The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4306 Invitation

The voice was cold, killing intent penetrated.

The invisible killing intent erupted on Long Fei, penetrating the void and all worlds.

For a moment.

Star's face changed greatly, the surging killing intent made his heart tremble, and his facial features seemed to be torn apart by a hurricane.

"No, no, my lord, forgive me."

In the blink of an eye, there was no hesitation.

Star child directly knelt down and begged for mercy.

No way, Long Fei's qi and blood was shocked, and his murderous aura was like a knife, directly shocking his soul.

Nowhere to run, nowhere to escape.

Even Starzi felt that just the breath was not something he could bear.

Once Long Fei takes action, what awaits him will be a mortal situation.

In other words, apart from begging for mercy, there is no second way to survive.

But unfortunately, what about begging for mercy?

Begging for mercy after pretending to be forced?

It's like putting on pants and not admitting it.

Despicable and shameless.

"Daddy despises you for this kind of behavior."

Long Fei was speechless. He was very speechless for this kind of person who pretended to be compulsive when he had nothing to do with food.

If you don't have the ability, don't come out and do things.

Now that things are messed up, I just want to let it go, I don't dare to beg for mercy, I just want to escape.


Then, Long Fei's breath sank again.

Bang bang bang.

In an instant, Star's body burst out the light of Star unconsciously.

However, the moment the star's light appeared, it broke directly and kept escaping.

He couldn't resist Long Fei's pressure at all.

Brush brush!

Click click!

In just a few breaths of time, the power of the Star on Star's body dissipated in a hurry, dissipating in the void.

And at the moment when the light of Star disappeared, Star's fleshly body was directly prostrate on the ground, unable to withstand Long Fei's oppression at all, and began to crack continuously.

"no, do not want."

"You have already offended Zunjie, and you have to offend my Starfall Realm. Don't you want to be an enemy of Wanjie?"

"Let me go, let me go!"

Star child kept begging for mercy, hoarse, almost roaring sound resounded through the void.

Long Fei stood still, and punched directly.



The incomparably surging punching power was carried out, and the star was blasted with one punch.

"Threat me? The last thing daddy is afraid of is threats."

"Xingyun world is a fart, dare to provoke daddy, destroy your world." Long Fei looked cold and charming.

Completely dismissive of the threat of the star child.

The Starfall World may be very powerful, but can it be more powerful than Zunjie?

Even Zunjie Long Fei dared to be tough, how could he be concerned about a starfall world.

And at this time, the whole world sank.

Dull to the limit.

Except for the faint sound of breathing, there was no other sound at all.

"Kill it if you say it, this"

"You can't provoke it, this is a killing god, whoever touches it will die."

"I really don't know what kind of shit luck Dayang World has gone through, to curry favor with such a strong person."

All of a sudden, people from countless worlds transmit voices to each other, and they are extremely envious.

As for Jiang Chunqiu, there was a look of astonishment on his face at this time.

"It's too arrogant."

"Sir, you are my idol from now on."

"Hahaha, this group of jumping clowns, let them pretend to be forceful. Bah!"

Jiang Chunqiu laughed wildly.

At this moment, he had long been convinced by Long Fei's domineering and adored his face.

But Long Fei did not move at all.

Killing people in such a world, for Long Fei, has no sense of accomplishment at all.

Even Long Fei didn't care about Jiang Chunqiu's and others' reactions.

"Ding, congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing Starfall, the leader of the Starfall World, and gaining 100,000,000 experience points, 1,000,000 spiritual source points, and 1 frenzy value."

"Ding, congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the power of Star."

"Ding, the power of Star is swallowed up, and the player's body is strengthened by 1."

The sound of the system appears.

Long Fei was shocked.

Star power!

This power is too familiar to him. When he was in the Xianyuanzong, he released the beast and obtained the body of Star.

But this power has disappeared since the system changed.

Now that he got the power of Star again, Long Fei thought of it.

"Tsk tsk, can the power of Star strengthen the body?"

"Hahaha, now the physical body is already the strongest on the other side. The supreme honor of an era can still be strengthened, which is awesome."

"Starfall World, you are the lucky stars of daddy."

Long Fei laughed wildly in his heart.

Totally unexpected.

Long Fei didn't expect anything from killing the people in Xingyun World, and he didn't expect anything good to come out.

But now, the result made Long Fei feel his heart skip a beat.


The power of a star may be inconspicuous, but what about dozens, hundreds, thousands, tens of millions, hundreds of millions?

In an instant, Long Fei's eyes lit up.

For the previous threat of the star, there is a bit of anticipation.

"Come on, hahaha, daddy stretched out his hands to greet him." Long Fei's heart surged with madness.

But on the face, it is calm.

Then, Long Fei turned around and looked at Jiang Chunqiu.

"Let's go."

He looked calm.

Of course, Long Fei wasn't trying to pretend this time.

Rather, although there are still many people in Starfall World, the one who was killed before has no fart except for experience. In other words, if you want to reveal the power of Star, you also need to look at Cultivation Base. Therefore, Long Fei no longer has any interest in the remaining few people, and he is too lazy to do anything.

The most urgent task is to go to the center of the place where the world intersects first.

Jiang Chunqiu paused for a while, still under Long Fei's violent domineering aura.

A rebellious look on his face.

His face was full of arrogance.

It was almost written on his face "I'm awesome" in big words.

However, as soon as Long Fei opened his mouth, his expression instantly returned to normal.

"Sir, are we still going to this chaotic ancient world?" Jiang Chunqiu asked.

Words are extremely respectful.

After Long Fei beheaded Starzi, he had already made a decision in his heart.

That is, he must be a qualified dog leg and follow Long Fei closely.

"Of course, after all, Bai showed them a battle. If they didn't pass by, how would they go?" Long Fei raised the corner of his mouth, chuckled lightly, and then looked straight ahead.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this time, several figures fell directly out of thin air.

These people are the powerhouses of the Chaos Ancient World.

The half face of the same color is extremely different.

But the breath is extremely terrifying.

Even if the cultivation system in each world is different, the positioning of the Cultivation Base is also different.

But in general, Cultivation Base has reached a certain level, and it has reached the same goal, but the name is different, but the strength can be seen at a glance.

Of course, this kind of terror is also relative.

In front of Long Fei, their breath was not worth mentioning at all.

It is much different than the black clothes of the Zunjie.

"The lord is in my chaotic ancient world, and it is full of brilliance."

"My chaotic ancient world is willing to welcome you and form an alliance with the world of adults, and advance and retreat together in this place where all worlds meet."

"If your lord is not in a hurry, please come into the city and have a chat."

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