout?

For a time, Long Fei's heart was numb.

At this time, the dragon scales, which were almost shattered, trembled slightly in the space.

Even Long Fei didn't notice the small movements.

Then again, the Lord of Chaos.

At this moment, Long Fei hesitated, as if he had caught the last straw.

"Long Fei, Emperor Xuan is below now. Only when you and I join forces can it be possible to kill Emperor Xuan."

"Otherwise, with the means of Emperor Xuan, you will also die."

"So, stop it. This seat can give you a lot more." Chaos changed his tone on his own, thinking he had grasped Long Fei's mind.

speak up.

But Long Fei suddenly smiled at this moment.

"Lord of Chaos, Lord of Chaos, it's so funny that you are desperately begging for mercy."

"If I had known today, why should I die?"

"You've been on the daddy's blacklist since you shot at the Mujia."

"As for Emperor Xuan. Daddy also said that it's enough to blow you up." Long Fei said coldly.

Show no mercy.

Then, the Chaos War Sword in Long Fei's hand appeared again, he was in control of it, and it crashed down.


With this sword coming out, the Lord of Chaos no longer has the slightest means of defense.

In panic, he was directly scattered by Long Fei's sword.

In an instant, the system rang.

"Ding, congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the Lord of Chaos, gaining 1000000000 experience points, 10000000 points of spirituality, and 1 point of fury."

"Ding, congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining Chaos Mother Qi."

"Ding, congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the skill Chaos Vortex."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the Chaos Spirit."

"Ding, congratulations to player Long Fei, who completed the task, obtained the inheritance of the Thirteen Great Emperors, and obtained the qualification of the realm king."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the quest reward and rising to third-level."

"Congratulations to the player for leveling up, the current level is the second floor of Super Great Perfection, and the level of experience is 70000000000/250000000000 points."

"Congratulations to the player for leveling up, the current level is Super Great Perfection Level 3, and the level of experience is 70000000000/300000000000 points." "Ding"

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