The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4314 Are You Convinced? !

After the words fell, Long Fei's figure took a step forward.

Young Master of Ten Thousand Beasts? Ten thousand worlds surrender?

The existence of this f*ck bug made Long Fei very disgusted.

Especially the coercive effect of the other party made Long Fei very unhappy.

The fierceness that he had just accumulated was actually overshadowed by this person when he appeared on the stage, which made Long Fei feel as disgusting as eating Xiang Xiang.

After all, it was punched by himself.

Even, in order to create momentum for the Yang God Realm, even the Venerable Realm was suppressed without fear.

But now, he has made a name for himself in the ancient world.

Just four words destroyed everything.

This result made Long Fei extremely angry.

"My lord, it's probably not appropriate to have a conflict with them at this time."

"The battle of the king of the world is about to start. If the adults really belong to the ancient world, if you want to participate in the battle, you must also do it in this world of ten thousand beasts."

"If there is a conflict with them at this time, I'm afraid it will have an impact."

Jiang Chunqiu looked flustered.

Quickly stop Long Fei.

Even if he made a decision, he definitely didn't want Long Fei to be rigid with them.

After all, no matter how strong Long Fei is, he is only one person.

On the other hand, there are countless worlds.

Of course, he also has selfishness in his heart, that is, he has sworn by the world, so of course he hopes that Long Fei can grow in a wretched manner.

Become stronger in the future, and then suppress these people.

However, he didn't know Long Fei at all.

Is Long Fei the one who avoids things when he encounters something?

Totally impossible.

Moreover, Long Fei has his own perseverance.

Therefore, Long Fei directly rejected Jiang Chunqiu's suggestion and shook his head.

"There are some things you don't understand."

"It's not about thinking about whether it can be done or not."

"Because, there is no choice."

After that, Long Fei shot directly.

"Because daddy is the king of the ancient world, whoever ignores the ancient world is my enemy."

"The leader of Zunjie pretended to be coercive, so daddy directly suppressed Zunjie."

"You. Same thing."

Long Fei's voice exploded, and every word seemed to contain the power to destroy the world.

When Long Fei's voice fell, the gates of the entire Myriad Beast Realm couldn't bear it at all and shattered.

At this time, when the people of Wanjie saw Long Fei's shot, they also stood up one after another.

Whether they like it or not, this moment cannot be hidden.

Not for anything else, just because Long Fei is a person from the ancient world.

In their eyes, the four words of the ancient world are a taboo.

Everyone gets it and kills it.

Moreover, the target of Long Fei's shot is the young master of the myriad beasts who they relied on to surrender. This identity is enough to make them try their best to curry favor.

"Boy, you are too arrogant."

"Young Master is right, do you really think it was before civilization?"

"Do you really think there are still thirteen kings?"

"Dare to be rude to the young master, today is your day of death."

In an instant, countless figures began to fly through the void.

One by one, they were scrambling to show their hearts and minds in front of the young master of the world of beasts.

And the young master of the world of beasts, at this time, showed a kind of contempt on his face.

"Hahaha, see, what right do you have to shout in front of this young master."

"Suppressing the Venerable Realm? Suppressing the Chaos Ancient Realm, crushing the Starfall World?"

"So what? You're a piece of shit here at daddy."

The young master of the Myriad Beast Realm was extremely arrogant at this time, and he didn't look at Long Fei at all.

In his view, everything is boasted by the outside world.

At the same time, his heart was full of excitement.

I thought in my heart, if Long Fei could be beheaded, then in the whole world, who would dare to ignore him, the young master of the world of beasts?

As soon as he thought of this, there was a kind of hideousness and madness in his eyes, and the endless killing intent erupted directly.

"Come on, you all go to me."

"As long as you can kill this person, this young master will raise your world status to the first-level."

"Give you the opportunity to save in this world king battle."

The young master of the world of beasts said.

In an instant, as these words fell, more people let go of their hesitation and shot in an instant.

The wages of avarice is death.

That's it.

At this time, Long Fei didn't care at all.

These people have no lethal power to him at all.

His physical body is not said to be invincible, but it is also respected.

But with the power of the flesh, these people can be crushed.


Finally, Long Fei fell with a punch.

The violent physical power evaporated directly in this punch.

In an instant, the person who approached Long Fei first, before he could stand firm, was directly punched by Long Fei.


Flesh and blood fell directly from the void.

Extremely violent.

Simple violence without any extra action.

In an instant, the footsteps of those Myriad Realms stopped abruptly.

"Ah, run, he's a devil."

"Yes, he can suppress Wanjie, we are not opponents at all."

"Damn it, damn it, I was so fascinated that I dared to shoot at him. I"

For a time, countless regretful voices appeared again.

At this moment, they fled wildly.

The young master of the Myriad Beasts and the promotion of the world are all jokes.

In the face of life and death, everything is trivial.

But at this time, there was a hint of sarcasm in Long Fei's eyes.

"The way you licked the dog just now is really like love."

"I don't know, daddy thought you were all serious about your tastes, so what the hell did you love for the young master of the world of beasts?"

"It turns out. You are also afraid of death."

"So, you guys also know that daddy doesn't kill people softly?"

Long Fei spoke quietly, without uttering a word, he threw a punch.




Countless fist shadows erupted at this time, incomparably crazy.

The entire void before the gate of the Myriad Beast Realm was also completely ignited, and the sound of crazy explosions continued one after another.

The illusory clouds were blown up.

At the same time, countless screams erupted at this time.

But just for a moment, it died down and disappeared without a trace.

Because their lives were directly terminated by Long Fei.


At this time, the system's prompt sound began to sound frantically.

However, Long Fei didn't care.

His footsteps are walking towards the young master of the world of beasts.

"You said just now that you don't agree?" Long Fei smiled and asked coldly.

The young master of the Myriad Beast Realm had a ferocious look in his eyes, mad and vicious, and stared at Long Fei, saying:

"Boy... don't be arrogant. These people are just some trash from the lower world."

"Does killing a few trash make you so proud?"

"You two, give it to me."

However, when his voice just fell, he found that the two people from the Myriad Beast Realm in front of him had disappeared without a trace.

And Long Fei's two hands are holding one in one hand.

Then force.

Click click!

The two of them died directly and died without even the sound of begging for mercy. "Now, daddy asks you, to accept? Or not to accept!"

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