The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4313 Taboos Of All Worlds

Sure enough, Jiang Chunqiu's voice fell.

Two bombardments fell directly from the sky.



Incomparably powerful, and fast, much stronger than the people of Chaos Ancient World.

Long Fei's eyes moved, and he looked at the two people in the world of beasts.

This kind of power is just their casual attack, but this power is definitely incomparably powerful. Long Fei has a feeling that even if it is the super perfect Ninth Stage, under this kind of power, he will be beheaded between them. die.

The power is not much weaker than that of the original Chaos Lord.

At this time, the entire mountain gate shook violently.

Countless people began to retreat, directly exiting thousands of miles away, and did not dare to stay at all.

"Haha, is this guy an idiot?"

"Think that people who rely on this Yang God world can be unscrupulous?"

"It's really courting death, look at it, this person will definitely die this time."

Countless mocking voices appeared.

Just don't whisper another round, this time it will spread to the world, and you will no longer be afraid of Long Fei.

Jiang Chunqiu's face was immediately bloodless.

Immediately reacted, his face turned pale

"Damn. Am I provoking the world of beasts?"

"I'm so out of my mind, right?"

"If adults don't take action"

Jiang Chunqiu's mind was flooded with thoughts, as if death was imminent, and everything that had happened since he met Long Fei flashed madly in front of his eyes.

"It's also worth it. I've never been so crazy in my life. What a powerhouse in all realms, but it's the same."

"It was only in the past few days that I discovered that the purpose of cultivation is not forbearance, but for pleasure and hatred."

"It's worth it."

Jiang Chunqiu thought to himself, and closed his eyes as if resigning his fate.

However, it has been waiting for a long time.

Time seemed to stop at this moment.

But nothing happened.

The next moment, Jiang Chunqiu opened his eyes, but saw Long Fei's figure standing directly in front of him, a pair of palms, forcibly resisted the two attacks.

"I don't mean anything, I just want to know something."

"I don't want to kill people."

Long Fei said lightly.

Killing people, Long Fei has never been soft-hearted.

But now, without knowing the reason for the panic in his heart, Long Fei has no intention to pay attention to other things.

"Boy, what kind of world are you from?"

On the opposite side, the voice of Myriad Beast Realm is infinitely cold.

But as soon as Long Fei shot, they knew that Long Fei was not joking.

Can you resist their attacks with physical strength?

It's so easy to kill them.

"My world. Ancient world."

Long Fei pondered slightly, and then said.

This time, he wants to correct the name of the ancient world.

To Long Fei's surprise, as Long Fei's voice fell, the entire void fell silent, as if he had heard something extremely shocking, and everyone's pupils began to tighten, staring at Long Fei.

"Ancient world?"

"This taboo world?"

"How is this possible, how can a world that has been listed as taboo before the last civilization come to the center of the world again?"

Incredibly creepy.

It was stronger than the shock brought by Long Fei's crazy suppression of Zunjie before.

It seems that in the ancient world, these four words represent an indescribable terror that makes all worlds jealous.

Even Jiang Chunqiu was like this at this time, looking at Long Fei, full of shock.

At this time, Long Fei also looked at Jiang Chunqiu with a puzzled look on his face.

"Sir, aren't you from the Sun God World?"

Jiang Chunqiu asked.

At the same time, crazy voice transmission to Long Fei

"My lord, the ancient world is a taboo and absolutely cannot be admitted."

"Now, tell me that you belong to the Yangshen world."

"Only in this way can we be safe and sound."

Jiang Chunqiu urgently transmits the voice.

It can be seen that Long Fei is also full of worries.

But Long Fei was silent at this moment.

"Sun God World?"

Long Fei chuckled lightly, a kind of unwillingness surging in his heart.

"What happened to the ancient world?"

Long Fei raised his head lightly and looked at the people in the world of the beasts.

Vaguely, what he saw was madness, killing intent, rejection, and greed.

All kinds of emotions instantly stimulated Long Fei's heart.

In an instant, the billowing anger erupted directly

"Daddy is a person from the ancient world."

"Also, daddy is the realm king of the ancient world!"

"Who doesn't agree?"

"Who dares to refuse?"

Long Fei stepped out, jumped, and stood directly on the mountain gate of Ten Thousand Beast Realm, extremely violent.

A pair of eyes, like ink dye, in the calm, incomparably surging breath, burst out directly from the body, shocking the heavens.

At this moment, Wanjie was silent.

Even the two people from the Myriad Beast Realm did not dare to say a word at this time.

But at this moment, a discordant voice appeared.

"People from the ancient world?"

"A junk world that has long been rejected by Myriad Realms, do you think it is still before civilization?"

"And the Thirteen Kings?"

"What if daddy doesn't agree?"

The voice fell, above the void, as if the curtain had been pulled, and then, a young man appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the young man walked down step by step, looking at Long Fei with endless contempt in his eyes.

Moreover, every time the young man took a step, the shadow of a goddess appeared from the void, and the world blossomed.

It's simply a role model in the pretending world.

Long Fei has traveled so many worlds, and this is the first time I have seen such a high-profile appearance.

And at this time, the two people from the Myriad Beast Realm below knelt directly to the ground.

"Welcome the arrival of the young master."

At the same time, the expressions of the two also changed directly, and there was no trace of panic on their faces.

Instead, there is endless arrogance and disdain.

It seems that as long as this lime arrives, even if Long Fei is in the ancient world, it is still not scary, and there is no need to pay attention to it.

Of course, the rest of the people of the world, at this moment, also knelt directly

"See the Young Master of Ten Thousand Beasts."

At this moment, Wanjie crawls.

Of course, Jiang Chunqiu didn't do it.

In the hesitation, his eyes turned to Long Fei.

Then resolutely, he rose directly into the sky and stood behind Long Fei.

This is his choice.

Long Fei turned around lightly, a little curious about Jiang Chunqiu's choice.

"Aren't you afraid of being implicated?" Long Fei asked.

Long Fei was also a little surprised when he saw Jiang Chunqiu make this choice. After all, there was no actual connection between him and Jiang Chunqiu.

Even if the other party retreats at this time, Long Fei will not feel strange.

"My lord, now my Dayang Realm has been implicated with my lord."

"Don't say that the lord is from the ancient world. Even if the lord is hunted down by the entire world, I, Jiang Chunqiu, will not retreat in the slightest."

"Besides, I trust your lord."

Jiang Chunqiu said calmly.

Serious look.

"Hahaha, it's a good word to believe."

"Just your words, daddy has decided, and it will cover you and your world in the future."

"And, one day, you will be grateful for your choice today."

"But now, daddy has to do one thing." After speaking, Long Fei turned his eyes slightly and looked at the so-called young master of the world of beasts. "Don't accept it? Daddy will call you to accept it."

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