The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4307 Jiang Chunqiu's Determination

The people in the chaotic ancient world stood in front of Long Fei with humility on their faces.

The posture is very low, and there is even a bit of pleading in his eyes.

This scene made everyone around him look at him.

Full of envy.

There are many tyrannical existences in their world, but in the face of the chaotic world, they have to maintain a bit of awe.

But now, Long Fei has directly become the target of the Chaos Ancient World, which makes them very envious.

Long Fei was fine, his expression remained the same.

This result has already been guessed.

Before he shot, although it was aimed at the people of Xingyun World, how could he hide everything around him. Therefore, he directly used the strongest physical strength, in order to be a kind of shock.

And the people in the chaos of the ancient world, the power Cultivation Base, do not want to get up and down with the Star child at most.

How dare they be arrogant in front of Long Fei.

In particular, Long Fei, who is not afraid of the power of the world at all, has a fierce and rampant temperament.

It is what frightens them the most.

However, the one whose face changed the most was Jiang Chunqiu.

Long Fei was the boat that he tried his best to get on, and now he has to watch helplessly as he was pried away by the Chaos Ancient World. How could he be reconciled.

"No, absolutely not."

"This kind of fierce person must belong to my Dayang Realm, so that my Dayang Realm will have a chance of life, and will not become a victim of the division of the world."

"It must not be pryed away by people from the chaos of the ancient world."

Jiang Chunqiu looked urgent, and glanced at Long Fei quietly.

I saw Long Fei, who was looking at him with a playful expression.

It seemed that he was waiting for him to speak.

"Damn, it's all over."

Jiang Chunqiu's eyes were ruthless, he looked up at the people in the chaos of the ancient world, and said

"My lord is just passing by. There is no need to look at the chaos of the ancient world. Speed ​​away, open the route, and let us pass."

Jiang Chunqiu directly made up his own mind.

Arrogant group.

It seems to be completely ignoring the chaos of the ancient world.

The people in the Chaos Ancient World were stunned for a moment, and they were directly messed up in the wind. Looking at Jiang Chunqiu who kept clamoring, he was stunned.

Even, some people were already forcibly suppressing the anger in their hearts, and looked at Jiang Chunqiu coldly.

If Long Fei hadn't been here, they would have shot.

In an instant, Jiang Chunqiu's body trembled.

Under the gaze of the masters of the ancient world, he felt extremely depressed.

Even the bones rattled.

But at this time, he was already on the line, and there was no way out.

"Look at what, my words are what adults mean."

"You. Are you going to let it or not?"

Extremely determined.

At this moment, Jiang Chunqiu directly gave up.

Like a big gamble.

If the bet is right, he will successfully be involved with Long Fei. If he loses, his life will be turned into ashes.

Immediately, the people of Chaos Ancient World were not happy.

Hidden anger is no longer suppressed.

open mouth

"Shut up, you are a waste of the Great Yang Realm trying to find death?"

"How noble are the adults of the Yang God Realm, who can be coveted by a waste world like you?"

"If it weren't for the face of the adult, the moment you spoke just now, you would have died."

"Say one more word and I'll kill you directly."

In the chaotic ancient world, a half-faced person with a ferocious face, only half of his facial features were twisted, and instantly became a ball.

It looks even more terrifying.

At the same time, the people from the Chaos Ancient Realm looked at Long Fei, "My lord, this Great Yang Realm is not worth your stay at all. In this place where all worlds meet, although I cannot dominate the Chaos Ancient Realm, I still have a head and face."

"Only us can become allies with the sun god world of adults."

"They don't deserve it at all."

The strong man in the chaos world said with a smile on his face.

However, this kind of honor, even if it is a smile, makes people feel extremely uncomfortable in their hearts.

For their words, many people agreed for a while.

In fact it is.

Strong alliances are the way to go.

There has never been a mighty world to search for a tow bottle.

Obviously, Long Fei is now extremely powerful and has won enough respect from them.

However, the Great Yang Realm is simply a tiny world.

Even being able to leave his own base in this place where all worlds intersect is also because of a woman who was born in the past.

Therefore, in their eyes, the chaotic world is the best choice for Long Fei.

But, at this moment, Long Fei suddenly said

"I beheaded the people of Zunjie and Xingyun world. Aren't you afraid of walking too close to me and letting the other side target them?"

Long Fei opened his mouth in a playful manner.


Long Fei never thought about it.

Even in the Great Yang Realm, Long Fei did not have this consideration.

However, Jiang Chunqiu's actions made Long Fei very satisfied, and Long Fei didn't mind getting closer to the other party.

More importantly, Long Fei had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

I always felt that the woman who walked out of Dayang Realm had something to do with me.

Moreover, this feeling is extremely strong, and it is out of control.

Therefore, Jiang Chunqiu's misconduct will be tolerated.

Of course, it was also a test for Jiang Chunqiu before.

If Jiang Chunqiu did not dare to resist at all and be a tortoise, Long Fei would never touch him again.

But obviously, Jiang Chunqiu's blood was still there, and in order to have a relationship with him, he even suppressed his fear of the Chaos Ancient World. Obviously, this is an all-or-nothing gamble.

Therefore, Long Fei didn't mind having a real contact with the other party.

At this time, the expressions of the people in Chaos Ancient World were also condensed.

That almost terrifying smile disappeared, and even his breathing became rapid.

For Long Fei, they already knew.

Even, they are ready, relying on Long Fei, to break the pattern of Wanjie in one fell swoop, overthrow the supreme position of Zunjie.

However, at this moment, Long Fei asked.

Instead, their hearts shrank a little bit.

Because this time, it was a big gamble for Jiang Chunqiu, and it was also a big gamble for them.

If the bet is lost, it will take the life of their entire world.

"What? Is this question difficult to answer?" Long Fei said lightly.

The chaotic life in the ancient world produces riots.

Eyes dodged for a while, looked at each other, and began to meet.

But at this moment, Jiang Chunqiu suddenly spoke.

"As long as it is the enemy of adults, it is the enemy of my Dayang Realm."

"This sentence is my will, Jiang Chunqiu."

Jiang Chunqiu said.

Resolute and decisive, without the slightest hesitation.

As soon as these words came out, the people in the chaos of the ancient world suddenly became extremely embarrassed.

As if being slapped in the face by Jiang Chunqiu, he said angrily.

"You? You are a waste, you are a fart, your will? Can you represent your Great Yang Realm?"

The chaotic ancient world powerhouse said.

Jiang Chunqiu nodded.

He glanced at Long Fei slightly.

But Long Fei didn't show any expression at all.

Jiang Chunqiu's hands trembled, but there was a hint of madness in his eyes, he looked fiercely in the direction of Chaos Ancient World, and said:

"I swear by Jie Yun that as long as I, Jiang Chunqiu, live, my lord will always be the follower of Dayang Realm."

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