The two of them were so angry that their eyes could burst into flames.

However, there is no way.

If you don't resist, you still have a chance to survive until Long Fei arrives.

However, if you take action, you will be devoured by the violent Star power in an instant.

Moreover, in the whole world now, there are more and more people in the Starfall World, especially the last few people, Cultivation Base is basically equivalent to them.

I am afraid that even if they are shot, they may not be opponents.

"What should I do, the lord hasn't appeared yet." Jiang Chunqiu said in a low voice, in a helpless tone.

Even extremely frustrating.

If they came here, a crazy battle.

Even if they die in battle, they won't feel anything.

However, now there is not even a chance to make a move, and it is directly finalized as a dead end.

In this case, they want to kill themselves every minute in their hearts.

This is simply an insult to their existence.

"Damn, I, Wang Yun, as the king of the world of war, are also a figure who traverses all worlds. But today, I feel that this is a great shame for the tens of thousands of years of the king's career!" Wang Yun said bitterly.

However, because the breath was too heavy, his Cultivation Base was shaved off a layer in an instant, and the whole person instantly stabilized.

Jiang Chunqiu was stunned for a moment and took a deep breath.

"Calm down, calm down. However, do you think this change is because of adults?" Jiang Chunqiu said suddenly.

Wang Yun was also stunned at this time.

"Yes, it's very possible. Your lord clearly came in before us, but disappeared halfway."

"It must be because he sensed something, so he entered another place."

"Now, that place has been breached by the adults, which has made this Starfall World become what it is now." Wang Yun said.

More and more excited.

Even if his own Cultivation Base is quickly consumed, he no longer cares.

"Calm down, I just said that, don't get too excited. What if it wasn't?" Jiang Chunqiu pulled Wang Yun.

For fear that Wang Yun would be too excited, he would have become a waste person before Long Fei arrived.

"Hahaha, it can't be wrong."

"Lao Jiang, look at it, I have a hunch that your lord will come soon." Wang Yun said.

At this time, the people of Xingyun World also noticed Wang Yun's abnormality.

"Is this guy crazy?"

"It must have been known that he was going to die, and he was insane."

"It's just courting death, but that's fine, it saves us from waiting longer."

The people of Starfall World said, their faces full of indifference

Of course, in the indifference, he was already moved, and he looked at Wang Yun, who was about to be swallowed up, and sucked his breath, as if he was looking at a plate of delicious food.

It was also at this moment that the elder of the Starfall Realm suddenly took a step forward, and within one step, he came directly to the void of Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu.

"Dare to laugh when you're looking for a dead end, when you're dying?"

"Are you glad to be our inner strength?"

"In this case, daddy will fulfill you." The elder of the Starfall Realm said, killing intent.

Then, with a move of his hands, as if he had penetrated into the void, he directly drew out a star's power, which turned into a punch in his hand.

"Death!" The elder shouted angrily.

He punched out and went straight to Wang Yun.

Wang Yun's face changed suddenly, and he wanted to block, only to find that the Cultivation Base in his whole body had basically been used up.

"No! Lord, save me!" Wang Yun shouted, looking at the void.

However, there was no reaction at all in the void.

"Huh? Your lord? Even if you kneel down and beg for mercy now, it's too late. If this Elder makes a move, you will surely die." The elder said with disdain in his eyes.


This punch is extremely fast.

A stream of light was drawn directly, which cannot be captured by the naked eye.

Suddenly, Wang Yun's face turned ashen.

His eyes were full of unwillingness.

But at this moment, Jiang Chunqiu moved, put in all his strength, and jumped in an instant.


A blast.

I saw Jiang Chunqiu's figure flying out.

Puff puff!

The frantic vomiting of blood, together with the power of his own Cultivation Base, was also consumed in an instant at this time.

"Old Jiang!" Wang Yun shouted loudly.

He knew that if Jiang Chunqiu hadn't shot, he would have been dead at this time.

"It's okay, I'm still alive." Jiang Chunqiu said.

His tone was already extremely weak, and this punch directly injured him, and he couldn't bear it at all.

"Hmph, do we share weal and woe?"

"That's just right, the old man will send you to die together. Although your power does not dissipate by itself, there are some losses."

"But it doesn't matter. Now that the world has changed, it won't be long before we can reach the peak of cultivation."

"go to hell."

The elder of the Starfall Realm had a cold expression on his face.

very angry.

Originally, Wang Yun's strength had been exhausted, and there was no problem with beheading him.

Because their power is consumed in this starfall world, it will be completely integrated into the heaven and the earth. As long as anyone kills them, they can immediately take the power of the Cultivation Base that originally belonged to them.

However, now that Jiang Chunqiu forcibly took a shot, and received another punch from him, all the power directly dissipated into nothingness.

Therefore, this made the elder of the Starfall World extremely angry.

Let's just say, with a move of both hands, the elder elder directly pulled out a star's power from nothingness, gathered it in his hand, turned it into a long sword, and crashed down.

Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu had wry smiles on their faces.

At this point, they have no way out.

There is no hope of breaking free.

But at this moment, the entire Starfall World suddenly trembled violently.

Like being overturned by some force.



The endless roar, even the natives of the Starfall World couldn't bear the power of this roar, and their faces became extremely flustered.

"Who is it? What power is this?"

"No, why, why is my power also being swallowed up. Impossible, I am a person from Starfall World."

"No, no, elder, help."

A panicked voice appeared.

The elder of the Starfall Realm suddenly changed his face, and just as he was about to turn around, his eyes were attracted by a strange sound that appeared in the void.


Void burst.

Then, a figure came into their eyes.

"Who are you?" said the elder of the Starfall Realm in a cold voice.

He has already guessed that the changes in the Starfall World are related to the person in front of him.

"grown ups!"

"Sir, you are finally here."

At this time, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu spoke at the same time, with tears in their eyes.

Endless hope grows in his eyes.

Long Fei, on the other hand, glanced at Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu lightly, and nodded slightly.

But he didn't speak, just looked at the elder of the Starfall Realm with a bad expression: "The Starfall Realm? That's right, die for me."

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