The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4297 Is Crazy

Incomparably arrogant, one person Lingtian.

The current Long Fei, with the blue sky on his back, stands proudly without breaking the ridge of the strong man in the starry sky.

"Ding, congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing Zunjie and leading the team Elder, gaining 50,000,000 experience points, 500,000 spiritual source points, and 1 frenzy value."

The sound of the system also appeared.

Long Fei was taken aback.

Immediately, a surprise appeared on his face.

Long Fei was 100% sure that the person in front of him was just an ordinary little monster.

It can be beheaded at any time, and it is not difficult at all.

Not even elite monsters.

But, just like that, it gave 50 million experience.

"Hahaha, come, come, escape from the ancient world, the rules have changed, and the experience has also begun to be violent."

"Cool! It won't be long before you can upgrade again."

"Hahaha, that pretending to be a perpetrator will see who kills who this time."

Long Fei laughed heartily.

A sour comparison.

In an instant, all the haze seemed to disappear.

Experience represents level.

And now, what he lacks is level.

As long as the level is up, what can't you do?

Who can't fix it?

Thinking of this, Long Fei's expression became even more solemn.

Isn't the world king fighting for hegemony just to see who is more powerful?

If so, do it.

At this time, in front of this bridge.

The people of Wanjie didn't dare to look at Long Fei at all, and they dodged one by one. Some people even wanted to step back and didn't want to stay here for another minute.

Because Long Fei's aura is too powerful, who else is directly the enemy of the heavens, and the enemy of all realms.

But unfortunately, the people of Wanjie don't even dare to let go of a fart.

If it was before, Long Fei dared to be so arrogant alone, these people would definitely attack in groups.

However, even the powerhouses of Zunjie were vulnerable in front of Long Fei.

He was seriously injured with a punch, and pinched with one hand.

This kind of combat power has been imprinted on their hearts, an indelible trace.

An innate perception swept through my mind instantly.

two words.

That is fear.

And Long Fei also sneered.

It doesn't matter if the world is not the world.

Pretending to be coercive or not is also secondary.

The important thing is that they are people of the respected world.

So, to kill them, there is no need to be vague, just go up and do it.

Long Fei was also extremely satisfied with the current reaction.

It was exactly what he expected.

However, Long Fei also had some doubts in his heart.

Don't you mean the world king fights for hegemony?

Do people from all worlds have this level?

That's a shit fight.

Not enough to kill with one hand.

"You, come here!" Long Fei's eyes moved, and he looked at a person from Zunjie.

In an instant, the man was drenched in cold sweat.

Not a word.

And a few people from the respected world around him also burst into a bit of anger at this time.

Deceiving too much.

In the past, only their respected world bullied others, so how could there be such a situation now.

It was actually stepped on directly in the face.

"Boy, don't bully people too much. What is bullying us? The powerhouses of our respected world have not come yet."

"If you are sensible, step aside obediently."

"Otherwise, it's a death penalty for you to kill the people of my respected world and bully us."

Immediately, some people from Zunjie began to refute.

I want to use the name of Zunjie to suppress Long Fei and let Long Fei retreat.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Long Fei's mouth.

"What did you say?"

Long Fei smiled playfully.

He turned his ears away, as if he hadn't heard.

But the people of Zunjie believe it.

Thinking that Long Fei was really shocked by his own words, his tone was a bit arrogant, and he said

"Boy, daddy said if you're interested"


But he was not finished yet.

A big palm print fell directly.


Directly slapped and slapped.

At this time, Long Fei's figure also swept in and stepped on this person's face.

"Are you stupid?"

"What did daddy ask you? How dare you say it?"

"The powerhouse of the respected world? Alright, daddy is waiting here."

Long Fei said coldly.

What he is most resistant to is this kind of person who has no eyes.

He couldn't see the form in front of him at all, so he roared here.

It seems that he really has something to fear from the respected world.

Actually, it doesn't exist at all.


The people of that realm were furious.

But before the words were finished, an unprecedented sense of crisis swept through his heart.



Long Fei fell with one foot, showing no mercy.

Directly stomped on his head.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for beheading the disciples of the Zunjie, gaining 40,000,000 experience points, 400,000 points of spiritual source, and 1 point of madness."

The system beep sounded.

Long Fei's heart suddenly cheered.

This time, it just confirmed what Long Fei thought.

The rules here have changed.

A casual disciple directly brought so much experience to Long Fei.

For a time, Long Fei's eyes looked at the people in the Zunjie.

Eyes full of covetousness and longing.

These people are already naked experience.

Long Fei didn't want to let go of any of them.

Moreover, whether it was because of the Yang God Realm or because of himself, the relationship with the Venerable Realm was already endless.

And also at this time.

Because Long Fei shot again.

Under the entire Tongtian Bridge, everyone's heart became uneasy.

Especially the people of the respected world are extremely contradictory.

Long Fei is now completely targeting them.

But what can they do?

As long as you resist, you will die.

Between life and death and dignity, they have no choice.

And Long Fei now has no doubts in his heart.

One led the elder, one disciple.

Obviously, they are just looking forward, and there is no strong one among them.

"come here."

Long Fei repeated his old tricks and wanted to do the same.

As long as the opponent dared to resist, Long Fei would directly kill him.

It's a matter of course.

But at this moment, the void was vast, the light of the endless star suddenly eclipsed, and several extremely powerful breaths suddenly came out from the starry sky.

"What a big dog, dare to humiliate the people of my respected world like this."

The monstrous anger erupted directly from outside the endless void.

The anger spread directly across the starry sky.



Countless Stars shattered directly under this sound, turning into pieces one by one and falling under the starry sky.

Long Fei frowned slightly.

Come on, is a strong man.

But this expression was only for a moment, and a sneer appeared at the corner of Long Fei's mouth.


The stronger the better.

Only the stronger it is, the richer the experience it brings.

Thinking of this, Long Fei raised his head and looked at the constantly fluctuating starry sky, with a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth.

Brush brush!

Also at this time, several figures came powerfully.

When they came directly to Zunjie people, they were all angry.

"Is it you who shot to kill the people of my respected world?"

Immediately, a respected world powerhouse said.

This person is dressed in black, and even his entire face is wrapped under the black robe, which is extremely unusual.

But the breath on his body is a powerful one.

There is absolutely no comparison between the two before.

"What if I killed it?"

Long Fei stared directly, motionless.

Don't look at him at all.

"What an arrogant thing, I don't know how high the sky is." said the strong man of the respected world.

"I don't know if the sky is high and the earth is thick, but arrogant, daddy admits it. Why, you don't agree?"

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