Bullshit, arrogant?

Long Fei refused to accept anyone.

No matter how strong you are, if you refuse to accept it, you are just tough.

What's more, there may be those who can now make Long Fei gather his temper and endure it.

But the person in front of him is not on this list.

Although this person is strong, as soon as he appears, his attributes appear directly in Long Fei's eyes.

The boss doesn't count.

At most, a monster leader.

Moreover, as soon as this person appeared, it directly gave Long Fei an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"So familiar, where have you seen this kind of existence?"

"Black clothes, Zunjie?"

Long Fei's brain was spinning rapidly, and soon, two figures appeared directly in his mind.

Tsing Yi, Yellow Shirt!

"Haha, it turned out to be on the same level as the two of them."

"The two of them were still a small boss at the time, but now."

"You don't count."

In Long Fei's heart, he had a decision on the strength of the black clothes.

They are the same as the two people Tsing Yi and Huang Yi that they met in the Yangshen World.

However, the current Long Fei is not what it used to be.

At the beginning, there was no upgrade at all, but now, it is already the fourth floor of Super Great Perfection.

Even at the beginning, Long Fei was able to kill Qing and Huang.

Today, the level is advancing by leaps and bounds, still can't kill a black one?


And at this time, the aura of the black clothes in Zunjie became more and more cold.

Although the face was covered by the cloak, just from the breath, one could imagine the expression on his face at this time.

"Laugh? Shit, how dare you laugh? With a Cultivation Base like you, even the disciples of my respected world are not comparable to me, so you dare to be arrogant?"

"Come on, tell me, what kind of Cultivation Base are you?"

Saying that, Hei Yi directly pulled out a disciple.

"I am the Super Dzogchen Ninth Stage."

The disciple said in a low voice.

It seems that he has found a backer, and his face is still a little proud.

Looking at Long Fei, there is no fear.

It seems that being taller than Long Fei on Cultivation Base is a kind of suppression, and it can't be arrogant in an instant.

"Come on, how about you?"

"Tell this bastard, what Cultivation Base are you?"

Heiyi was unwilling to give up, one was not counted, and another was found.

It seems that they can find the sense of existence and pick up the face of their respected world again.

"Lord messenger, I also have a super great perfection. However, I have also sensed the power of the world's origin, and I will be able to go further soon."

The man in black said again.

The expression is the same as the previous person, but also a look of arrogance.

His eyes were slanted, and when he looked at Long Fei, he became disdainful.

At the same time, more and more people behind the black clothes are getting up gradually, the fear on their faces has been completely submerged, the only thing that exists is arrogance and teasing.

"Hahaha, the messenger is right."

"He's a piece of shit, Cultivation Base is an absolute."

"I don't know what method I used just now? Don't think about it, it must have used external force."

"What do I say? It turns out that he is such a waste, and he actually shocked us. Damn it."

The people of Zunjie began to recover and their attitudes reversed.

As for Long Fei, he didn't say a word from beginning to end.

The clown looked at the performance of everyone in front of him.

"sb! Are you finished?" Long Fei moved his hands, stood behind his back, and said.

As soon as this statement came out, the people in the entire respected world were suddenly uneasy.

Even people from other worlds began to withdraw.

Long Fei is very strong, but no matter how strong he is, he is only one person.

In front of him, the Venerable world is already the overlord of the star field, and an messenger appears. Who would dare to disobey such a person?

Therefore, they have expected that a war will definitely break out. If they don't go now, they will most likely be involved.

"This kid is so crazy, he must have lost his mind."

"It's crazy that a person dares to deal with the entire respected world."

"Don't think about it, he is definitely going to die, let's stay away."

The mutual conversation between the worlds does not dare to stay too long, for fear that it will be contaminated with right and wrong.

And at this time.

Before they left, the messenger in black made a bold move.

"No one is allowed to leave?"

"You are gone, who will witness the power of our respected world?"

"Today, you are here to watch, to see how my respected world punishes those who disobey and disrespect." The messenger in black said, his cloak turned, and then he directly locked Long Fei.

"Dark night raging!"


Follow the law.

The words of the black-clothed messenger fell, and the entire starry sky suddenly became incomparably dark.

It seems to be a huge shady screen directly under the cover.

Isolate one side of the world.

Long Fei nodded slightly, although he didn't agree with it, he was also surprised by this method.

"Change the world? Zunjie's methods are awesome."

"However, it's still too bad."

"It's just a technique, it's just a space to banish the world."

"Don't think about anything, just smash it to pieces."

In an instant, Long Fei came up with a countermeasure.

If it was before, even before his fleshly body broke through the third layer, it would be difficult to break through this confinement.

However, the power of Long Fei's physical body is now called the respect of the era, and it is extremely magnificent. It is impossible for this kind of power to restrain Long Fei.

Even, in Long Fei's eyes, this boundless darkness is equivalent to transparency.

When you open your eyes, you can see the outside world directly.

However, the messenger in black did not know at all.

Still arrogant.

Below, the people of Wanjie are even more frightened.

"This is the law of the firmament of the envoy of the honored world, which is extremely terrifying."

"Under the darkness, he is the ruler."

"It's dead, this kid is dead this time. Just don't get us involved."

The people of Wanjie suddenly became extremely flustered one by one.

Even, some people have begun to scold Long Fei

"It's all his fault, it's all the fault of this pretending to be a perpetrator. If it wasn't for him wanting to steal the limelight of the Zunjie, there would be no such thing at all."

"It's okay to starve yourself if you want to die, and you will also implicate us."

"Don't let daddy know which world he is from, otherwise, daddy will definitely target and make his world a laughing stock in the battle of the world king."

Everyone was angry and hated Long Fei.

At this time, Long Fei in the darkness, the smile on the corner of his mouth became even more intense.

"For my world?"

"Daddy wants to steal the show?"


"But you all said so. If I don't do it, I'll be sorry for you."

Long Fei spoke in a low voice, opening his mouth slightly in a voice that only he could hear.

Then, he turned around abruptly, and then threw a punch.

In an instant, the entire dark space seemed to be penetrated.

A crisp sound erupted.



Immediately afterwards, a beam of light erupted directly from Long Fei's hand.

This beam is a Sword Ray.

The Chaos War Sword appeared in Long Fei's hands inadvertently, and it was just a flash, and the darkness disappeared.

And Long Fei's voice is also cold and charming.

"Come on, let daddy see, what is the result of disrespecting your world?"

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