The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4322 Dragon Royal All Heavens

Crazy Dragon Town Realm, the skill of the Blade of the Realm King.

This kind of power is not something that Long Fei can use if he wants to.

Too restrictive.

A skill can only be used once, unless the next layer is activated, the skills of this layer can be used infinitely.

But now, it's different.

The power of the source of the world of beasts cannot activate the Five Elements Shrouding the Heavens palm, because the level is not enough.

But the level is too high.

Just like what is often said that the void cannot be filled, with such power, Five Elements Shrouding the Heavens has no luck at all.

On the contrary, he directly unsealed the Blade of the Realm King and activated the second layer.

In this way, Crazy Dragon Town can unscrupulously display it.

In an instant, Long Fei danced wildly with the Blade of the World King.



The mad dragon howled, suppressing the world.

In an instant, a giant dragon that was almost hundreds of thousands long was directly locked in the air.

"Dragon?" The face of the King of Beasts changed, and the corners of his eyes were hesitant.

In the ancient world, the dragon race may have been an extremely brilliant race.

But the starry sky is vast, and it is insignificant at all.

Especially after being suppressed by the Xuan clan, he disappeared from the stars.

But what shocked Long Fei was that the face of the King of the Beast Realm showed a look of fear after seeing this mad dragon.

"Afraid? The King of the Beast Realm will be afraid when he sees a dragon? Is it because of Long Batian?"

I was shocked.

Long Fei couldn't think of Long Batian.

"It seems that there are still many unsolved mysteries about the legend of Long Batian."

"If it's only half a month of super perfection, to defend against foreign races, how can it be possible for the strong world above this star to feel fear?"

"Long Batian"

Long Fei was slightly taken aback.

But don't understand at all.

Thought in the space that has been shattered, the scales that barely maintain their shape, the heart is gloomy.

But now the King of the Beast Realm is the key.

There is no time to think about Long Batian at all.

At this time, Long Fei's mind just returned, and the wild laughter of the king of the beasts came from the void.

"Hahaha, sure enough, you can come out of the ancient world, and it really has something to do with that dog thing Long Batian."

"There are also thirteen kings."

"But this is the best way, no matter what secrets you have, it will become the capital of this king."

After a short period of panic, the King of the Beast Realm turned into a ruthless one.

Cruel and bloodthirsty.

It was as if he wished he could give Long Fei a cramp and give him a thorough study.

Having said that, the King of the Beast Realm became even more violent.

In his hands, the sword of rules danced wildly.

Brush brush!


The incomparably surging power of rules erupted on the long sword.

The mad dragon roared in the void, and the dragon body swayed continuously.

Resist this power.

Bang bang!

Click click!

However, the moment when the two forces collided.

One after another scales began to peel off.

It's just that this Crazy Dragon Town is just Long Fei's skills, there is no entity at all, and what is lost is only Long Fei's spiritual source value.

A piece of scale fell, and Long Fei felt that the spiritual source value in his body had been pulled out by hundreds of thousands.

In an instant, millions of spiritual source values ​​were extracted.

This kind of consumption, even Long Fei felt stunned.

"Damn, this kind of consumption, shouldn't I be drained?" Long Fei's heart tightened.

Before beheading Emperor Xuan, it was also the realm of Crazy Dragon Town.

But it's not that troublesome at all, Crazy Dragon One Town is just madly crushing.

But now, in the face of this sword of rules, the mad dragon cannot become mad.

Long Fei's face was a little stunned.

I never imagined that the power of this rule would be so powerful.

The power of the law that was swallowed up in the practice was not without, but the difference between the law and the rule, the difference is inexplicable.

Because the law is the power of the existence of heaven and earth.

And the rules are a kind of iron law that the most powerful people set out as prisons.

Represents an absolutely strong will.

The rule of ten thousand worlds is the will of tens of thousands of strong people.

The power in it is simply not something that the mad dragon can suppress.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, the King of the Beast Realm continued to use his sword.

The entire mad dragon rolled in the void in an instant, becoming more and more illusory.

"No, the power of Crazy Dragon Town is not an opponent at all."

"At this rate, daddy is afraid that he will not be an opponent if he is sucked into adulthood." Long Fei's heart sank, and he hurriedly put his hand away.


In an instant, the mad dragon disappeared, and above the entire void, only the rules still radiated endless pressure.

"Come on, keep jumping. Do you think this is still your ancient world?"

"A person who has never even been touched by the title of honor, what if he is a realm king?"

"You don't even know what the will to rule is."

"Dare to be arrogant?" The King of the Beast Realm said, extremely resentful.

Even if he could crush Long Fei at this time, it would not be able to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

At this time, countless figures gathered above the void of the forces of the Myriad Beast Realm.

They are all people of the world.

The rules of Wanjie were almost overturned. As the strongest person in Wanjie, he naturally felt it and quickly sent someone to check.

These people are the world under the world of beasts.

"It's ridiculous, you want to overturn the rules?"

"It's still crazy, why aren't you crazy this time?"

"Don't look at it, this kid is dead this time, the rules are the rules, what kind of rubbish can be disobedient?"

"But it's too cheap for him to die like this. The powerhouses in our world all died because of him. If people from the ancient world come, they must not be allowed to eat good fruits."

The powerhouses of the ten thousand worlds gathered, looking at the fierceness of the king of the ten thousand beasts, they all looked at Long Fei with incomparable contempt.

Long Fei must die.

This is their perception.

At this time, Long Fei had already withdrawn from the Wild Dragon Town, and the huge consumption made him feel exhausted.

"Mom sells batches, daddy doesn't show his power, is it really a mess?" Long Fei's eyes froze.

The blade of the realm king in his hand was raised again.

"Haha, how dare you make a move? Waste, your power, in front of this king's rules, is a piece of scum."

"It's okay to resist. The more you resist, the more excited this king will be."

"When all your means are exhausted, this king will send you down to The Underworld with another sword, making you completely desperate."

The King of the Beast Realm laughed, and the rules in his hand turned sharply before cutting down on Long Fei.


This time, it was even more violent.

The power of the rules has been fully developed to the extreme.

Terribly strong.

Even the star sky, under the rules of the ten thousand worlds, began to fall.

In the middle of the entire battle, there is a scene of doomsday.

However, Long Fei's eyes were extremely determined.

Looking at the Blade of the Realm King, he took a deep breath.

"Send daddy to The Underworld, you are not qualified yet."

"The first knife is not good, then another knife."

"It's just the rules of the world, and you still want to suppress daddy?"

"There is only one rule of daddy, that is, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, and gods block and kill gods."

"Long Yu Zhutian, kill me!"

Long Fei shouted and finally shot. The second skill of the King's Blade, Long Yu Zhutian, is on stage.

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