The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4323 Slaying The King Of The Beast Realm

Draw the knife to break the void, and the dragon controls the heavens.

Long Fei took out a knife, as if he were king in the world.

With a knife in hand, there is no taboo in the world.

This Dragon Royal Nine Heavens is the second sword of the Blade of the Realm King.

The conditions are also extremely harsh, and it can only be used once, unless the third power is unblocked, it can be used unlimited times.

But now, Long Fei didn't have the heart to pay attention to these.

Whoa, whoa!

At this moment, a knife roared, and Jiuxiao was empty, and it became extremely depressed in an instant.

All sounds are silent.

There was only one sound of dragon roar, which kept coming out.

Like a thunder, it is extremely dull, but it makes all living beings in awe.


In an instant, a blade of light covered the heavens, and the nine dragon shadows were like knives, connected to each other, directly penetrating the void.

Immediately afterwards, a giant dragon was born under Long Fei's feet.

Directly set Long Fei's figure on the sky.

Like a king high above, he rules the heavens.


The dragon roared.

At this moment, the entire void is full of dragon roars.

"Is this still a dragon?"

"How could this be? I feel a sense of humility in my heart, and I can't help but kneel down."

"Nine dragons cover the void, it's terrifying."

How big is the void?

It's indescribable at all.

But now, the figures of the nine giant dragons directly encompass the entire void.

Although it is only the sky above the world of beasts, this side of the world, but it is enough to shock these people.

Of course, the one who responded the most was the King of the Beast Realm.

Face full of disbelief.

At this moment, it was him, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably.

In other words, the sword of rules in his hand was shaking.

Click click!

At this time, cracks began to appear between the rules in the hands of the King of Beasts.

"No, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible that there is any power that can override the rules."

"Sword of rules, slash."


The King of the Beast Realm looks like a madman.

Keep waving the sword of rules in your hand.


But also at this time, the nine endings were connected, and the giant dragon that encompassed the void, opened its dragon eyes in the twilight, and looked at the King of the Beast Realm at the same time.


Kowloon roared.

The heavens shook.

The sound of roar shattered the void directly.

Under this voice, the people of all worlds were suffocated, and their bodies were constantly being oppressed. In the end, they knelt down directly and worshipped Long Fei.

It is the King of the Beast Realm, and it is not much better at this time.

The sword of rules in his hand collapsed directly, and the power of ten thousand rules instantly turned into nothingness.

The body of the King of the Beasts was crushed by the power of the Nine Dragons in an instant.


puff puff!

Puff puff!

The King of the Beast Realm vomited blood in an instant, as if he didn't want money, the blood arrows shot out one after another.

Stab it!

The enormous oppressive power even collapsed the Realm King costume on him.

Direct annihilation, leaving no trace.

"Ah ah ah."

"Impossible, the power of rules, the power of my rules" The King of the Beast Realm's face changed suddenly, his eyes were like spitting fire, and his teeth were gnashing.

Looking at Long Fei, the killing intent burst into the sky.

In the void, Long Fei kept smacking his tongue.

"Damn, is it that fierce?"

"The power of the rules of the world is gone?"

"Do you want to be so violent?"

Long Fei was very excited, but he couldn't be too excited.

I never thought that the second knife of the Blade of the Realm King would be so fierce.

The powerful Long Fei of the Blade of the Realm King knew that he had placed enough hope on this blade, and thought that it would be no problem to explode the realm king of all beasts in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the power of this knife has not been cut out yet.

Just getting started.

The rules of Wan Dao collapsed directly, even the King of the Beast Realm couldn't hold it at all, and even the battle armor burst.

True invincibility.

A thought flashed by, and Long Fei no longer hesitated.

Riding on the Yutian Zhilong, the blade of the realm king in his hand reversed and slashed down.

In an instant, the whole world froze.

Everything has disappeared, only this supreme knife remains.

And at this time, the King of the Beast Realm suddenly shouted.

"No! My Myriad Beast Realm is a super strong realm."

"This king is also a super strong in the world, and it is absolutely impossible to lose to you."

"The supreme beast in the world of beasts, Rong!"

The King of the Beast Realm roared, and his body began to change continuously.

The entire body began to swell directly, and even barbs of animal hair began to appear on the body.

Each one is like a towering giant tree, extremely ferocious.

Long Fei was also taken aback.

The change of the King of the Beast Realm at this time made him instantly think of a person.

Tiger Wu Tianzun.

This method is like the second form.

However, this kind of power and coercion is simply not comparable to Tiger Wu Tianzun.

This kind of change is a direct incarnation of a mad beast, which is extremely violent.




The mad beast incarnated by the King of Beasts suddenly stood up. standing in the void.

"Haha, bastard, this king has integrated the power of the beasts of my myriad beasts, even the sky can overturn it."

"Your strength can't hurt me at all."

"Haha, show me another arrogant one?" The King of the Beast Realm transformed into a mad beast and laughed arrogantly.

In the mad laughter, he punched directly between the heavens and the earth.

And Long Fei's knife fell suddenly at this moment.


The two forces collided.

Instantly burst out with endless bright light.


The sound of explosions continued.

But at this moment, a scream suddenly appeared

"No, how is it possible, how can this happen?"

"I am the flesh. No, no."

Is the king of beasts.

The screams continued one after another, almost mourning.

"Stupid, is the power of the Blade of the Realm King so bad?"

"Emperor Xuan was so arrogant that he was cut by the blade of the realm king."

"Do you think that you are immortal? Heavenly beasts in the world of beasts? You must die the same way." Long Fei said coldly.

Before Kowloon Yukong, he stabbed the world.

It's all just the starting style of this dragon and the heavens.

The real damage is in this knife.

No matter what you fuse, under this knife, there is no life.

At this time, above the entire void, there was a sudden roar.

Pieces of the remnants fell like mountains.

It is the king of all beasts.

This time, Long Fei's body was directly slashed into pieces by Long Fei.

"No don't kill me."

"I can give you everything that the world of beasts has now."

"You can directly control all worlds, and in one leap, you can become a super strong world where all worlds intersect."

"As long as you can let me go, anything is fine."

The King of the Beast Realm, who had only one head left, begged wildly for mercy.

But Long Fei was completely indifferent.

"Begging for mercy? Did daddy kill your son?" Long Fei said.

"So what? As long as I'm still alive, I will have as many sons as I want," said the King of the Beast Realm.

All dignity is given up.

Don't care about anything, just keep begging Long Fei to let him die.

However, from Long Fei's point of view, he was completely a clown.

"What you said, as long as it kills you, the daddy will not be less."

"Daddy said the rule of 10,000 is a piece of shit."

"The daddy's rule is that Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, and gods block and kill gods. You are no exception."


Long Fei's eyes were certain, and the blade of the realm king in his hand suddenly fell. "Ding!"

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