The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4344 Catching Turtles In The Urn?

Slash with a sword!

The King of Dayang was directly decapitated by Long Fei's sword, and the corpse was separated instantly.

"Do not"

The head of the King of Dayang, with the only remaining consciousness, let out a sound of unwillingness.

When he died, he couldn't understand why the power of the goddess could even compete with the invincible powerhouses in the Zunjie world, but he couldn't help Long Fei. Even Long Fei's fur was not hurt at all.

It's just that he didn't have a chance to find an answer at all.

"Ding, congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 624 cultivators in the Dayang Realm, accumulating 8.4 billion points of experience, 84,000,000 spiritual source points, and 624 rage points."

"Ding, congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing the King of Dayang Realm, gaining 120,000,000 experience points, 12,000,000 spiritual source points, and 1 frenzy value."

"Ding, congratulations player, get the Star Demon Passage Order."

Nothing else.

But it was also within Long Fei's expectations.

These people are all small, and it is beyond his expectations to be able to give so much experience.

Especially the King of the Sun Realm, the experience he gave was enough to shock Long Fei.

You must know that in the world of beasts, the realm king of Northern Dipper, the realm king of the world, more than 10,000 realm king-level powerhouses, gave less than 200 billion experience, but now, a big sun realm king has given it More than 100 million.

"It's weird!"

Long Fei was stunned.


Although this Great Sun Realm King is very powerful, he must contain some kind of power that he does not know about, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to give so much experience with the system's conventions.

Thinking of this, Long Fei did not hesitate at all, and chose to be violent.

At this time, the fury value is also emptied directly at one time.

At the same time, the system sound also appeared

"Ding, congratulations to the player for gaining the power of a goddess."

Long Fei is sure

"The power of a goddess?"

Immediately, there was a force that confronted the figure walking out of the goddess sculpture before.

The previous power, even Long Fei felt unusual.

Even the physical body can be shaken.

If it wasn't for the improvement of his Cultivation Base, the pure physical power would have been unstoppable.

It can be seen that this power is also extremely terrifying.

Thinking of this, Long Fei directly checked the strength attribute.

"After the civilization of the goddess's power, the first person to walk out of the Dayang Realm, with monstrous strength, realize the rejuvenation of the Dayang Realm, this power is equivalent to the goddess herself, 30% of the power is a blow. At the same time, it is also the status symbol of the King of the Dayang Realm."

Long Fei's eyes were stunned.

Repeated deliberation in my mind.

"Damn, this is awesome. 30% of the power has this kind of power. If you encounter a goddess, wouldn't it mean that I'm not an opponent?"

Long Fei was extremely shocked.

The higher the Cultivation Base, the bigger the gap.

Don't say how many percent, even just a pinch of strength is enough to determine success or failure.

Involuntarily, Long Fei also had some expectations for this goddess.

He had a feeling that he and this goddess would meet again one day.

But this power is useless to him at all.

At this stage, what he relies on is his own physical power and system power.

His clone has not returned, and this power cannot be absorbed and refined.

On the contrary, it is the most suitable for Jiang Chunqiu.

"Jiang Chunqiu, you did a good job this time and didn't disappoint me," Long Fei said.

Saying that, he directly threw the power of the goddess in Jiang Chunqiu's hands.

"Now that Dayang Realm has been washed with blood, I believe that the rest of the people can be controlled by your strength."

"Now, the power of this goddess is given to you. After today, you are the realm king of the Great Sun World," Long Fei said.

There are no waves in the past and present, and the old gods are there.

In a word, directly seal the king.

Jiang Chunqiu was extremely excited, and his eyes were full of endless gratitude.

His hands were almost trembling, he looked at Long Fei and nodded heavily.

"grown ups."

Jiang Chunqiu had tears in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that Long Fei would blame him, or even anger him, because of the actions of the King of Dayang and others.

But did not expect, not at all.

Instead, he directly made him the king of the world.

This change made Jiang Chunqiu feel like a new born, and he was even more grateful to Long Fei in his heart.

Long Fei's expression instantly froze, and he said quickly

"Don't be hypocritical, lest daddy go back in his heart and leave you alone in this Great Yang Realm."

In an instant, Jiang Chunqiu seemed to change his face, and his whole person was solemn.

At this time, Long Fei's eyes were also looking at the space channel in the distance.

The space channel here has been opened, but it was cut in half by his own sword just now.

"Now this empty space map channel has carried so many people." Long Fei said, his eyes swept over everyone.

All the realm kings froze for a moment, looked at each other, and scrambled to be the first, and burst into a ball.

"Sir, let me follow you."

"Yeah, my lord, the people of Monster World are so rampant, it's just unconscionable, I must kill them."

"This group of people are bloodthirsty worms in the starry sky. My world has been devoured by them for ten thousand years. This time, I will let them pay their debts with blood."

With a bang, he moved forward desperately, for fear of being left behind by Long Fei.

Long Fei took a deep breath and fixed his eyes on Wang Yun.

Sigh heavily.

"No need, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu just follow me."

"You all take the aircraft and go directly to the Zunjie to lie dormant. When I solve the monster world, let's go over the Zunjie together." Long Fei said, his eyes were very firm.

Many realm kings were stunned for a moment, and their eyes were extremely disappointed.

Some people even hesitated, wanting to follow Long Fei to fight.

But Long Fei didn't pay any attention to it at all, and stepped directly into the space channel of the star Monster World in one step.

Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu didn't dare to stop, and followed them with excitement.

Only the realm kings sighed.

"Hey, this time, the two of them got a bargain."

"No way, since the lord has an order, we can't do it."

"But it's okay, now let's go to Zunjie and explore the way for the adults first."

Everyone said, one after another silhouettes also rose into the air and entered the aircraft again.

At this time, Dayang Realm was a million miles away.

Several figures stopped.

It was Liu Luoxi and others.

"How's it going? Can we deduce their current situation?" Liu Luoxi looked haggard and listless.

A look of concern.

What she asked was exactly Yourou.

At this time, You Rou is using the power of spreading the sky to isolate the time and space of millions of miles, and wants to evolve the status quo of the star Monster World.


But at this moment, the power in You Rou's hand suddenly stopped, and her body was instantly hit by a star light that landed in the void, and flew out directly.


You Rou vomited blood, her face suddenly pale, but she still gritted her teeth and said.

"I can't see, the power of Star Monster World is too powerful, and there are countless Star powers surrounding it, and my power is simply beyond reach."

"Also, I feel like a terrifying formation is forming outside Monster World." "They are trying to catch turtles in the urn."

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