The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4345 Rampage Star Monster World King

Yourou was extremely weak, and when she said this, there was a bit of horror in her eyes.

Hong Qiuye frowned, looking at several people with a solemn expression;

"It seems that this time things are more serious than we thought." Hong Qiuye said.

This time, they originally wanted to rush into the star Monster World desperately, but they knew better in their hearts that if they were also captured, then all hope would be lost.

Therefore, they can only follow step by step, cautious and cautious.

They still have to wait for Long Fei and save people, so they must not miss anything.

"It seems that the other party is prepared. However, how do I feel that the opponent's such a big battle, it seems that we are not the one to deal with." Aoya said suddenly.

At this time, Aoya was extremely calm.

Although Vajra and several Great Emperor inheritances, and even Xiao Wudi have had an accident.

But Aoya has always been extremely calm in her thinking because of her cultivation insight into Sword Technique.

Except when facing Long Fei, he will lose all his senses.

Other times, they will find out one by one.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Luoxi and Hong Qiuye's expressions changed.

"Aoya is right. The opponent's strength is already very strong. If it is just to deal with us, there is no need to spend a lot of time to set up such a Luotian big net."

"Even Yourou's strength can't be deduced, and she even bounced back directly. It can be seen that this time, the other party has really moved."

"So it's very likely that they are dealing with someone else this time." Hong Qiuye also calmed down and said following Aoya's train of thought.

As soon as she finished speaking, the eyes of several people were condensed, and then they were connected in an instant.

"It's my husband!"

"It's Long Fei's big brother!"

A look of surprise appeared on the faces of several people.

"It can't be wrong, the other party must be targeting her husband, and only her husband can threaten to make the other party do everything possible."

Liu Luoxi said.

They already knew that Long Fei had stirred up the storm in the starry sky.

They already know the crusade against the world.

So, seeing the extremely strong formation laid out by Monster World at this time, I already guessed that the opponent was going to deal with Long Fei.

"No, since the other party has already taken action, the husband must already know what happened to Xiao Wudi and others."

"According to her husband's character, he will kill him desperately."

"In this way, there may be some danger." Liu Luoxi said.

She knows Long Fei too well. In Long Fei's world, the existence of herself and others is higher than everything, and even Long Fei's own life is not necessarily more important than them.

For a moment, the expressions on several people's faces became even more flustered.

"Since this is the case, there is no other way, this star Monster World, we have to go, or we have to go."

"Moreover, it is necessary to arrive before the husband arrives, and inform the husband in time." You Rou said.

The crowd nodded.

At this time, Xiao Yaya also came forward and said in a milky voice.

"Several sisters, why don't I go ahead? They don't know me at all. When I get to Monster World, I can use the power of immortality to steal the sky and change the sun, reverse the time and space, and lead you there." Xiao Yaya said.

A determined look.

The girls were stunned for a moment, and immediately objected.

"No, it's too dangerous to let you go alone."

"They have already had an accident. This time, we must not let you have the slightest accident again." Liu Luoxi said, with a firm tone that could not be refused.

But at this time, Hong Qiuye suddenly said

"Little Yaya can't go alone."

"Because, without me, she couldn't even get into Monster World."

"So, I'll go with Xiao Yaya." Hong Qiuye said. Liu Luoxi opened her mouth and was about to stop it, but was interrupted by Hong Qiuye, "Sister Liu, when it's not mother-in-law and mother-in-law, the more we delay, the more dangerous they are, even Long Fei's big brother, may be in crisis

. "

"There's no time to think about it."

"Sister Yourou, you should have a good rest first. After all, when the time comes, you should cooperate with Xiao Yaya inside and outside, darken Chencang, and directly enter the world of star demons." Hong Qiuye said.

After speaking, he took a step forward and injected the power of own world king directly into the boat on the other side.

Originally, the boat on the other side, which had lost all its power, regained some strength under the power of Hong Qiuye.

And she took the little girl away.

Only Liu Luoxi was left, watching them leave with infinite worry. .


At the same time, in the monster world, the super powerhouses of the Nine Heavens have all gathered.

This time, the real thing is that the world is too reconciled.

Of course, in addition to the Phoenix world and Zun world, and the Northern Dipper world.

The remaining few worlds, all poured into the Star Monster World.

Because now, for them, it is also a turning point of fate.

Whoever can kill Long Fei, whose world can stand out. , You can directly become a super strong world without even participating in the world king's hegemony.

Such a good thing, who wants to miss it?

Therefore, it is impossible for them to tolerate Star Monster World's behavior of wanting to eat poisonous weeds.

In the Star Palace, the star Monster World king looked unkind, looked at the six people in front of him, and said nothing.

These six people are the super powerhouses in the six worlds of Shenmiao Realm, Xianzong Realm, Xichen Realm, Tianyuan Realm, Crazy Domination Realm, and Furious Sea Realm. Of course, they are not real world kings.

After all, these realm kings are all arrogant people. Except for Zun Zhou, no one obeys the other's master.

"King Xing Monster World, my lord said that this time, since it is the order of Zun Zun, then we cannot let Xing Monster World help."

"Yes, that's what my elders mean too."

"Also, my lord also said it. This Long Fei is a tough bone. Even the world of beasts has been destroyed, and the king of the world of Northern Dipper is no match. I'm afraid that the monster world will be difficult to resist, so Let us support."

"It should be like this, how could it be possible to let the Monster World family make a move, otherwise I would be too embarrassed to wait, and what face would I have to stand in the world."

"My lord."

"My lord."

The six people said one word at a time, and the words were not good.

They had already seen that, Xing Monster World wanted to swallow Long Fei alone.

Because of this, even in the face of the King of the Monster World, they have little respect.

At this time, King Star Monster World also had a frosty expression on his face, with a somewhat rebellious smile on the corner of his mouth, extremely cold.

Immediately, his eyes turned to several people

"Hahaha, that's ridiculous."

"Your lord?"

"Your grown-up is a fart? Robbing with a daddy? They are also worthy?" said the King of Monster World coldly.

In an instant, the King Hoshi Monster World's body shook.

The endless star light burst in from outside the void in an instant, illuminating the entire Star Palace.

As for the Star Palace, it seemed that some kind of power was activated at this time, and a series of powers appeared directly, tying the six people directly.

"Just relying on you group of trash, dare to talk to this seat like that?"

"Are you afraid that you have forgotten who you are?"

"Don't look at who you are."

Star Monster World King's tone was gloomy and full of disdain. "Now, you can either get out of here, or just stay here and watch Daddy, how to catch the thief."

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