The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4346 Roll Aside

Void fluctuations.

In the endless void, a black hole suddenly formed, just like a space wormhole, something out of nothing, and suddenly appeared.

Brush brush!

Three figures appeared directly.

It was the three of Long Fei.

"Here? Is it the sphere of influence of Xing Monster World?" Long Fei was stunned and puzzled.

The existence here is completely different from what Long Fei thought.

There is no Star Palace, no Star Monster World people, and no brothers who are thinking of in their hearts.

It's like going to the wrong set, it doesn't exist at all.

Here, there is nothingness at all, not even a single star exists. Even Long Fei, the world that the naked eye can see is only about the size of a star from the earth, and it is terrifyingly far away.

"My lord. I'm afraid there is a mistake in the transmission between us."

"This place shouldn't be Monster World," Jiang Chunqiu said with a look of apprehension.

He was too aware of Long Fei's mood. Even if he delayed one more minute, it would be torture for Long Fei.

But now, the teleportation has gone wrong, so how can they calm down.

"Damn, why is there an error in the space channel?"

"There is clearly no problem with all operations, right?"

"Why is this?"

Long Fei's face was filled with remorse.

This kind of thing, he did not expect.

A moment ago, he was still imagining that when he arrived at the Star Monster World, he must cut the Star Monster World King into eight pieces and frantically turn the Star Monster World.

But now, everything is empty.

I can't even find the direction of the star Monster World, and I'm still fighting.

For a time, Long Fei's anger began to rise.

At this time, Wang Yun, who was beside him, suddenly said

"My lord, I seem to know that this place, this place, should be the Starfall Realm."

Long Fei was taken aback.

"Starfall Realm?"

The difference between Xing Yao Xingyun and Xingyun is one word, but they are thousands of miles apart.

Star Monster World is a super strong world, and there are countless strong people.

But the Starfall World is only a Minor World under the Ten Thousand Beast World. Even the Ten Thousand Beast World has been overturned by Long Fei, and this Starfall World is even more unbearable.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for triggering the system task, refining the Starfall Realm, and obtaining the power of Star."

"The mission time is three days."

"The mission rewards any world shuttle door."

But at this moment, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

"I'm fucking you uncle!"

"System, is f*ck trying to kill me?"

Long Fei almost roared in his heart.

As soon as the system's voice appeared, Long Fei immediately had the answer in his heart. There was no doubt that the system must have made a direct jump to this nebula world because of the failure of the space shuttle this time.

Otherwise, what kind of power can be so powerful, and the space channel will be confused directly without knowing it.

However, no matter how angry Long Fei was, the system did not respond.

And Long Fei's breath gradually stabilized, looking up at Wang Yun


Long Fei said, in the scarlet eyes, killing intent surged.

At this moment, he had no choice but to overturn the Starfall Realm.

"Sir. What are we going to do?"

Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu were taken aback.

This place is far from the star Monster World.

In order to get to the star Monster World, it is necessary to re-transmit, but in this case, it will take too long.

When they walked again, I was afraid that the day lilies would be cold.

They were worried that Long Fei would be hit by some kind of blow, but they didn't expect Long Fei to turn around so quickly.

Similarly, their expressions were also happy, thinking that Long Fei had found a way and went back again.

"Surely you are an adult, and you found a solution so quickly, awesome!"

"It's an adult, it's arrogant."

Jiang Chunqiu and Wang Yun said.

Wang Yun is not good at talking, nor is he flattering, but at this time, he still said it along the way.

But The next moment, Long Fei's words directly extinguished their hopes.

"I can't help it." Long Fei said, a little in his hand, and continued.

"However, as long as this side of the world is destroyed, that's enough!" Long Feihan said in a cold voice, his killing intent raging wildly.

Behind them, Jiang Chunqiu and Wang Yun were both shocked.

He looked at Long Fei in disbelief.

But Long Fei didn't have any more explanation at all, he stepped out and headed directly towards the Starfall Realm.

Jiang Chunqiu and Wang Yun looked at each other, and they were extremely surprised.

However, since Long Fei said so, even if they had doubts in their hearts, they did not dare to hesitate, and they directly followed Long Fei's footsteps and swept over them in an instant.

At this time, what Long Fei didn't know was that a figure was frantically traveling through the void in order to find his existence.

It is the king of Northern Dipper.

"Well? Not there? I clearly sensed through the power of Northern Dipper that this kid had been to the Great Yang Realm before, how could he suddenly be gone?"

"Space channel? No, this space channel is also messed up, and it is not transmitted to the star demon world at all."

The Northern Dipper King's face was somewhat gloomy and suspicious.

The seven rays of light in his hand flicker and flicker, but if you look closely, you can see that these seven powers are all small people, and they are merging each other's power in a very strange form.

Suddenly, the seven powers merged into one again.

Immediately afterwards, an image suddenly appeared in front of the Northern Dipper Realm King.

It's a broken world.

"This garbage world? Why did Long Fei go to this garbage world? Does he not want to save his brother and son?" The hesitation on Northern Dipper's face grew stronger.

But immediately, the King of Northern Dipper suddenly burst into joy, as if he had thought of something

"Hahaha, yes, it must be like this."

"It must be that Long Fei knew that he was not an opponent, so he wanted to find the power left by the ancient world before civilization."

"Hahaha, no wonder, after such a civilization, I never found that mysterious power. It turned out to be in such a dilapidated world."

"Jie Jie, you group of big idiots are waiting for others to be caught in the world of the star demon. But you can't think of it, now it will become the food in this seat's mouth."

The King of Northern Dipper was overjoyed and laughed wildly.

Immediately afterwards, the power in his hand moved again, and a portal was directly pulled out of the void, and he entered in an instant.

The screen turned around and Long Fei was there.

At this time, Long Fei had already descended over the world of Starfall.

"Sir, this is Starfall World, but why is it different from what I remember?" Wang Yun said suddenly.

"Well? What's the difference?" Long Fei asked back.

He has killed a lot of people in the Starfall World, and even his physical power can be increased through this Star power.

Therefore, Long Fei has a deep memory of this world. "Sir, just before, when we went to the Wan Monster World, the Starfall World was not so stable. But in just a few days, this world has far surpassed the ordinary Minor World, as if something had changed, too much. Weird." Wang Yun

Said honestly.

Long Fei paused for a moment, but soon, his eyes refocused

"Don't think about it, no matter how mysterious the world is."

"It's impossible to change Daddy's determination." "My purpose is only one, and that is to explode the Starfall World." Long Fei said.

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